Tekken 7 or Street Fighter 5 - Arcade Edition? I will only buy one and both cost 30$ on psn. Also fighting games general I guess
Tekken 7 or Street Fighter 5 - Arcade Edition? I will only buy one and both cost 30$ on psn...
If you haven’t played a Tekken game before I’d go with street fighter.
The amount of shit you need to memorize and learn to even playing is ridiculous, especially for a beginner.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, Dragonball and NRS games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Tekken 7 by miles. Sf5 is a terrible game and Tekken is probably the best currently active fighter.
This is false, tekken is an extremely shallow casual game with very little to learn, even top tekken plays agree.
Lol nice bait.
lolno tekken is utter dog shit
Tekken 7 is widely regarded as a terrible game even by tekkenheads, online is also pretty much dead especially on playstation.
Tekken has a more linear skill curve.
The floor on street fighter is high enough that if you don't know how to play fighting games then you're not gonna have any fun at all, unless you like learning. Then the game is amazing, but that applies to tekken as well
THAT being said, once you learn Street Fighter you basically unlock the genre and you can transition to any fighting game.
SF5 is absolute garbage and T7 is the best in its series, except if you're one of those delusional faggots who think there was anything redeeming about Tekken 3 or 5.0 because they played it when they were children and knew jack shit about how the genre works.
Get Tekken.
Thanks for all anons for replying, but could you please elaborate you opinions more? So fa r and have done a great job explaining their thoughts, and I wish other could do the same. Thanks.
literally who
This is bait
Don’t listen to the same fag shit poster trying to trick you ITT OP. Anyone with even a cursory interest in fighting games can tell you that street fighter 5 is trash and that Tekken 7 is the best Tekken since Tekken 5.
This is your typical tekken player, absolutely clueless about his own game.
Alright, in order to avoid same-posters, let's put in a vote: strawpoll.me
Street fighter is a complete piece of shit
>avoid sameposters
I am getting mixed signals user and not enough reasons for me to form my own opinion. Any suggestions?
tekken is a complete piece of shit
Street fighter 5 is an extremely shallow game. All the characters have the exact same rush down game plan. The skill floor is insanely low, which is good for beginners, but the ceiling is also low.
The game also looks like shit on the ps4.
Tekken 7 is a little bit simpler than some past Tekken games but still extremely deep. Some of the characters have extremely easy execution, whilst some are difficult to play for beginners. The skill ceiling is very high. The game doesn’t provide many materials to teach newcomers how to play so you’ll have to research for yourself a bit, but if you’re willing to put in the effort you’ll be getting the infinitely superior game.
I would be willing to pay 10 times as much for Tekken 7 as I would SF5. And that’s coming from someone who always liked SF more than Tekken up until the current version.
If you just wanna fuck around for 5 minutes then MAYBE street fighter is the better choice (I’d still argue in favour of Tekken). If you want a game to sink 500 hours into choose Tekken.
>Replies 21
>unique posters 9
Lol the same fagging in this thread is unreal.
I’ve never been a fan of SF but Tekken 7 was a huge disappointment. The roster, music, and honestly the graphics were a ridiculous downgrade from TTT2. Also rage art better never make a fucking appearance ever again, they seriously killed Tekken 7’s lifespan - not to mention all the guest characters that nobody has asked for, meanwhile the fanbase is crying for the return of old characters every fucking day
>STILL no lei wulong
And yet we get a FF character. Fucking ridiculous
Tekken is an extremely shallow game that lacks any depth or complexity, Tekken 7 is one of the worst game in the series with 1 button almost insta kill comeback mechanics that you get for basically getting your ass beat. the game is very slow and clunky and top players have went on record saying SFV is a better game than tekken 7 multiple times.
If you want a casual button masher get tekken
If you want an actual deep fighting game that rewards skill and strategy get Street Fighter
Wait for Soul Caliber VI
Idk OP, just type in avoidingthepuddle on YouTube and watch some Tekken matches, then look up tokido or someone and watch some street fighter matches and see which one you think looks more fun. For me it’s tekken, but to each his own.
I voted street fighter V, but it ultimately depends on what you're looking to get out of the game. Street fighter does indeed serve as a gateway to being able to pick up other fighting games, but even the arcade edition is quite barebones compared to base tekken 7. Quality or quantity is the question if you haven't been properly exposed to either of these games. If you're going to dedicate yourself to honing your reactions and testing motor skills then go for street fighter, the character pool is smaller but the skill gap between people you encounter will be vast, hence the game will still feel fresh despite its barebones nature and youl enjoy it more this way.Tekken on the other hand, relies on character variety and youl begin to associate skill with who they're playing as, but it does have a bowling mode and a HUGE gallery of unlockables in the form of pictures and items for customisation. It's also the game of choice when with friends because it's easier to pick up and has just MORE stuff to it. Saying this, street fighter V is the game you should pick up but if you just want to kick back and HAVE FUN with your game asap then enjoy tekken, don't listen to Nu/v/
tekken is more fun and easier if youre beginner.
both are equally popular but sfv has an official tour so it brings more competition to tournaments
tekken is more popular online but sfv has crossplay so the edge in online opponent size goes to sfv
sfv and tekken both have great graphics, lots of characters, etc.
sfv has great music but tekken has god tier music
sfv feels more designed to be a competitive fighting game but tekken has more depth and more things to learn if you want mastery
you dont get the new characters when you sfv, so be aware youll have to buy them too. you can earn some fight money to buy one or two though
tekken has tons of customization cosmetics for your characters
sfv's netcode is the worst of any fighting game and will drive you insane as it also matches you with brazilians for no reason
this is capcom shill copypasta, from the capcom general on /vg/. ignore it
Get Street Fighter OP, tekken has always been regarded as a joke.
>tekken is more popular online
Not even close
Ignore this tekken shill tekken is dead online and is a very shallow game.
nice try capcom shill
tekken: 2,291
sfv: 1,470
and btw op, i would recommend dbfz above all others if you havent gotten it yet
>90% of the playerbase is bots farming offline cosmetics
>No cross platform
>Literally dead as shit online
Nice try namco shill
Thanks to everyone that replies in this thread. I went ahead and bought SF5, I hope I've made the right decision, only time would tell if I'd like it or not. Thank you and have a nice day.
>random out of context screen shots
>random baseless accusations with zero evidence
>copypasta from /vg/
you have zero credibility capcom shill. everything i said is fair and balanced.
>>random out of context screen shots
You are getting desperate, namco shill
>same retarded /fgg/ faggot shitposting again
Having to listen to this broken record spam the same shit over and over again gives me a small glimpse into his shallow pathetic life.
i love this pasta... key word, pasta
Which one you're referring to?
hes obviously referring to capcom shills, they spam every thread and spam on /vg/ all day as if theyre paid to do so
is copy pasta. Shitting on Tekken is a /fgg/ meme.
The anti-tekken retard.
Less than 50% of tekken's player base have won a SINGLE ranked match online.
Its safe to say tekken is completely dead online no matter how hard the samefagging tekken shill tries to trick you.
I currently play Tekken 7, SFV and Injustice 2. All three games have smaller communities online now than they did when they launched. That being said, it's easier to find a game in SFV than the other two games. Tekken 7 is more technical, prepare to get bodied repeatedly online. Same with SFV, if you don't commit to practice & learning the meta game, then your mileage for both will be low. Injustice 2 is fun, low skill ceiling, has the better story mode of the three but gets shit because it's not the other two games, nor is it an anime fighter.
Tekken all the way, SFV is shit.
*Carries the FGC on its back*
tekken is garbage avoid it at all costs
Meanwhile in reality
Do you want to play the game against healthy normal people or against utter salty spergs who feel the need to shill their game in every thread there is about fightans?
If you choose the first, then Tekken.
Only furfags play tekken
Now post all the tournaments for this year
Street Fighter obviously if you want a fighting game.
If you were one of those dumb kids who liked to play FIFA and other sports games then Tekken.
Lol you got pranked op. Sf5 is terrible.
>Street Fighter above kekken
What exactly were you trying to prove with this?
This is bait, SFV is a much better game than tekken
At least post the sales number if you want to prove your autism, don't forget to put JDCR in a GF in every tournament he's in too, to ampliate the diversity
I’m sure the OP was made just to stir shit up, but if this is true you made the right choice
Accessibility is seventy underrated on Sup Forums
When you’re talking about a game that’s solely one on one, being able to play and learn without getting your shit stomped is a big deal.
Street Fighter is legit harder to get into than Tekken at this point.
You know Tekken is good when the posts talking shit about it are so blatantly outrageous.
Pretty sure everyone likes the game except for the hardcore capcom fanboys.
i just bought SFV the other day and it is haaaard af
I've played 2 couple hour sessions and havn't won an online matchup yet. Usually when i get my shit stomped this bad it drives me to learn it till i get good at it so hopefully you will feel the same OP
I am the same guy as the OP though
>blatantly outrageous.
>everyone likes tekken
OP, this is the type of person that Capcom markets to. Legit stream hog scrub who cares more about upsets and comebacks than watching a test of skill in tournament.
The modern Capcom fan can't fathom that if the same two or three people keep winning, then that means that their skills are consistent and insane. SFV was made for the person who wants to watch people get EXPOSED!!!! and FREE'D UP!!!!! instead of the people who actually want to play the game.
tekken is a legit awful game, lucky i was able to refund it.
Have you seen the shit people say in these threads? If they're not joking then something's wrong with them.
Or they're shills I guess.
How so?
To pull off a solid Ryu combo you just need to have enough execution to do some links and input a shoryuken.
To play any of the Mishimas, you need to be able to EWGF on demand, midcombo.
I hope so.
Like some retard claiming everyone likes tekken?
Not everyone retard.
Everyone sensible and not full of capcom semen.
So not you no.
As a 10 year tekken player this is objectively false. You wont be considered good unless you have at least 3 years under your belt. Look up any interview with an actual top tier tekken player and you'll see, dumbass.
That IS a top tekken player.... you fucking retard.
OP, this is the type of person that the jews at Bamco markets to. Legit stream hog scrub who cares more about upsets and comebacks than watching a test of skill in tournament.
The modern Tekken fan can't fathom that if the same two or three people keep winning, then that means that their skills are consistent and insane. Tekken was made for the person who wants to watch people get EXPOSED!!!! and FREE'D UP!!!!! instead of the people who actually want to play the game.
>Claims to be a tekken player of 10 years
>Doesn't know who Saint is
This is the kind of retarded casual who thinks tekken is a good game
To be fair that is a twitter screenshot showcasing a post made by a different person that's quoting Saint.
Not quite interview material, more of a joke I'd say.
JDCR said on his stream that SF 5 is way more fun to him than Tekken, i don't have the clip, but he's been playing SF 5 for a month now. Tekken is a "figured" game now to the koreans, simply because the game doesn't differentiate one for another for like 10 years or so, SF 5 can be shit to some, but at least the Capjews tries to make one game different from another.
Very nice post, user. How did you come up with it?
OK so JDCR has burn out from devoting literally years of his life to tekken.
Not gonna change my opinion of the game and it shouldn't change anyone's in general. Pro players have very different perspective on the subject.
>Pro players have very different perspective on the subject.
Except they dont, they literally all say the same thing, SFV is a better game than tekken 7
Tekken is very fun to pick up and play. You can mash buttons and cool stuff will happen. You will get your ass handed to you though.
If you are new to Tekken, check out this:
Going into your move list in Tekken can be scary, because there's a shit ton of moves for each character. It helps a lot to narrow it down to the most useful ones.
no one gives a shit about tekken its an awful game
>they literally all say the same thing
No they don't, stop pulling shit out of your stinky hole.
I'm not saying everyone should follow at pro players says (even if they say that SF 5 is better game than Tekken 7), i'm saying that changes sometimes is better, and back at the OP topic, unless he wants to spent a month to figure out and execute the Tekken basic stuff, he better buy SF 5
this is bait
The Mishimas don't represent the difficulty of the rest of the cast. Doing good combos with 90% of the roster in Tekken is easy as pie. Compare that to doing links and shit in Street Fighter. Not nearly as easy.
No one gives a shit about your baseless opinion.
Your reading comprehension needs work user.
Get back to me when you figure out what the sentence you quoted refers to with the word "subject".
Hint: It's not Tekken vs SFV
Yes they do, evidence has already been posted in this thread, tekkuck
EWGF is a 4 frame window, anyone who is not retarded can do it, meanwhile Street Fighter has actual 1 frame moves and combos
they just announced second season of tekken world tour user, there is even offical twt tournament in my slavshit country
One screencap of a veteran Tekken player being quoted saying the Street Fighter 5 is hard to him. Great evidence.
I don't really want to get Tekken 7 - I got a bit bored with TTT2 online.
But I'm looking at SFV and some of the characters have like fucking wind power and stuff.
How bad is it?
Like is it still ultimately Street Fighter or is it "Street Fighter with anime powers" now since it seems like the latter
user, stop trolling, thanks
Tekken is dead for a reason, the game is shit
This, only shitters who dont actually play tekken think EWGF is hard
This is bait
>But I'm looking at SFV and some of the characters have like fucking wind power and stuff.
Well in SF 2 days there was a guy who spitted fire, i don't see your point. And it's not "anime powers", hell even Tekken 7 is more anime with new characters like Josie and Lucky Chloe