What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Created the "what went wrong" meme.

The last good Nintendo console before the Switch meme ruined everything again.

>shit marketing
>shit non-indie third-party support

No normie appeal. It follows the downward spiral pattern from NES - SNES - N64 - GC perfectly. The odd one out is the Wii, which had massive normie appeal. The Switch is a successor to the DS as much as the WiiU so it doesn't count.

I used to work at Gamestop and it was clearly the marketing. Lots of parents would come in and buy Wii U games and then get mad it wouldn't work on their old Wii. We had to put a sign on the Wii U section to tell dumbasses that it's for Wii U only.

Marketing, certainly not the games, I fucking loved mine



Nothing. I had a WiiU and was pretty much satisfied.
People are currently gushing about the amount of games for the Switch when I find it just as much as the WiiU. I only have 6 Switch games.
I had more games for the WiiU after a year. The WiiU will always be a testament to the statement "good games make a console"

Isn't it funny that if it wasn't for the Switch ports, the Wii U would still have more and better exclusives than all this gen consoles?

Lack of games
The few games it did have not justifying a console purchase
>when your library is so barren of system sellers, even smash can't save it.

marketing+never had price drops for games or the system.


Extremely bad marketing and a crappy name that confuses the normies.

>Released too late to be considered a seventh gen console and too underpowered compared to proper eighth gen console.
>Tablet should've been an optional add-on and not the main gimmick of the console.
>Speaking of which, the early ads focused more on the controller, giving the wrong impression that it was an add-on for the original Wii
>Stupid name. Should've been called the Wii 2, or at least the Wii HD.

Marketing 1000000%
The name so casuals and parents think it’s a Wii add on
Shit 3rd party
Basically all that went wrong. Games were great. I think history will make the Wii U a present day Dreamcast or Saturn. Under appreciated at the time but had a great library

Four year lifespan

You basically had Wii fit, Wii music, Wii sports, Wii dildo, and then it comes the Wii U and there is no reason to think it's another system.

I remember even people who watched the E3 were confused in the presentation.

Probably very few WiiU owners, really early adopters aside, regret the purchase.
For people who still use the system, piracy is extremely easy and homebrew allows you to play older nintendo games in a very convenient way.

If it launched in 2010 around the hype of the iPad and phased out the Wii it would have sold 50 million

Too bad it didn't live... But then again what console does?

>go to pawn shop
>see Wii U + zelda edition gamepad for $100 on clearance sale
>buy it
>hack it with haxchi and homebrew channel
>all these free games
>turns out the zelda gamepad on ebay cost more than what I paid for total and the price keeps raising and its a limited collectible item

good purchase

Iwata died and made a cardboard selling jew become the face of Nintendo.


Look at this post
This is the true mark of a deluded Nintendo fanboy and I mean that with the utmost sincerity
The wiiu bombed so hard it barely goes for 40 bucks on eBay or Craigslist and Nintendo knew it was a mistake enough to pull everything from it and go back to the drawing board before it lost them more money
Anyone who defends a wiiu is so brainwashed by Nintendo they divorced themselves from the reality that Nintendo isn’t as good as it was back in the snes-GameCube days

>I had more games for the WiiU after a year.
Well, what abysmal shit taste.
What the fuck did you even have? NSMB? ZombiU? lmao

The god awful marketing. Literally everyone I talked to thought the Wii U was just a Wii add-on.

link me to $40 ebay wii u's, the ones I see are $100+

I want to play pikmin 3 in a fucking cold winter with a good coffee

You're probably too young, the Wii U had the best games of the 8th gen for a long time. For it's entire lifespan actually.

>Mario Kart 8
>Smash Bros. 4
>Bayonetta 2
>Xenoblade X
>Mario 3D World
>Yoshi's Wooly World
>Fatal Frame 5
>Mario Maker
>Zelda Breath of the Wild
>The Wonderful 101
>Donkey Kong Country TF
>Pikmin 3
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions
>Captain Toad
>Pokken Tournament

It was better than what the Switch is right now and it was definetely better than the PS4 and XBO were in all the Wii U's lifetime. I mean, the PS4, the best selling console that has like 5 years of life sill doesn't have as many good exclusives, knowing Sony it probably never will.

granted, Nintendo aren't making any money off people like us.
It is my revenge for them intentionally making the WiiU version of BoTW worse.

>It was better than what the Switch is right now
Sweet Summer child...



Name one non-nintendo game worth giving a damn that is not a port.



I got a wii u for $50 when that Sears online pricing thing happened a few years ago.

Only ever played smash on it. I've been thinking about hacking it but i'm too lazy.


>someone spend valuable time of their lives making collages of these awful games

>awful games

The name, the gimmick, and marketing.

1. the didn't market it at all at launch
2. they never really justified the gamepad
3. it looked kinda fisher price-y
4. the truly noteworthy games didnt arrive till 2014 and if they wanted the wii u to be a success, they had to be there at launch

I loved the Wii U, but Nintendo made a series of fucked up decisions. Just port Wonderful 101 to Switch, please. Its all I really want, I'll buy it again, I just need it to be successful.


There was no marketing for this thing, nobody outside of Nintendo fans cared about it or knew it existed until Smash came out.

The design was terrible, what is the point of a giant tablet if it isn't even portable?

There were no games released in all of 2013, it's first year after release.

It was most definitely the marketing. Wii U had HD Monster Hunter, Smash Bros, the best Xenoblade game to date, Mario Kart, and more and those still couldn't save the system.

>they never really justified the gamepad
Stopped reading there.

We’re spending valuable time of our lives posting about the Wii U

Color Splash and Devil Third are fucking terrible, #FE is mediocre

funny enough netflix recently pushed out a new update for the wii u

Post your playtimes, sweetheart.

People said most everything so I'll boil down one point: Nintendo wanted to have their cake and eat it too

They wanted to try to maintain the Wii crowd with the name and peripherals plus casualizing and dumbing down so many games but they tried to target core gamers with occasional niche-ish games but otherwise mostly familiar franchises slapped onto casualized dumbed-down shit

>general conscensus is that those game are trash
>p-post your playtime then!
Sorry but unlike you i dont play shit games


Yeah i would slap you too if i had to play gutter trash to validate my purchase

>we live in an age where games are not judged by the content in the box, but by the money coprporations wasted on TV commercials.

Fuck you manchildren. This console sucks dick and only a total retard would enjoy it. Its entire library is rehashes and it has almost no exclusives. You would have to be autistic to enjoy being the same game for the third+ time.

No, you really don't understand

People literally had no fucking clue what the WiiU was; a lot of people thought it was just a Wii add-on

it doesn't help that promo material for it implied that the CONTROLLER (the Gamepad) was the WiiU

Holy fuck you're brainwashed

The wiiu was shit and I finally understand why the president of the United States said anime was evil and a recruitment tool for fat weebs

It's an inherently stupid concept: a console with a controller that forces you to look away from the TV screen.

>>B-b-but you can use the second screen to show the inventory or map!!

What, that thing games like Ultima Underworld and System Shock achieved decades ago by integrating the inventory and map in the HUD, without having to use a separate screen?

And the thing Nintendo themselves did way better with the DS and 3DS (by virtue of the screens being attached)?

Pro Controller
3rd Party Support
No Wii U peripheral support for vWii mode
3D World
Star Fox Zero

It gave us DKCTF and BOTW, that's about it.

Releasing a console years after they became completely and totally obsolete.

Nah man, you just have to hold the gamepad up to the screen like a retard. I swear, Iwata's stupidity was contagious.

Yeah I don't follow Nintendo shit, and thought it was like a portable add-on for the Wii or something


>the zelda gamepad on ebay cost more than what I paid for total and the price keeps raising and its a limited collectible item
Is it? I'd never guess that of all things would become rare

That decal is ugly as shit, but leave it to Zeldafags to value trash. Or rather WWfags.

Nintendo never sold the gamepad separately in stores, so as Wii U gets more retro it will be harder to find them in good condition, especially limited edition gamepads like the Zelda one.

I like it