ITT: the worst game in their respective series

ITT: the worst game in their respective series

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Gen and XX are spinoffs, and should not be treated as an accurate representation of the Monster Hunter series.

Prove that you even played it OP. Oh wait, you won't because you never did lmao

>worldbab so buttblasted he had to make another thread

Why didn't you post Tri?

First Monhun is the worst Monhun, not because it's bad but because the series has only improved since then


Prove that you played MH1.

>He doesn't use Brave Dual Swords
Don't you want to go FAST

What about World?

Uh oh OP is butthurt that he got called out lmao


Prove that you played XX.

Bing wahoo, i don't even have a Switch. Nice try, worldbab.

Not a spin-off

The devs literally said xx and gen were only made to keeps fans content while they were making World

>*bing bing wahoo’s on 3ds*


That shitposting.

Nah, it's close but Gen/X is worse.

All this bing binging you're doing is really proving you're a worldbab with how long the series has been locked on nintendo shit, you know.

Yep. FU is also a strong contender

I pirate it day one, it's fucking fun.

The worst one is Freedom 1, this is fact.

FU is unironically the best monhun

Played it again a couple days ago and was surprised how much more grounded it felt than XX

I actually had to plan what to buy since it didn’t just throw cash at you

>and was surprised how much more grounded it felt than XX
Rajang still exists, so i doub that.

you misspelt best

But that's objectively superior to world.

Is it bad cause its on the switch?

the bing is strong in this one

More != better

no user it has both more and what it has more of is also better

Bing bing


I wouldn't say that there is a worst MH overall but P3rd is definitely the weakest game in the series.
Play more MH games and you will find out why.

I'm so disgusted at the fact I own a nintendo switch. Anytime I play it I feel like I'm simultaneously browsing reddit and watching MLP.

>surprised how much more grounded it felt than XX
You should try Tri then.

I Played 3u
Fuck swimming

That online Frontier garbage is the worst in the series followed closely by MHO

>worldkid already ran out of content