Who cares? As long as you don't live in a fucking clay hut in the middle of nowhere it takes like an hour to download.

Took me about an hour to download 75GB, I really don't see the point of all these threads.

Americans are fat. In my country it takes 30 minutes to download 20gb.

Well whoop de fucking do. We can't all have high speed blazing internet, faggots.

Bummer, buy the console version on disc then if you want to play it. That or move out of the boonies.

The average internet speed in the US is ~18Mbps. It takes about 15 hours to download 100GBs at 18Mbps.

I thought it was just 80? it was 80 yesterday

Oh no! It might take an hour to download!

It's not high speed blazing internet. It's the standard internet speed these days. Americans just get fucked by their ISPs. Which they seem to enjoy, I gather?

I swear it's been like this for 3 hours now

It's actually only 75.5.

You've been able to preload it for like a week.

we don't care about third world internet.


But I don't WANT the console version, clearly it won't look as good compared to the PC version. Or can someone confirm if the PS4 version would look just as good as PC on default settings? I mean clearly it won't run as good since PC gets 4k native resolution and all that jazz.

>100gb for the definition of mediocrity

You could redownload the game in the time it takes to unpack this shit..jesus

why are pcfags getting excited over this
it’s been out long enough for anyone with a brain to realize it’s shit

Because it can be played at higher resolution/FPS. That's pretty much the only reason they're excited about it. MUH GRAPHICS.

got the DL speeds of up to 50mbyte / s
so fuck off

You also got DSL so go suck some, faggot.

you are dense

>need to get an SSD for every 4-5 games you want to install
Compress your shit

plus all the dlc that comes with royale

>ruining quality of shit just so you can feel happy
Fuck off cuck.

>Doesn't know what DSL means

I'm not talking about DSL in terms of the internet. It means Dick Sucking Lips. You're the dense one here.

So why not just get the Royal Edition on PS4 if all they cared about was the DLC and added content?

what do I do for 2 hours Sup Forums?

watch the brotherhood anime and the kingsglaive movie

oh i'm sorry
didn't know you were talking gay

>12-15 mb/s

Fuck you. I only get 2-3 mb/s


I could have probably redownloaded the game and the High Res textures by now with this unpacking...

>muh mod support
That's why. In 5 years, after Tabata finishes shitting out all content and mods are done, the game will finally be playable.
If this isn't proof that exclusive PC gaming is a meme, and that PCfags will literally eat up all the shit that ends up on Steam, I dunno what is.

and two more hours to update after that user

do this

Ain't nobody got time or spare space for that.

apply for jobs?


JUST bought it and freed up 100gig on my nvme ssd

your homework

dropped out
already have one
will it spoil the game for me?

>will it spoil the game for me?

no, you're supposed to watch those before playing the game. If you don't want spoilers you shouldn't even be posting here

I could swear they said that the Royal Pack on PS4 also gave me the first Season Pass?

Get on my level son, 250kbps when the thing is good


High resolution pack is just 50gig of movies and 10gigs of textures

Fucking lol at all the rednecks in this thread with 1mbps dl speed. I'm in a rural US county and I get 15mbps with Comcast.

>Toaster fags

You need over 200Mbit/s downstream to download 100GB in one hour, that's not even available for residential installations in most places in the world.


I have 250Mbit/s and I live in a residential house in UK.
Sue me.

I'll just replay all of XIII while it downloads.

4 days for me in aus :(
Please devs keep games sub 30gb now I can't play online for days

I have literally been downloading this for almost three days and it still isn't done.

Welcome to 2018

And it’s an 85gb download

Games get bigger in size dumbass. It's how it's always worked.

10 years ago games were like 4GB+
10 years before that they were like 800MB.

It's what fucking happens.

I wasn’t complaining, user