Will you buy her game when it gets localized in 2023?




No because Dragon Quest was always inferior to FF and if XV shit just imagine how bad DQ11 is.

Good joke, I might as well play FF, at least that's good looking trash.

>DQ is inferior to FF
that is by far the most retarded thing I've seen all week. The best game to come out of it was Crisis Core and its not even a part of the main series. FF is dead


Begone nucucks

America needs to be fucking nuked already.

I’m Italian, sorry for not knowing 100% perfectly the mutt language

Fat tits

>that is by far the most retarded thing I've seen all week.

Most people would agree with me. Dragon Quest only has 2 games that mattered through history, 3 and 8. They still don't touch most FF games. Inferior battle systems, inferior characters as well as their designs, inferior OST, inferior plots that are not even memorable to most of the fans and boring as fuck towns to explore.

Take a hike DQfags, your trash series was rarely ever relevant to FF.

Cristo santo, hai proprio gusti di merda se devi difendere DQ con memi da underage newfag del cazzo.
Dovresti vergognarti.

Back to call of duty pleb

SMTfag here. I'll take DQ over FF any fucking day. FF is a fucking mess of a series and was only at its best when it imitated DQ. Ever since X FF has been nothing but style over substance, and has been an amalgamation of everything wrong with JRPGs ever since. At it's worst, DQ is still more tolerable than FF.

L'ultimo FPS che ho toccato in vita mia è UT, weeaboo finocchio, almeno FF è bello da vedere, DQ non ha nemmeno quello, è letteralmente il MCDonalds dei JRPGs, la gente lo compra solo per abitudine e brand name esattamente come CoD o FF.

non è un argomento

No. DQ

dq is generic shit that's overstayed its welcome.

But I have to play Dragon Quest I-X first

Don’t worry we’re getting the release date Fall 2017.

You have plenty of time.

Watch yuusha yoshihiko instead


>. I'll take DQ over FF any fucking day.
No you wouldn't, it's equivalent to picking the safe boring trash Persona over SMT. You're saying ever since the 10th game but the titles before it are much better than any boring ass DQ game.

DQ isn't tolerable, it's boring to play through.

>Ever since X FF has been nothing but style over substance
Rich coming from a SMTfag.
But you're wrong, FF has been like that since FFIV, far before FFX, the only time where they tried were the NES games, and even there, the only time were they really did try was FFII.
Considerando la tua devastazione anale, mi sa che invece è un'ottimo argomento.

Però ti concedo una cosa, almeno DQ non ha mai perso la sua identità e ha sempre continuato a essere una serie dedicata esclusivamente ai propri fans invece di cercare sempre una nuova audience per racattare quattrini al costo di diventare una mostruosità come FF, almeno, fino agli ultimi anni prima che merda come DQH or DQB venisse prodotta.
Rispetto enormemente Horii e DQ per questo, ma non cambia il fatto che è una serie fondamentalmente mediocre che vive di rendita proprio come CoD o FF.

This scene was shit. SHIT. Camus is your bro, there was 0 reason for her to absolutely humiliate him at the mask tournament.

Aside from that though, this was probably one of my favorite little arcs in this game. Though truth be told your partner turning out to the be serial kidnapper came out as a surprise to literally nobody.

Final fantasy 1 was pretty well made, better than dragon quest 1, but worse than Dq 2 or 3

You sound like a fun person.

Do you need a hug? Those mohameds that rape your women ain’t giving you enough love?

Why not? It's one of the best in the series.

>tfw Nier was treated and handled better than DQ11 by Square

>mmo garbage
The only one from nippon worth playing is DDO but now that's redundant with MHW out

>Final fantasy 1 was pretty well made
It was still pretty much a Wizardry clone with a different layer of paint, better than DQ1 for sure, but it's not like the bar was set that high back then.
Oh I am, especially when I can get people like you absolutely mad to the point that you have to shitpost like the obsessed Sup Forumstard you are.
Though it's not like it takes much to do so admittedly.

Daily reminder that the japs are massive casuals.

At least it's charming, and the battle system doesn't stray too far from classic DQ. You can play it like a single player game if you wanted. The world map and DLC provide some of the best locales in the series.

Is that the final final boss? Once I got the credit roll I stopped.

X is Japan exclusive.

I don't mind the wait anymore. VII got me used to it, and we didn't even know if that was ever going to happen.
Regardless, I'm happy another game in the vein of VIII exists.

Depends, can I fuck her in game?

>Implying people in this thread can even read that.
I don't really get why people still think Japs are supposedly hardcore when all they play is casual stuff or mobage, only because there's a really small hardcore scene for FG and SHMUPs doesn't really mean anything, especially when it comes to JRPGs, where most of the output is for casuals.
So are PSO2, MHFZ or DDO, nobody stops you from making an account and playing them if you want.

Not even fucking close. It's that spider boss from this arc.

I'm playing on 3ds so at the time I googled his name cuz I wanted to see how he looked like on the ps4 and the recommendation I got from typing his name were cringe as fuck.

I can’t read Japanese, what’s the point if i can’t read quirky dialogue or enjoy the story.

I don't recommend playing if you're not willing to learn nip

Be honest, did you cry?

Persona is the FF to SMT's DQ, you fucking newfag.

Oh hah. That's sad. The only time I had to stop letting AI do everything was Monster Casino. Once I figured that out, the same concepts worked the rest of the way.

At least nobody will notice since you pasta niggers are already brown as fuck.

No but I thought that was pretty well done, even with the reused music.
>the fumbled walking
It's the little touches.

>Still mad
You better do something about that anal leakage of yours, user.


Start at the kid from DQ1 and stroll your eyes all the way around to DQ11 kid and notice how bland the character designs have gotten.


>how bland the character designs have gotten.
They were always bland, it was either:
>Kid Goku
With a slightly different hairdo and more or less robes with or without a Bandana, honorable mentions for the DQ1 and DQ3 MCs for having something else than a bandana.

He probably means how the first few all had some sort of shit on their head. Yes, he is probably that shallow.

But VII and VIII had the best designs in the franchise.

>can't nut in her

Nope. Worst game.

I will if it comes to PC without some garbage DRM. The chances of that are about as high as me buying a console, or DQX seeing a release in the West. So, no is probably more accurate as an answer.

Man I didn't imagine italians to be such shitposters. What a faggot.

>got btfo'd by an italian

Back to FIFA.

I sure am excited to see Italy on the world cup this year.

>giving a fuck about soccer

Total opposite. FF's writing is usually trash so it's better to have a minimalistic plot than a shitty one. Designs are also better than the dumb overexaggerated ones in FF. Gameplay wise it's inferior to DQ since atb is a trash mechanic not to mention much more grinding.

FF's gameplay is technically deeper than DQ's most of the time.
The problem is that the games are so piss easy that you can stemroll everything just by spamming attack and cure, unlike in DQ where stuff like buffs, debuffs, status effects etc actually matter.

Only if you can marry her and not the blonde. Martina is the better woman, I'll preorder the PS4 copy.

Otherwise without optional Martina marriage I'll get it on 3DS on Black Friday.