Reminder this will be the only month Bloodborne won't be dead as fuck
Reminder this will be the only month Bloodborne won't be dead as fuck
Its not dead though. You either leveled too high or dont play at all.
>tfw can't replay BB after playing DaS3 on 60fps
I just can't do it everything feels so laagy and clunky it's quite impossible for me.
Same but the other way around. I cant go back to ds3 after playing BB because its so slow and defense oriented.
fuck reddit
I'm so hype.
Fuck off. I played bloodborne 5 times and I ALWAYS had to go to /vg/ if I wanted to play with someone.
isn't there a ps4 pro patch or something
i want to help people with the bosses. how do i leave my summon sign? i played offline until the chalice dungeon where i summoned a few times. how do i leave that sign?
Reddit plays souls games too. I guess we shouldn't play them as well huh?
is the game free on PS+ yet?
anyway to roll a new character without deleting any of my old ones?
When does that ds1 remake drop?
Should be today i think
Theres no summon signs in bloodborne. You ring a bell and the game searches for a host to match you with.
just ring your small resonant bell hang out at places where people need help
Wat, I've never had to do this in my 300+ hours of the game and I just did a new build like 2 months ago
but ds3 already dropped xD
sometime may I think
Backup your save file and make a new one you underage dumbass.
Can't wait
thanks. but i remember summoning a guy in the dungeons. was that a fucking npc?
ok but what exactly do I gain out of this dumb shit? I already beat the game
Never play games with reddit.
Filthy filthy people
>haha lets ruin other people's games so nobody wants to play
I never understood this logic
yeah, NPCs have summon signs
oh man i was wondering the whole time why he was playing so stupidly but i was so glad for him.
have you tried coop or pvp?
Where are the fight clubs? I think im ready
I just played through the game in January and there were people summoning/invading all the time even at 3AM. Something is wrong with you.
What? I was playing it like yesterday, it's not dead at all.
I'll defend them. I'm a white knight coop minmaxed twink
Everyone is preparing for the noob reckoning
It's the framepacing that's the real problem. Even with boost mode the game is still janky as fuck.
yeah I played through the whole game with a friend and I don't like pvp because I'm a baby that sucks major shit
Probably because there was a sale round then I remember.
Last time I played this was in the summer and it legit was dead as fuck. I remember wanting to summon someone to help me get the Rakuyo blade off the well and fight those 2 annoying monsters but no service at all.
>ps plus newbs wont have moonlight great sword or any of the dlc weapons
Lmao good luck
Whats the best level and area to invade at?
I have my Wheel twink ready to rape PS+ newbies
but best weapon is pic related
>inb4 hur dur its so popular i cant like it
I can still play them, just ain't upvoting shit you losers.
It was full of people last month you fucking retard. I coop and invade all the time.
>200 hours on bloodborne
>Barely use the console for any other game, not gonna pay for a subscription
Me too
Are p cucks really still mad about this game? Get over it holy shit
if you say so, doesn't seem any different from two weeks ago when I started my new character.
I was going to play through the souls series one last time before the fromsoftwares new project comes out but man, the timing of all these events and releases is fucked up
>Replayed Demon's Souls twice before the servers shut down
>Want to move onto Dark Souls but I'm waiting for the Remaster for optimal playercount, which is still 3 months away
>Now Bloodborne is having a community event before DaS Remaster is out
Fuck this, I guess I'll play them out of order then.
Why do Souls fans always do this kind of faggy shit? I swear no other fanbase has this facebook-like initiatives
Same here.
people just like to time their new characters together so they're all roughly in the same level range for the pvp and coop shit.
It's kindof a side effect of how the level range shit works.
*blocks your path*
is this that fucker that transforms to huge and jumps after you in the tunnel?
well, that sucks. The game is infinitely more fun when you don't have a friend carrying you through it all. The game has this oppressively difficult atmosphere that makes you so jumpy and scared of the unknown the first time. My friend from real life got the game a few weeks ago and I helped him beat Cleric Beast and Gascoigne before I realized it was definitely fucking up the experience for him. Now I only help him by cooping dungeons w/ him and watching him do shareplay while in voice chat, at least until he beats the game
>ugh you guys are playing a game, CRINGE CRINGE!
Yeah I bet you're familiar with facebook.
I didn't realize it was "free" this month. Maybe I will dust off my useless PS4 and play through it again. I will be so rusty I should blend in with the other newbs.
Recommend me a build. I don't remember, are there any kind of co-op support items in this game? or do I just join and do damage?
Sellsword twinblades (sharp) + pointiff's rings. You can thank me later.
if you want to try something different, be STR / BLT and use the cannon and the church cannon, all the weird guns, Simon's Bowblade, the Bloodletter and Chikage. You can still use pure STR weapons pretty decently too just at like 30 STR
If you want to do support, consider Arcane - there is a late-game tool that lets you heal other players. You can do pure arcane or strength/arcane, they're both really effective.
I got back into BB again a few weeks back after playing nioh and the framerate was atrocious. I thought it was going to be unplayable but you get used to it pretty fast.
Who is gonna use BL4 character to invade other ps plus newbies?
>there is a late-game tool that lets you heal other players
the choir bell? it's fucking useless most of the time, they have to be standing right next to you and it uses up 7 bullets to cast. It is cool that you can use it to cure poison though. Does anyone know if it cures frenzy buildup?
I bought BB last year, and after 100h of play, I never did anything online cause the game was so dead.
Maybe I`ll join this reddit shit
Its got more range than you're giving it credit for, and with blood bullets that's only 2 QS bullets consumed. It shouldn't cure frenzy because the buildup isn't itself a status effect.
You can only get invaded at level 30. If you want to make a twink make something bl30-43.
considering that bell maidens don't spawn from coop until you hit level 30, you will only be allowed to invade people who are exactly level 30. Not sure if the bell maidens appear in Nightmare Frontier and Mensis if under level 30
Been co-opping at bsb and Amelia, nice to be crushing vermin again
>all those characters called Dracula, Alucard, Van Helsing
I hope you give your characters good names (profession) (name) are the best, I have
>Devient Volkert
>Huntress Morvana
>Scholar Tabitha
>Tinkerer Ashton
Is the dlc free as well?
They do not.
whats some cancer-tier builds for pvp twinking at bl30-40?
I made a Bondrewd character and its been a blast.
20 arcane Vit gouge
minimum stats for arcane wheel
Basically a lot of stuff, you can just do minimum stats for a weapon of your choice and vit gouge the rest.
I guess I'll just help people with cleric beast and Gascoigne
Anything. All you need are the broken chalice dungeon bloodgems and youll kill everyone in 2-3 hits with nearly any weapon.
Not even that, you can twink just fine with gems from the winter lanterns.
I'll be creating Valtr.
What is the point?
Yeah, no, I'm not paying extra to use my internet
kill yourself
>Not even the GOTY version with the DLC
Oh man BB totally sucks without you man, don't do this to me
>hurr why doesn't this free download come with all the DLC
Wow, a wojack poster being a brainlet, who would have ever guessed?
Nigger there is 1 DLC. Sony are just being cheap fucks as usual.
The point is you spending 15 bucks in it, they already gave you the base game, jackass.
Oh man Wojacks AND frogs you're just the best
>literal reddit image with "upvote" in it doesn't get called out
Playing a game is different than constantly organizing mass-reunions on forums and dedicated social networks in order to play five years old games with people that already completed them multiple times
it's still not free guys
All I see is Knack and Rime
>Sup Forums
>forum and dedicated social network
You should stick with facebook
That is weird, I never had issues with matchmaking
>Bloodborne: Reddit returns to Yharnam
guess I'll wait for next month to play
Yeah nobody from reddit will be playing it in a month bro
So insecure that you won't play a game when it's going to have a lot of people playing because people from the rival website will be playing it oh no you're going to have to play a game with no voice chat, no text chat or anything ooooh no mmooooommmmmyyyy
>no DLC
>$15 for it
What a lame deal, got it around same price if not for $20 during a sale.
>Finished the game 3 times
>Got all the endings
>Did all the chalice dungeons for that stone
>Every single time I got invaded I just ->exit game > reload
For some reason I have been always scared to participate in BB pvp.
Looking like an NPC is my speciality, in the souls games I put my sign away from the bonfire, in a spot where it looks like an NPC would put it.
My favorite type of PVP is when I get summoned to help some vilecuck and end up BTFOing him with my strength wheel.
If you get killed you don't lose anything but echos. Big deal. People act like Souls is some hardcore PVP experience, but there's zero risk involved.
what's the big terrible thing that you lose in other, more hardcore games when you pvp?