What do you guys think of 3D Land/3D World?

What do you guys think of 3D Land/3D World?

i thought they were bad. then I played odyssey and realized how much worse it could be

3D World is my second favorite 3D Mario after Galaxy 2. 3D Land was okay, but I never finished it.

3D World is one of the best looking video games ever made and will look just as good in 100 years.

They're mediocre/okay. Their concept works best for a handheld system which is why I give 3D Land a pass. It's fun in small doses.
3D World has better design than 3D Land but it still feels like a small game and the cat Bowser fight is trash.

Patrician opinion

Played 3D Land. Good game, a little sterile this newer Mario but still fun.
>mfw the golden leaf appeared

Both were quite good. They're definitely their own thing, though - you can't really compare them to a 3D sandbox Mario game or a 2D sidescroller. I think they get a bad rap because people are comparing them to the 3D/2D regulars.

It'd be cool if they became a regular series kinda like New SMB, assuming they can find ways to spice things up as times go

They're not 3D Mario games.

What I mean by that is 1) they use digital 8-way run control instead of proper analog control, and 2) they have a fixed camera that shows the stages as "dioramas" rather than a camera that follows Mario. Granted, the former was necessary in 3D Land since the 3DS doesn't have true analog control, and in 3D World to accommodate players using the Wiimote, but it still makes them a different beast from the "classic" 3D Mario formula.

Because of this it's hard to rank them up against the other "real" 3D games. For what it's worth I think they're fun, but sorely lacking in the kind of freeform agility-focused player control that makes the real 3D games delightful to play. They're also veeeeery aesthetically bland, using the plasticine NSMB style.

You are an idiot.

3D Land is a great game
3D world is an amazing game

>People are still trying to push the 8 way meme
3d land has 12 way and world has 16 way you dumb sack of shit.

Fucking this. The game is gorgeous, and is one of the rare ones from its generation that won't look dated, save for maybe resolution and AA.

You're right in that they're not sandbox games, but 3D World is the pinnacle of what pre-64 Marios would (and IMO should) be when adding the 3rd dimension. I understand why Nintendo needed to do Odyssey, but I really hope they continue on with games more like Galaxy 1/2 and 3D World.

>the game gets shat on by Galaxy babies and retards with no depth perception
The game was absolutely amazing on every aspect, but I guess change is scawy.

3D Land has great level design.

3D Land is my least favorite 3D Mario, it's too bland and basic. 3D World is pretty good though.

3D world > Odyssey

Odyssey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D World

3D Land was nice, but 3D World was a boring disappointment. They really didn't put any consideration into the multiplayer aspect outside of making the areas larger.

Ironic since these games are closer to Galaxy than past 3D Marios. Galaxy's level design was quite linear.

>you will never get shiny stars on your save file
It's kind of shitty of them that just having the block appear permanently removes them from your save file rather than using it. Same shit happens in New Super Mario Bros Wii and on. That doesn't really encourage replaying levels.

your opinions are backwards

>Odysseyfags are still salty over the truth
Fancier movement mechanics don't mean a whole lot when the application of the is just using Cappy throws endlessly to bypass contebt

Level design decides the quality of the 3d platformer, and Odyssey has crap level design

3D World was fun as fuck.

Fuck the other idiots ITT, THIS is the one true patritian opinion in the thread. 3D World should
Have been a 3DS game.

Prove it

>he didn't play odyssey

New Donk City and Bowser kingdom (which is the size of 3d world level) are the only standouts in the whole damn game

That's your opinion, not a fact.

>that one level with horrible pop in on trees and bushes
Game was so close to being a visual masterpiece

Bowser's Kingdom is like three 3D World levels.

Land was too easy. I didn't die once until the final Bowser castle and I'm not some quick twitch reflexes freak