Play Long War 2

It's about time someone came out and said it. This mod is just objectively better than vanilla XCOM 2, and is still much better than WoTC with all its glamour.

Why's that

it isn't but ok

Long war 1 was better

oh yes OP it sure is fun playing a single supply raid for 2+ hours because there are 50+ enemies on the map since you'll need about that many corpses to get anything done before the game starts throwing ridiculous enemies at you

while wotc isnt perfect, they at least found a good way to make the strategic layer pressure the player into making more active choices to counter/find the Chosen before they fuck your base up - all LW2 has is LOLFACELESS HUNT

The biggest thing that's an improvement is how the hit/miss/graze/crit systems work. Second would be the larger scale of battles, giving you more options to work with each time. Third would be that there is actually thinking involved on the strategy lair. I could go on here.

Luckily, starting a supply raid without 100% infliltration is not possible, so a scenario with 50+ enemies is only possible late game, and only sometimes.

And I will go on damnit.
The enemy variety is better. Just having the different ADVENT trooper types was cool, let alone the extra aliens.
The classes. There are more, and they are far more balanced than in vanilla.
Different mission types. Most of them are very well made, aside from the goddamn Rendezvous missions.
Super tense situations with HQ assaults and ADVENT region assaults.

Beeble says it's shite so I will never play it

And the biggest thing is that the game never feels easy. Meanwhile, the entire second half of the campaign in vanilla is your victory lap.

I'll just wait for the WotC version.


there isn't going to be one

Sorry to disappoint you bud, but it aint gonna come out.

Why not? There was one for Enemy Within so why not WotC?

And the only gripe with the mod I have is that the AI has problems handling more that 8 units at a time, so it does dumb shit like double moving. Even though it feels that this has been improved with the patches.
But hey, if there's something else besides siklly AI and the faceless missions, do tell.

Pavonis announced that they are working on their own game, so no update for WoTC.

Nice try, Lumps.

It's a bit tedious but yeah still better than vanilla

No rebuttals, as expected.
Now go play it.

Yeah but WoTC runs well, Long War runs like absolute crap

So I'm waiting for LW for WoTC, but I don't think they're working on it.

The poor performance is a slight inconvenience at worst. It's a turn based game after all.