REMINDER that the faggots who get this game using PS4+ this month are the Bloodborne equivalent of TF2's F2P babbies.
ITT: Post ONLY with a physical copy pic.
REMINDER that the faggots who get this game using PS4+ this month are the Bloodborne equivalent of TF2's F2P babbies.
ITT: Post ONLY with a physical copy pic.
>game of the year edition
Should have bought it at launch, newfag
Imagine PAYING a subscription to have access to old games from 3 years ago that you don't even get to keep permanently!
I platinumed this game in only 1 day. Nothing personnel kid
Your game of the year launch is worse faggot.
>you don't even get to keep permanently!
wait what, i don't own a ps4, but if i downloaded a free ps+ game will it disappear the next month?
I wish I had the GOTY Edition. I still haven't played the DLC because it hasn't went on sale yet.
No it won't. But you won't be able to play it if you get rid of ps plus. You'll be able to play it as long as you have ps plus
Yeah, it's auto-deleted off the system. And if you go offline, it's locked after the month is up.
So luckily the scrubs will only be playing for a month and then us cool kids will be able to play the game properly again.
No, Sonybro. You keep it until your PS+ expires and even then you get it back when you rebuy PS+
>tfw goty edition but through psn
I bet you emulate DeS
Still got my collectors edition
>he actually bought a PS4 back when Bloodborne was the only worthwhile game on it
It's hilarious how Bloodborne has an absurdly high platinum rate. It was like 8% before it became as PS+ title. Yet people still think that the game is difficult? I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who platinumed Bloodborne couldn't even platinum Stardew Valley.
I bought the digital version of the GOTY edition for $20 back in 2016. Does the PS+ version even come with the DLC? This would have been a lot cooler had they added it a year or two ago, but I feel like if you've slept on BB for this long you were never interested playing the game in the first place.
You get all the trophies just from experiencing everything the game has to offer once, there's no grinding or anything like that
>Implying I didn't buy it from the US PSN to tide me over till my Nightmare edition copy turned up.
Its just the base game
Thanks for letting me know about this OP. Never played it.
To be fair don't you need to grind for artifacts with a
What's Nintendo's equivelent of free monthly games? Will BotW ever be free?
Because stardew valley requires high amounts of grinding. No one is going to waste their time with that shit.
That doesn't change anything. If such a large percentage of the playerbase is able to obtain the platinum, the game is nowhere near as difficult as the circlejerk around it seems to imply.
The trophy that acts as the gatekeeper for a game like Stardew Valley is completing a twin-stick shooter without getting hit once.
Motherfucker I bought digital GOTY like 2 years ago.
Not available in my country.
S-SHUT UP!!!!!
They said they would "offer" SNES games
That doesn't bother me at all
>GOTY Edition
You can summon people and have them carry you through the game though??
>Harvest Moon clone is the pinnacle of difficult gaming
Neck yourself my dude.
>the game is nowhere near as difficult as the circlejerk around it seems to imply
No Souls game is difficult since you can literally summon people and have them play the entire game for you.
That's fine. In fact, it's probably for the best if people start admitting that Bloodborne's difficulty is vastly overstated. Based on just how popular the platinum trophy is, even "normies" are getting the platinum with relative ease compared to most releases on the system.
Where'd I say that? It's just hilarious to me that by using objective measurements, more people struggle with trophies in a Harvest Moon clone than this so-called "difficult" game. Of course, it's mainly just one trophy, but that one trophy (which isn't even the platinum) is rarer than Bloodborne's platinum. More people are able to cruise through Bloodborne than play a simple, basic arcade style twin-stick shooter without getting hit.
If your game isn't even harder than a game within a game based on an antiquated arcade genre, your game isn't hard.
That's not the collector's edition fag
It still is the only worth while game. So you're a good goi too
You should really just give up on life. This meme is trash and isn't going anywhere. Just stop and reevaluate your life.
My bloodborne copy survived a car accident with me. It barely got damaged. I'll always cherish it for that and it's one of my favorite games. I love it so much
Do the BB players unironically do the whole difficulty thing? I thought that was more of DS1 and 2 thing. Yeah BB's not a hand holder, but it never pretends to be that hard either. I guess the defiled chalices would be the hardest thing about it and even a semi-dedicated player could get through those eventually.
It just seems to me that the difficulty meme is spouted more by the haters than anyone else.
Are they still planning on taking them away after a month even if you're still paying for the service?
BB is one of the only Japanese games I can think of that doesn't make its trophies like excel spreadsheets. It's not kill this many this with this, kill that many that with that. It's how trophies should be: experience everything this game has to offer. And get the platinum.
It shows a lot about how good the game is if 8% of players platinum'd it.
>objective, measurable facts are a meme
Why are you so hung up about proving BB isn't that difficult? Other than a post taking the piss out of the mentally ill poster that goes on about platinuming it in 10 days, no one even mentioned the difficulty in this thread before you did. It seems to really bother you.
>game is so hard even a car can't beat it going at full speed
You know, it's not that bad given most of the games are just ones that you're gonna beat once and then never touch again anyway. Stuff like Just Cause 3 and Infamous Second Son aren't the kinda games you're likely to come back to after a few years.
Does this version not exist in the US or something? I feel stupid for not being able to find, but everything I've seen of that box shows the PEGI logo in the corner.
kanker toch op joh
>Other than a post taking the piss out of the mentally ill poster that goes on about platinuming it in 10 days
It's the same guy
How is the card game? Would it be worth getting if I just liked the game a lot and won't necessarily play the card game no friends? Does it have any cool things about it that would make it worthwhile for a fan of BB to get?
>tf2 analogy
Only digitally
It’s fun. I think it’s easy to learn and kind of interesting. There’s an expansion coming out for it that’ll make it deeper, since it can get repetitive. But it’s fun trying to plan or fuck over your co-hunters
What, so is the game free or at a reduced price?
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>Only digitally
If you have ps plus you can download this game and play it. You will keep it as long as you have ps plus. If you get rid of ps plus you won't be able to play it, but if you get ps plus later you'll be able to play it.
B-but i bought it digital at launch!
I might sound like an idiot but why can I never find the GOTY Edition in stores in the US? Every store has has a copy of Bloodborne is the old version. Did they not make a US version?
See and
Dlc will be the refuge
>he didn't get GoTY on sale digitally
neat tbqh. might borrow a friend's PS4 and give it a playthrough
Only digital? Damn. Guess I'll just buy the base game physically and buy the DLC digital because I am a sucker for physical copies.
great u got 20 more bucks
Imagine taking the opinions of a GOTY faggot seriously.
No you didn't.