Was this the biggest mistake Nintendo ever made?

It literally gave all the best franchises to Playstation for no reason.

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Pretty much. They willingly choose to stay with outdated technology.

I actually dislike discs, they encouraged developers to be lazy and uncreative, discs are the reason games are 80GB now.

>ps1 evil dead
>insert disc 2
>put disc 2 in*

This entire system was a mistake

>muh hardcore no gimmicks Nintendo console

Don't be delusional. Cartridges were (at the time) reaching the limit of data storage against how much games' sizes grew; that's why the entire industry jumped into discs. Also, discs are the media standard for everything, still to this day.
Big HDDs being standard equipment for both consoles and PCs are the reason why games are 80GB, not discs.

Stop defending Nintendo's retarded decisions.

no because megaman legends looked way better on 64

No, this was.

it lacked decent exclusives

>discs are the reason games are 80GB now.
Which is why most switch games take up at least a third of the internal storage if not more

yeah lmao i love buying a Switch game and having to download 60gbs to even play the fucking game because carts even to this day are small and expensive.

People don't say that because they want nintendo to succeed, they say that because they don't want to play games at 368p.

>Nintendo STILL assblasted at Sony/Phillips that it would rather develop its own media than use DVDs/Blu-Rays


Not even Nintendo. That guy is a fucking genius, he got over the limitations of the processors and cartridge size by making the color palette his bitch.

Now? They just throw in some uncompressed textures and a shitton of videos without a second thought, because who cares? Retards believe the more the merrier.

>but Nintendo is FORCED to make low end garbage hardware full of retarded gimmicks!! Look at the gamecube!!

Nice way of proving him right, retard

Either way they were fucked on the SNES PlayStation: drop it and let Sony go on to become a wildly successful rival and creating one of the best selling consoles, or keep their partnership intact and let Sony ream them on CD game royalties as per their almost signed contract (only for Sony to go on to eventually be a wildly successful solo act anyway)?

If you knew Nintendo, you know it wasnt carts, but thier fucking draconian practices with dealing with 3rd party devs.

Think about it, they had pretty much EVERYONE in the Snes days. Fucking Square couldnt walk 2 feet without shitting out a classic. Capcom had the X series and Nintendo with its amazing 1st party stuff.

No, not carts man, but jews.

I never had a gamecube nor am I a fan of many of its games, but it always suprises me.
Like, I have trouble believing this beast and the Xbox competed with the PoS2

>Butchering games and not letting developers ambitions grow is okay because some senile japanese fuck wanted to go with carts just because.

Fucking lmao, keep your arcade minigames while i play Metal Gear, Resident Evil 2, Final Fantasy IX and and Dragon Quest VII.

Not really cuck, it only proves carts are still garbage 15 years later.

Storage capacity has nothing to do with it. The main reason Nin. wanted cartridges is solely because they were manufactoring them. It's been like that since the NES. Publishers HAD to buy empty cartridges from Nintendo (with a genuine lock chip) in addition to paying the license fee. Nin. wanted to continue to jew twice on games on their machines.

Sony wanted to cash license fees on cdrom games from the Play Station so Nin. secretly struck a deal with Philips in exchange for Mario and Zelda on the CD-I, so Sony had to release their own machine.

PS2 had games, unlike those pathetic failed consoles.

How is that the console's fault?

GC should have used DVDs and the Xbox shouldn’t even exist.

Quite the opposite, if nintendo would have chosen CDs the piracy would have destroyed all their profit margins
Sony could afford piracy, because videogames were only a part of what sony was at the time, his televisions were profitable as fuck, not to mention the audio CD business and semi conductors, thats why the PS was so succesful for sony even when the third world consumed only pirated PS games.
Nintendo only profit came from videogames, if they suddenly lost half of their market to piracy the gameboy would not have been able to keep them afloat for the second part of the 90s

>PS2 had games
it had the same games as the xbox and the gamecube but ran shittier.
the only reason why it sold like it did its because Niggers and third-worldlers could buy that shit cheap.

GC was more powerful than PS2
XBox was more powerful but was hugely marketed as being super powerful.


It's because it was a DVD player.

This is a PlayStation black disc track 3 contains computer data so please don’t play it. But you won’t listen will you

Yeah that's right.

Piracy also the reason the 360 won in third world countries, and another reason kids only watch streams now. People can affort throwing 300 bucks to the company, but can't or don't want to spend 60 for "just software".

>keep your arcade minigames
better than the games you mentioned. Also no horrible load times or shitty deformed graphics. PSX has a lot of games but 90% of the library is unfinished 3D crap. Hell, the best psx games are 2d games.


lmao still assblasted 20 years later, stuck playing the same 4 kiddy games over and over.

That shitty controller didn't help.

Those games are shit.

Non-nerds were playing Goldeneye and Mario Kart with their friends.

PS1 was the nerd console. That's why it sold. It brought nerds into console gaming.


no u

are you going to explain why user was wrong oooor are you just gonna leave it there? Educate me, please, user.

PS2 had the best exclusives of the gen, it wasn’t even close.

Xbox was a joke and Gamecube has the worst library of any Nintendo console.

And that includes the Wii U, that’s how bad the games were.

As a PS1 kid I didn't even know FFVII existed so no, I doubt it. It was a mixture of things, not just one effin game

>buying physical media
>in the year 2018 a.D.

I'm just glad they finally moved over to flash. No spinning disc noise like the Wii U, and compact size.

>PS2 had the best exclusives of the gen.
MGS? Disney/Final Fantasy crossover?

The PS1 was bullshit because there was NO game that *needed* to be multiple discs

Fucking FF7 was about ~150 megabytes of game and 2,000+ megabytes of shitty poorly compressed FMV. Did you really need to deal with disc changes just so you could get an hour of this bullshit?

And Square went on to say the the reason they went to CD format was that the cartridge format would have compromised what they wanted to do and made the final product much more expensive. So yeah, cartridges were the problem.

Better than 2 hour long 90$ cart games.

i have three psx, even the first model. I own a fat ps2 w/fmb too. And i play psx on my sony pvm monitor and PS2 on a sony wega CRT. I'm really assblasted, man i hate sony.

>stuck playing the same 4 kiddy games over and over.
yeah, it helps my brain a lot. Unlike playing """cinematic""" video game experiences. Enjoy your future Alzheimer. Even sony ponys recognize the PS brand is shit and build it's legacy on lies. They still continue lying to you promising the PS4 Pro was capable of 60fps.

>People can affort throwing 300 bucks to the company, but can't or don't want to spend 60 for "just software"
those "People" are worse than scum, they are Soynyniggers.

Yes. It has little to do with quality and more with money. See

Name one game.

The most maybe, because it was so popular and so many companies used it as the go-to platform, but best is highly subjective and trying to argue that other exclusives didn't matter is disingenuous at best. For example Halo may be shit now, but for years it was considered the top of the genre and even had other franchises trying to compete to become the "Halo killer"

Way to immediately turn your bait to shit

I'm genuinely glad they made that decision as it opened up room for a new major competitor.

wew you drones are so easy to break

Cardboard posting really fucked you up.

Only people who played Halo were low IQ amerimutts.

nigga those types were on ps1 back then playing weeb faggotry like ff

take your viral marketing elsewhere

>lol ur just mad cus muh wojacks!
Shitposting used to be funnier

That was only a part of it, the draconian practices during the snes and n64 era were pretty tame compared to those of the nes, all thanks to the Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of America Inc case
During the snes era most developers were porting their games to muliplats, people like square were nintendo exclusive only because nintendo gave them pretty good licensing deals. Things like giving them 50% discount on cartidges and less percentages for every game sold given to nintendo
Capcom was selling games to all platforms during the snes years

only reason it sold in the US was FF7

>Buying air

Why was wrong user?

Non stai parlando con un deficiente dagli states

see the post above yours

you've already been proven wrong

>now owning what you pay for


I agree that the Nintendo 64's typical 16 megabyte to 32 megabyte cartridges were inadequate

What I disagree on is the devs who somehow felt that one 650 megabyte PlayStation disc was inadequate

Think about it this way: every single one of these discs has a copy of the entire game on them, the only thing that's different is it has a different set of FMV videos. Low resolution, poorly animated, wastes of time.

In comparison, there's a classic bootleg going around that can very comfortably fit all three Crash Bandicoot games AND Spyro the Dragon 1 in a single CD-R.

You mean
>buying access to whatever game I want without wasting resources for a plastic box that's doing nothing except standing there
Have fun with your letter weight

Senpai you’re already telling me what consoles you own and were not even at 4 replies.

still doesn't dismiss the piracy of the ps1 and ps2. I lived in scandinavia when I got my ps1 but boy my library consisted of 80 pirated games and 3 actual copies. Whilst my N64 had over 20 legit games.

PS2 had a wide variety of games, I'll give it that.

Anti piracy was also another reason. Same with GameCube discs.

Just say air, it’s shorter.

I'm not the other user you were talking to

>GC was more powerful than PS2

I would say they were about equal, honestly. The best looking Gamecube games speak for themselves but a lot of developers said the PS2 was more powerful.

Yeah that's why I have my gog setups on a hard drive and can install them on as many computers as I want and even give them to my friends to play.

>greatest JRPG adventure of all time
>4 megabytes

So is Chrono Trigger

GameCube truly was their worst console. Maybe Wii U was worse but it's so recent still it's hard to tell. I guess if you include the game boy player and that library GC wasn't so bad but then you can argue Wii U's visual console library.

GameCube was like the N64 but worse. Neither had deep game librarys but ganecubes tip of the iceburg didnt reach as high. Mario 64 was historic, Sunshine was unfinished and lackluster in comparison. Wind Waker was another fine game but unfinished and lackluster in comparison to OOT. TP came so late it's mostly considered a Wii game just as BOTW is considered a switch game today.

GameCube looks even worse with the ps2 being one of the greatest consoles ever created.

Here come the VI shitters

Nah cause air is free. Sorry that you still live in your cavemen mentality and you need a piece of plastic to validate your purchase.

Imagine how shite Mario 64 and Ocarina Of Time would have been with the kind of loading times CDbased tech had in the mid-90's.

Even when Nintendo were wrong they were still right.

You're not getting the point.

Why do I, a plublisher, have to pay Nintendo to buy all the empty cartridges for my game from them, in addition to paying them a licensing fee and an amount for all the copies I sell

when I can use a medium on which I pay very little fees, it's cheap to manufacture, I can choose where to buy so I get an even better deal, it's selling like hotcakes cause of audio cds and it holds so much more data?

Who said they were forced? Power's never once been in Nintendo's interest, the SNES was a 16-bit console but still had an 8-bit processor. Gamecube's power was still half-assed somewhat, being weaker in raw specs than its competition, and then their immediate successor was two Gamecubes taped together. Nowadays the Switch is probably their "purest" gaming console yet thanks to it having no multimedia features whatsoever beyond one Hulu app, it's a pure video game machine. First-party or well-optimized third-party games generally have 720p in handheld and 1080p docked to boot, and still nobody gives a shit because people who don't own the thing will wail about tiny screens or low resolutions, or even completely miss the fucking point that you can play the thing however you want and wail that it's a handheld and they wanted a home console, or vice-versa.

Low-end garbage hardware full of retarded gimmicks sells like fucking hotcakes.

You got fucking annihilated Sonychild. Man up and take it.

>Nah cause air is free.
That’s the point lmao

Why do you, the publisher, stumbling upon a goldmine of inexpensive high capacity data storage, then feel the need to inflict inconvenience on you consumers by making them switch discs?

Resident Evil and Tomb Raider had a hand in it as well.

People often forget how much of Sony's market is just third world shit holes

>Why do I, a plublisher, have to pay Nintendo to buy all the empty cartridges for my game from them

Besides greed, Quality Control is a major part of. Nintendo saved the industry from the brink. Quality Control was a serious thing to them. They didn't want just any shitter making Nintendo games.

15 years later and you’re still hurting because you played some shit Nintendo game nobody cared about while everyone was playing Metal Gear and Resident Evil.


>It's because it was a DVD player.

This is the correct answer. The PS2 was many young kids first DVD player.

Yeah I bet Nintendo really felt the lack of piracy in their wallet.

Nintendo went from the biggest console in the world to begging for PS2 ports and Xbox scraps.

>15 years later and you’re still hurting because you played some shit Nintendo game nobody cared about

Sonykids everyone. Always salty. Always hilarious.

Let's take away VC (and then Game Boy Player to be fair), the WiiU's library is dogshit

GameCube had real 3D Mario (vs. WiiU's shallow NES circlejerk games), two new Zeldas (vs. Those same GCN Zeldas and a mediocre Musou spinoff on WiiU), a Smash Bros that has an enduring presence to this day (vs. The WiiU's game that people are already sick of and wanting to just have the sequel instead), two Metroid games (vs. The WiiU's none), debatably the best F-ZERO game (vs. the WiiU's none), a Mario Kart with an interesting gimmick (vs. The WiiU's shit MK game that lacked proper battle modes and ran at only 30fps in 3/4 player), relatively decent third party support (do I need to even say it?), and an awesome controller (vs. The WiiU's clunky shitty GamePad)

>Nintendo went from the biggest console in the world to begging for PS2 ports and Xbox scraps

Kek keep telling yourself that. Nintendo have the best exclusive IPs in the industry.


Now you’re begging for a butchered MH World port.


Dude. Nintendo didn't give a sideways fuck about whether the games published by others on their systems were good, the Seal of Quality was just to verify the product was formally licensed by Nintendo and not an unlicensed Tengen-style workaround.