Duck in Gamestop

Duck in Gamestop

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holy shit haha

Duck in bar

What the fuck is it doing in there?

thats an eb games

how did these fellas get in there??


How much does it take to get a duck drunk enough? Asking for a friend.

How old is this picture again?

Very little. You'll also probably kill them. Humans evolved a tolerance despite it being totally detrimental to our biological processes but other animals aren't as stupid as us so they get fucked up by booze easily.

in what?

What are some games where I can play as a duck?

Ill give you $3.75 for the duck, or $5 in store credit

Duck in cage

Herbivores get drunk from eating fermented fruit all the time though

Hypebeast duck

That duck has accomplished more in life than I ever will.


call of duty :)

Alcohol was a great substitute for drinking your shit tainted river water and dying of cholera


Duck in Germany


Yo stubbs the zombie for 19.99?


Reminder that ducks cant process alcohol because they have no liver

Its dead

Fuck these ass holes man, one was crossing the street today and I was tempted to hit the stupid prick.

Giraffe in EB Games.

>sees a shelf full of Xbox games
>looks away in disgust

If they have no liver then how do they breathe?

Ducks are the best

Bees also get drunk off fermented honey. The other bees usually sting it to death if it gets too tipsy.

>sees PS3 gam-
oh wait


Duck with qt

Nah, it's ok. The duck is named Star and it's owner runs the pub. The duck likes to drink is all.

Ducks r gay

god I wish I was that wool duck sweater

Ducks have a liver, dumbass

>not qt with girl

>sees last copy of The Warriors

A goose is just a duck with a long neck.

But I just bought this duck from this story yesterday for $70!

beat me to it normie

How intelligent are ducks? Are they capable of forming actual emotional attachments to humans?

Is this a common thing?

Yeah they can. Their is imprinting from when they are young and whatever. Even chickens can do that.

No, it is impossible for any animal to form an emotional attachment. In addition, humans are also unable to form attachments. Because you will never be able to see the perspective of someone else, you will never be able to confirm that everyone around you is not a hallucination or automaton. In the end, the only person you can trust is yourself, unless you mind is lying to you, in which case you can trust nothing. In the end, if someone says they care about you, remember that they will never be able to truly prove it, and are likely to be a souless machine lying to you

man, this place has really gone to the birds

Came here to post this

Shut up nerd nobody cares

>A goose is just a duck with a long neck.

You are wrong

So what you're saying is that if I want to ensure someone's affection I should treat them as a domesticated animal?

le epic duck in gamestop lmao xD

kys yourself redditors

>In addition, humans are also unable to form attachments.
Way to project your own mental illness on others.

Yes that has worked well in the past

obviously photoshopped

ducks are weird like this, I think if they don't have anything beneath their feet they feel like they're perpetually falling or some shit

>Go to Gamestop
>Quack to employee in the corner that I wanna buy Monster Hunter World
>The employee looks at me and say out loud if I'm here to buy Duck Hunt
>One of the neckbeards that was buying a pokemon case for his DS laughs
>He doesn't even give me the game I asked for


Hamsters have an extremely high alcohol tolerance, way higher than humans.
Naturally, I'm taking about proportional to body weight.

*tips fedora*

Faggot in thread.

>tfw they thought by dick-sucking lips to Tanya that she'd be made unattractive
How could they be so stupid

Ducking Gamestop!

what is the purpose of this thread

>looking at guides
lol what a scrub

What is this duck's purpose for being there?


I have runner ducks and they're some of the dumbest fucking things but they sure are entertaining

lmao what a stupid duck


to handle the quacks.

Alcohol dehydrates you though

wonder how old this pic is.

Oh, this shit again. Haha. It's a duck! Yes, a duck in GameStop. How unique and funny!!! OMG. Not like we haven't seen this post before.

Aren't there problems with them shitting all over the place?

> duck is wondering if she'd like his corkscrew dick

>duck in gamestop
>just stands there, no one cares

>pigeon in gamestop
>get free games

Donald Duck having a seizure.

Calm down or you are gonna get punched, bitchboy.

Even low alcohol content can help with keeping water clean. I bet 3% beer wouldn't dehydrate you (essentially it would be the same as one pint of 6% beer and one pint of water--pretty reasonable)

Yeah, there would be if I brought them into GameStop, but they live outside and I have a big yard. They're no worse than chickens in my experience. It may help that runners are technically a "small" duck

Duck spinning around in circles while playing Quake Live

I thought ducks are evil and brown/green colored? Why is duck white and not evil?


More than one duck type.


thread theme

what a cute dog.

This is an objectively true and interesting historical factoid. You'll find that early nations' connection to alcoholic beverages (usually for recreation, sometimes as a primary water source) and its connection to health benefits is actually not exaggerated.

The main reason is because a long time ago, people didn't know about water pollutants or parasites, and the cornerstone of all alcohol is water boiling, which kills most of that bad shit, which, in most of not all cases in ancient civilization, made Alcoholic beverages (be it wine, wheat beer or barley beer) were actually more healthy than their readily available water sources.

Nowadays that isn't "as" true, since water purification is at the level where even easily accessible "free" tap water is now leagues healthier than alcohol on account of not ACTUALLY having alcohol in it, but in general, parasites and pollutants are magnitudes worse for you than alcohol poisoning, at least in the short term, and depending on how high the % of alcohol is.

Be gone, bird.

>There are women who prefer having sex with a duck than with you

With enough training you could shape your penis into a corkscrew too.