What went wrong Sup Forums?

What went wrong Sup Forums?



They’re running out of ideas.


Humanoid Pokemon was the mistake. Stuff like Machoke/Champ was fine because it was like a lizard man but once we hit Gardevoir it was over

Nothing. Each of them are neat in their own way.

I think gen8 switch mons will be less overdesign do to the amount of work to get them on switch or there be less then 100 new mons.

But ponies aren’t video games you false equivalency tard

Chesnaught, Greninja, Decidueye, & Incineroar are good/great though. Even Delphox is only mediocre, not bad.

>giving a shit about what mods say

Only the fire starters suck.

I also dislike how popplio 3 is clearly a girl but it can also be a male. The same with litten 3.

>"muh geewun was fine because muh geewun"
Gardevoir is less human-like than Machoke and Machamp. And that line was always fucked from the start because of the way the Pokedex flavor text for them established their power level as being completely fucking beyond reasonable.

Top: Cool underrated grasstype, ugly attempt at going from furfag pandering to something cool, the “cool” starter that they overuse in marketing until everyone hates it
Bottom: the “cool” starter that they overuse in marketing, barafag pandering, waifufag pandering

They made grass and fire shit so water could look good for once.

But I’m a gentooer you fag

I’m talking about Gardevoir attracting the Pokémon fuckers leading to the train wreck that is Delphox and the weirdness that is Primarina, among other things.

Trying to make Final Forms humanoid
You don't get shit like Bulbasaur anymore, they've all gotta be based on something humanoid

Maximillian put it best, but I'm gonna paraphrase: it's just a fucking furry/weapon/object. Pokemon used to be animals

base stats

the frog and owl are fine, the seal would be good if it wasn't so overdesigned
the others are dogshit though

Digimon > Pokemon

but pokemon fuckers existed since gen 1

rules are made to be broken

Incineroar feels like wasted potential. It's a Fire/Fighting type that (plot twist) isn't a Fighting type. Plus wrestling is gay.
That's really it. All the other designs actually show some semblance of originality.

Well, the quadruped starter has always been the least popular literally every time they did it, so Gamefreak cut out the middleman to appeal to more people. Shame, but that's how it goes.

you do realize all of those are in first games too right

nostalgia really is a poison

>I can't come up with my own arguments or opinions so I have to parrot e-celebs
This is the state of modern gaming. This is the state of nu-Sup Forums. Makes me sick.

Yeah but at that time they were just a fringe faction of weirdos that wanted to fuck Vulpix or something
Now it’s at least half the fandom

why should he be fighting? wrestlers don't fight, they act. also follows the explosive emotion the line has. and hell, heel wrestler gathers heat which also adds more to him

if anything it's Decidueye that comes out abrupt

This! We need more animals and non-humanoids like muh gen wun!

man you're so innocent, the fact you even cited vulpix shows you're so hilariously naive

Nobody likes Mr Mime or Jynx though

Braixen and Primarina are the best starters of gens 6 and 7

Hey fuck you.
Jynx is cool.

but they exist, which was the point

hell at least now the non "animal" pokemon look better with some thought in their design

The fact that I’m innocent shows that it wasn’t as big a thing back then

install gen two

High five

grass status: improved
fire status: regressed
water status: improved

jinx is gay and so are you

Fire starter designs have always been consistently shit though. Based Grass and Water starters get the best designs.

What's this

>liking Delphox


No, it means you were a kid back then, and you weren't involved in the fandom yet.

Pokemon was the biggest it ever was, do you honestly think there wasn't a metric FUCKLOAD of pokefuckers? Eevee and it's evolutions alone created an entire generation of furries.

mr mime will sweep you faggot

>original games were on hardware that was very limited
>designs were simple and plain to make it easier to transition to the Game Boy
>technology advances for the handhelds
>as does the designs for Pokemon

Too much greebling. It's why Pokemon looks like Digimon now.

SMT isn’t as comparable to the mons though. It’s not as much about the creatures in those games. It’s more about the setting and Lucy and Gold Head Man

>evolving into delphox

No one defends Mr mime or jynx. The real travesty is that their legacy didn't die with them.

Of course, but proportionally it’s gotten way worse

>not just using the glorious grass knight instead

That's not the point, though. Pokemon were never all animals/monsters and there were a lot of humanoid pokemon in gen 1. Whether you like humanoid pokemon or not is a completely different matter.


nani kore

Hitmonlee > other nigs

t. Ghost of Bruce Lee

Nothing wrong with that. Delphox is great.

t. Furfag

>He says,next to barabait.pkmn

again, you're so naive

>he hasn't embraced his innermost degeneracy yet

>letting the barafags stop you from getting a cool Pokémon

then what's wrong with getting a cool fire mage despite the furries?

My innermost degeneracy is musclegirls

What is wrong with wanting to use a cool fire magician?

the loli magical girl is better thats what

It’s ugly. It’s got big ear hair. That’s weird.

The water types are doing just fine.

Delphox has a somewhat effeminate design, thus people tend to gravitate towards it because it can fulfil some kind of secret fetish they have or something.
That or they're just a furry who loves foxes.

What are the Alolan starters' theme supposed to be based on? I mean I can see Primarina being a singer and Incineroar being a wrestling heel both being a performer but Decidueye being also one seems a bit of a stretch. Is it to continue the rpg class theme (Primarina-Bard; Decidueye-Sniper; Incineroar-Fighter)?

That is fine too, but I like Delphox better.

the implication that generic magic fox is better than incineroar

latter is good with children, is very expressive (unlike owl and seal), and is just all around fun

>Mr. Mime and Jynx are the only humanoids in gen wun

>the implication that generic magic fox is better than incineroar
and that's where you'd be wrong

nothing really, only gen 5 and 6 have an overall theme to the starters

So its wrong to like Delphox because of waifufags but its completely ok to like Incinaroar despite husbandofags?

So you're part of the faggots who think they're hot shit when they're even obnoxious than genwunners. Come back when your Gen doesn't use Gen I as s crutch.


There's also Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Machop family, Alakazam, and Mewtwo

>chipmunk tank thing
>fire mage which is a great change of pace from all the fire martial artists we had for three gens in a row, and something that actually looks cool shooting fire attacks
>ninja frog
>archer owl thief
>heel wrestler cat

Honestly, only one that gives me pause is Primarina, if just because it's overly feminine for a Pokemon that's usually male. Otherwise they're all pretty great.

t. Gen1

You could argue the theme is entertainers, but Decidueye ruins it. You could argue the theme is Disney inspiration, but Incineroar ruins. I have no fucking idea what they were going for and I doubt Gamefreak knows either.


heres the thing that seperates the humanoid mons of the older gens, they were types that fit "human" type abilities. why does an owl need a human body other than to become fap bait

Behold my primo tastes.

I wanted to fuck Ninetales long before RS came out.

>Disney inspiration
Huh never heard about this interpretation, what makes Decidueye work for this case?

>Come back when your Gen doesn't use Gen I as a crutch.
so every gen after 4?

Hero, Damsel, and vilian

At least Gen 1fags have a full original region/game/roster to play with. Gen 2 is just an expansion pack and Johto seemed to hate its roster downright to putting some of Gen 2's Pokemon in Kanto. I don't blame them, Gen 2 had some real stinkers. Downright the worst Gen of Pokemon.


Gen 2 is better than gen 1 in every way

Yes, the hero incineroar, the damsel Primarina, and the villain owlshit

Unova, Kalos and Alola don't have to use Kanto as a crutch to extend the gameplay. All the regions have enough to explore without feeling overly small and barren.

They've gotten better since gen 5, that was the peak of bad starters.

Armor fails to look like armor (look at rhyhorn or lairon for good armor), instead it just look like lines with noodle limbs, shield makes him look hunchback and the color palette looks like shit.

Worse looking than braixen, loses feminine appearance betraying the 2nd form, skirt doesnt portray robes successfully ending up looking like a cone body and both the whiskers and the ear hair look like shit

tonguescarf is stupid pratically speaking, head spikes look kinda dumb, otherwise its not that bad

>alola starters
Nothing personally speaking, i really like all 3, Incineroar could use some thicker wrists though, and it along with Decidueye could use some better names, the curent ones are shit.

Decidueye makes sense. Shooting arrows at an apple on someone's head is a circus-y kind of thing, Archery in general is a rather flashy sport.


In Disney's Robin Hood he was an owl.