What the fuck is wrong with redditors?

What the fuck is wrong with redditors?

Their refusal to lurk moar

Stop going to reddit, dummy.

literally attention whores

That's kind of Chad desu, you're a pussy if you don't like breaking glass

What a bunch of retards lol. Would hate having a girlfriend who did silly things to try to connect with my hobby

They construct their entire identity and self worth around shitty "nerd culture".

less embarrassing than the autists here with waifu shrines

The fact that you know this was done by his girlfriend means you saw the OP on Reddit.

Fuck off.

this shitty board is not different with all the frog posters and stupid memes so stop lying yourself

>waifu shrines
Please tell me this is a real thing

Hey man thanks for posting. Just wanted to let you know you can see a post's filename above the pictures. Sometimes lends helpful context. Welcome to Sup Forums and hey, take care out there.

Imagine being this illiterate.

>File: my_girlfriend_made_m.jpg (1.07 MB, 3024x4032)
You double retard, Jesus.

Why do people buy these cards? They lock you into steams fake money in case of a refund.

>phoneposters are this retarted

Or read the filename

He's a phoneposter. Probably on a shitter right now literally shitposting.

you do that when necessary. the only people who likes breaking glass are mouth drooling zika babies.

I construct my entire identity and self worth around shitposting.

Is this Mighty No. 9?

Real answer.

Thats not hot at all


Newfag exposed.

>He doesn't love his waifu
Look at this faggot

Am I the only one shocked someone spends 100,- on these gift cards? 100,- is a lot of cash to be spending on this kind of shit just cause your bf is cute.

You can still read the file names when phoneposting

>i browse reddit but i'm so insecure about it that i make posts mocking things i see on reddit while i browse reddit

probably redeemed them before putting them in

Well, you projecting this unto the OP implies that YOU in fact read the OP on reddit, hm?

Why is every fucking redditor able to get a girlfriend and yet I'm a 25 year old virgin who's never had one? And then they post pictures of all their girlfriends making them gift baskets and creative vidya decorations and shit. Where do they meet these girls? And what do the girls see in them?


>Oh look, I'm a corporate bitch

Makes my head shudder uncontrollably.

Not on my iphone you cant

Because they date gender fluid girls.

That break the glass decoration meme is from the early 2000s.

IPhone Kek

>my gf made this

No she didn't. All these reddit reuploads are done by themselves.

>openly admitting to browsing on a phone, an iphone no less

>Buy $100 worth of steam cards AND the case coming to $150
>Break Glass
>Sever an artery
>Shell out $200 for stitches
>A cheap joke cost you $350


The problem is that most girls like that "cute" useless shit.

Redditors are just failed normies, and their shitty upvote culture prevents any deep discussions to take place where new jokes can be facilitated, and also depowers the posts calling people out as retarded leaving a circlejerk twee culture like you see on there.

the fact that you spend your time screeching about leddit on an image board is probably a ding against you, honestly.

Browsing from a phone is fine, it's just the posters that need to be gassed.