That guy who doesn't 100% his games

>that guy who doesn't 100% his games

i try so hard but i just can't with some. they're too terribad
*stares at doom 2016 box


case* am retar pls ignore

>that retard that 100%'s his games more than once for no reason

>100% more than once

every game i've 100%'d i never want to play again.

Enjoying BoTW, OP?

I don't think I've ever got 100% on a game before.

>wasting time on filler content

Fucking retard. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? In 5 years, will you look back and say, "Boy, I sure am glad I 100% all those shitty games I have that got me nowhere in life"? Have fun pissing your brain away (not that there's one to begin with).

100% game is not as bad as hunting for achievements. Real cancer right there.

What the fuck user?
You should play video games because you enjoy them, not because you expect them ot get you somewhere in life.

>playing games

Seriously though I only 100% games if I really enjoy it

I just cheat all bullshit cheevos nowadays. Thank god for Steam Achievement Manager.

>being this upset over not being able to 100% ONE game

>not immediately starting the second play trough on a higher difficulty or do a challenge run when the game is fun enough that you want to continue playing it instead of doing mindless tasks to fill up some retard percentage

Not all of them are bad. Collect 900 shit nuggets is bad. Beat the game on very hard is fine.

>being autistic

And why do you need achievements for that?

>Only person looking at your sweet cheevs is you
>They offer no other reward beyond whatever meager personal satisfaction the act of completing them gives you
>You cheat them in anyway

>that guy who plays games for enjoyment

Dud its hard af to get the last achievement in savant - ascent

That's me.

Same. I've got plenty of other things I'd rather spend my time on then all the skinner box shit just meant to waste your time.

It triggers my OCD. I rarely get any satisfaction actually attaining them legit, unless it's completely grind free and doesn't require replaying.

>that guy who doesn't get sick of a game before he 100%s it

Fully agreed. I die on the inside whenever I see someone make a purchase decision based on whether or not it's "an easy plat".

dumb animeposter

>that guy who has to 100% and get all the achievements when playing a game

Collector cancer needs to be gassed, be it in real life or in video games.