Do you still play games with you old friends from the school/neighborhood?

Do you still play games with you old friends from the school/neighborhood?


No. They all became drug addicts and shit.

I would, but they want me to buy shit like CoD. I wouldn't mind, but WW2 looks boring to me.

What's wrong with playing cod with your friends?

I do.

Towerfall: Ascension is some of the funnest shit we've been playing lately.

Its more about it being in a setting I don't really find fun. On top of that I just bought DBFZ and UNIST so I wasn't exactly interested in spending more cash on something I wasn't that interested in the first place.

yeah my old bros from high school, even though we graduated like 11 years ago

Shukashu a cute

I only play games with one friend from highschools, mostly online now tough we used to play LAN games together at my home

And well, when I visit my family I play PS4 games with my 9 yo cousin

I moved a while ago but still have a few of them on steam

ain't got no friends

Only friends I had in high school have moved on. I got an Xbone message from my friend like a year ago and he asked me if I still smoked weed (I have never touched the stuff in my life) so I assume he was thinking I was someone else.

>one is in the army, has several kids
>one married a girl with a zelda tattoo
>one moved to another city, has kids
>one i never talk to, works five min away
>one married a guy, has kids
>one is working shutdowns, has a kid
>one gets fucked up still, has a kid

nah, most of us still play games but hardly ever talk anymore.

God, I love Asian women.

I’ve had a tight knit group of friends since freshman year of high school and we’d always get together to hang and play smash bros. The tradition always stuck with us up until like, senior year, which is when we started incorporating a few beers/joints into the mix.

Now, all of us being 21, I only talk to literally one of them and the others have become total normies who were changed by going to college. One of them was a total autist with a body pillow who could take the banter and now you can’t even joke with him without him having no interest in what you’re saying. Maybe the jokes wear off over the years but at this point it’s just reminiscent of the old days. I wish everything was how it used to be, it seems like yesterday that we were all cramped on my friends shitty couch in his basement all laughing and having a good time.

Fuck Sup Forums, it’s way too early to be feeling this sad.

My best mate from highschool is still around, granted he lives a few hundred km away. We played through Borderlands 2 and most of Dark Souls 2 together recently. Was great...except for Dark Souls 2, fuck that game, and fuck Scholar's somehow worse enemy balance.

I knew things were changing when I saw that my friend was putting away all of his vidya collectibles and taking down his anime posters. Fuck

How do you guys talk to friends you haven't seen in a while? I'd like to say something, but Its been so long I wouldn't even know where to start.

Not as often since I moved. But every summer my buds come up and we play Melee or Mario Kart. COmbined with alcohol is a good time.

Pretty normal, like you always talk with your friends.
>Hey, long time no see, how are you? How's your wife?
>Divorced and married again? Yeah aliments suck, is were was no way for you to keep son?
>Where do you work by the way

ive always been the same stupid bastard ive always been. people change but core beliefs and personality hardly ever change. for better and for worse.

>Hey Man it's been a while hasn't it, how's life treating you?

Only two.

We play db fighter Z every night and call each others horrible names we are 35yo family mens

We also meet 2 or 3 times a year for holidays or family gathering in our native town.

>play dynasty warriors together
>+ every co-op game with friend
>graduate school, get jobs
>co-op borderlands 1
>9 hours sess, now 8pm
>friend asks if I want to go to movies
>girl he's texting is bringing friend
>they want to double date

and that's around the time we dropped the game controller for the dick controller. no regartz

Same here. They're all pieces of shit who ended up in prison and/or addicted to hard drugs. Now I have a handful of friends who are 8 to 10 years younger than I am and they're the best friends I've ever had.

Pretty much all of them grew out of vidya except one; I started playing fightan games with him a few years ago. He's my best friend probably.

did you remain pure or do you have autism? in the same boat, but it's after i went to jail myself and stopped the drugs and alcohol.

i want to believe you're a pure human bean but severe autism is degenerate

You guys are all fucking pedophiles.

No, they all have families and shit.

All if my school friends mostly becamd normies after college. And my best friend who didn't become a normie became super weird instead and suddenly stopped talking to me.

I play vidya with a bunch of guys I've known online for ten years now thoigh, so I guess technically I've known them since school too.

stop projecting.

>And my best friend who didn't become a normie became super weird instead and suddenly stopped talking to me.
I can tell you from experience, that's because you were too normalfag for him

this desu

Probably. He was always trying to get me to watch whatever anime he liked at the time, but it never really interested me.
We used to have a ton of fun playing and talking vidya though.

what I was just asking if they were a piece of shit too or not

She's older than most of post gamergate Sup Forums

>Been a long time, comrade

I didn't have any friends so no

Nope. Moved after grade school. Everyone from high school either moved, is in the military, or is working.

Why is she getting her photo taken?

Why is there a photographer on the right?

It's a beta male thing.

After one of them was arrested for kidnap and rape I decided to distance myself from him and the rest of the gang and never looked back. We used to just smoke weed, play fighting games and watch anime all day but times change I guess. Never went to jail myself but I won't say that I'm not a piece of shit in my own way or that I don't have a bit of the 'tism. It just sucks that all my close friends in school turned out the way they did.

What happened to my group of high school friends
>One left for the army on good terms with us, came back, broke up with his fiance, and ignored us. He became a tattoo'd drinking douche and didn't like us anymore
>One stopped talking to me because I thought Trump "wasn't that bad", and wasn't angry when he won
>One just gradually stopped talking to me once he got a job and started to go to college. Got in touch again and we were getting along well, said we should get together to talk again, but that never happened and it's been 3 years
>One left abruptly to go live with his online gf in another state and didn't talk to us for like 2 years. He broke up with her and came back, but then found another online gf and moved away again, without even saying goodbye
>His brother, who was a friend of mine, became a recluse NEET. all he does is play runescape all day, refuses to go outside, talk to anyone in our old friend group, and is taken care of by his mom
>One married a fat succubus and never talked to any of us again
>Chad of the group knocked up this girl right after high school. After that, never had time to talk to any of us again. All he does is work for his dad and spend time with his daughter.

I only still talk to two
>One got an A.A. in college, but after that realized he wants to do nothing in life and so became a NEET. He has never had a job, doesn't go out, and is taken care of by his mom. We talk, play games, and do things occasionally because he's still a good person.
>The other is exactly the same except he didn't go to college but instead held down a job for like a month until he realized working blows. He lives in his mom's basement and plays WoW/Smite. We do things, play games, and talk occasionally.

Pic related. This is some of them at a LAN party we had when we were 17 and didn't have a care in the world. We would play vidya, board/card games, talk about dumb shit, and just generally goof off. I miss those days.

why do nips sit on the floor

Well, kinda this except none of us overdo the drugs we take part in and we have control over our life.

I live 5+ hours away from the gang and we try to plan and meet all 4-5 of us and play games and do comfy drugs together and then spend time sober as well. We do this once or twice every year. It's nice. We cycle through all nintendo consoles from SNES to Switch but we always end up enjoying the party games like Warioware on gamecube

Who are you in this pic? The mutt?

>slightly wrong picture
Here's another one.

Ironically, my online friends, who people always claim aren't real friends, have stuck with me regardless through the years and still play vidya and talk to me.

>Born in a town with one of the highest per-capita income of the country
>Most of my friends of the same age ended up becoming wiggers addicted to hard drugs
At first it was funny seeing them play pretend like they were broke ass niggas from the streets, then it became cringy, then it became really sad when they took it a step further.

>All of us mid 20's
>Come home every day from work, get on discord with my college buds
>They introduced me to their friends in Florida, good friends with them now as well
>People will drop in and out throughout the evening, everyone saying hey what's up, wanna catch a game?
>Just introduced my highschool friends to them about a month ago
> They're comfortable enough to play games with them while I'm not there
> Everyone has even more friends now
> GF chills next to me playing animal crossing, chatting with them while I play games with them

Where did it all go so right. Surely this will last, right anons?... Right??

Yes, but more and more rarely so. We are on our late 20s.
We are a group of highschool friends, but the core gaming one is just three of us (including myself) who play Sm4sh, Mario Kart 8 and Overcooked as of lately. There's also Duck Game when the entire group is together.

The game console owner, one of the main trio, works too much and has a fat nigger girlfriend now, those are the problems. I don't know why he hurts himself trying to be a normalfag and failing so hard, his true nature is the long-haired nerd from 12 years ago. The society that spit on him so much has only scraps to give him. He lifts, studies his ass off, goes out with his normie sister to try to become a normalfag, and has only a couple bucks and a low tier slut throw on his lap by the end.

This year is the 20th anniversary i last talked with my highschool friends face to face, i check their facebooks from time to time, they all have children and work from monday to friday while i have no children, work shifts and havent celebrated a major holiday in ten years for that very reason.

This. Literally my two best friends from childhood overdosed on heroin on separate occasions after I went to college. I'm still so mad at both of them.

Your gf is fugging one of them behind your back

It really sucks to hear that so many people are just fucked when it comes to maintaining a relationship with people and their family.

What are you doing, user? Did you also become a shut in neet? If not, I think it would be a good idea to invite these two friends out to climbing or some other activity which you can do then go play vidya. I did that with a friend of mine and it helped him understand that he can't sit inside all day and not do shit. He now works in a pet store, says the pay is okay but it's amazing when people come in with their dogs that he gets to pet.

Nice blog you fucking drug addict

>they grew up and I didn't
It's time, Peter

As soon as I graduated high school my best friend stopped talking/hanging out with me.

We're only a 5 minute walk apart too, and now he's just some random stranger. :(

it's good for your back. In my homecountry we sit on the floor and eat, sleep on mattresses on the floor (because it's cool in such a hot climate). Back when I used to visit my home country I thought it was so backwards and retarded to do these but I never felt better. What is weird is having a dinner table and bunch of chairs but not using them.....

of course. Still hang out with them after 15 years.

thanks for taking your time to read and comment.

>never had friends like this
>can't know the pain of losing something if you never had it to begin with.

I laugh at all of you.

No. I'm 25 and my very last friend gave up on me last year. Now i have no friends and don't leave my house.

fuck off sasuke

No. I graduated from high school a decade ago and don't talk to anyone from HS regularly or even infrequently. I didn't have many friends to begin with. You don't get friends when you're poor

Just for that I'm gonna curse you, if I'm not happy etc.

how come? Do you have friends online?

Jokes on you, we live in NoVA.

She relies on me to not kick her out while she pays off her student loans anyways.


I wasn't in this picture. Mutt is the cousin of one of them, though.

>What are you doing?
I started working, got my own apartment, played a shit ton of vidya, spent time on other hobbies, and went to college to the point where I almost have a bachelors. I stopped though as I decided it was a big meme and my job prospects for my degree were shit. Currently, I'm trying to get fit and teach myself how to program. My life goal is to create things, so I'm currently working towards the possibility of making my own indie game, as a start.

>I think it would be a good idea to invite these two friends out to climbing or some other activity
Anything physical is out of the question, since we all hate sports. I tried getting them to the gym, which is a good substitute, but they were unmotivated and lacked interest. Closest thing I did with them that wasn't vidya is when we went to the movies a while back. You're right though, I should probably try harder to help them with their lives.

Somewhat, you'd think things like work and family would be the major problems but it wasn't that in my case. The ones who gradually lost interest in vidya left on good terms.
One dude became extremely weird, never grew up out of the high school mindset of half assing everything, dropped school and got fired and is now a bitter asshole in which no one wants any part of. He keeps switching between wanting no part of us and constantly demanding our attention.
One dude joined the army, came back and still loves vidya, even if it's shit I hate like overwatch.
Another still plays but only insists on popular stuff like overwatch and won't ever step out of his boundaries, the sort of person who lets popular streamers determine his tastes and who looks fondly back at high school to an unhealthy degree.

He got his shit together over the years and i remained a shut in manchild NEET. He recently got married. I see and talk to him once a year now if i'm lucky. I'm sure he'll have kids soon as well. I have exactly one online friend on steam i've known for a long time who i talk to maybe once a month. I think he pities me. I wish i knew what was wrong with my brain.

This be me.
Discord channels are nice that way, people dropping in and out. I haven't spoken this much to my high school friends before I jumped ship from skype to discord.

>3 friends became NEETs getting taken care of by their mothers

How? My parents would have kicked me out of their house if I wanted to become a NEET.

>My life goal is to create things
fucking go for it. stimulate your mind and keep yourself healthy.

>I should probably try harder to help them with their lives
it's not your duty, however, if you care about them you'd want to show them the world a bit. Perhaps just ask them for an hour a week to go out somewhere, sit down and have a snack of picnick. Did that with my mother once she got depressed a few years back. It's important to remind our loved ones that there is a world outside and that the earth keeps spinning. I hope it works out for you.

Same here but I'm the one who stopped talking. He invited me earlier this year but I'm never the one initiating anything because I'd rather not have to leave the house ever.

lmao i hardly play video games anymore. If anything I'm the character in one of these stories that went off to college and found interests in other things. All I play is the occasional game of CIV 5 and more recently DoW 2.

Most of my friends from my youth also ended up going to college, and only one of them has failed to turn his life into something. The only game we're actively waiting to play together is Star Citizen.

Only the one, and only on weekends.
Don't keep in touch with anyone else from that time. Wouldn't really be interested in doing so either, they're basically normies with a much different worldview than mine.

Responsible, good people for parents, irresponsible kids.
t. NEET living with his mom

cuck 100% she takes the bbc.

All of them have gfs or are married with kids now but we still get together in the weekends and play poker or vidya

What did you find interest in user?

Yeah, thanks user.

>had a friend which I had a like/dislike relationship with
>shared similar hobbies and vidya tastes, but had many disagreements on things too
>ended up moving schools
>a few years later we find each other on Facebook
>every night we would chat to each other about vidya stuff
>one day he tells me he got a gf
>starts talking to me less
>notices his profile picture and his profile in general has become more normie
>pictures of him and his girl friend hanging out with a bunch of chads and their girlfriends
>he tags me in a post a few months later
>"This is where you belong *laugh cry emoji posted 3 times*"
>attached was a picture of a pre school with terribly pasted images of Mario, Goku, Kirby and Sonic on it, next to a terribly pasted image of a man in a diaper
>all of his chad friends start making fun of me
>close my Facebook account the next day and never speak to him ever again

>never had friends
>thinks he can laugh at anyone

How fucking delusional are you exactly?

this. They are too degenerate for me


I hate knowing I could change myself for the better but I never do.

>that's the joke
not him but damn reading comprehension much

>one became drug addict
>another got killed for meddling in the local mafia
>I moved to another town
>only one of them got good at life, got a cute and polite gf and a well paying job
>no idea about the rest of them

posts like this are why I still come to this website, no matter how pathetic I am I'll never be as bad as this

I hope you're talking about the user's "friend".

>knowing this much about people who don't care about you anymore

I remember because I had genuine experiences with them. Only a bitter fag could forget the good memories he had with his friends.

>all those replies
What the fuck? Am I just sheltered? I have two distant friends that became junkies but most people I know are fairly clean.

if you forget the kind of people you've known then how can you possibly have learned from experiences how to interact with people and what kind of people you can build relationships with

Here is the image in case anyone was interested. I hate looking at this so much.

that's the joke

Yes, we love playing Battlefield together. Had a blast as a 4-man squad in BFBC2. Although, I don't play BF as much as when I was in high school though. Too tired to compete with other players, I fuck around in z BotW instead.