what is free? where?

only in europe

>have to pay for ps plus

Watching streamers is free too but you pctards pay them all the time

>strawman console war shit

Well since every console has paid online, using the process of elimination, you must be a salty pc tard.

Or maybe I'm just not retarded enough to pay for a shitty service and pretend I get free games? Kys drone

Stay mad

ah what really? I've been wanting to play BB forever too

user you gonna miss out on the all the best things in life if you gonna be a Jew about everything

Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank are on sale for $0.00 right now if you have PS+

no, I got them just a moment ago and I am on the East coast USA

>Paying for PS Plus
Mine expired over a year ago and I have no plan to renew.


You fucking sony FAGS are fucking pathetic I mean really.

The SUPERIOR service actually lets you keep these games? So fuck off. Delete this thread. Now.

Boy, some people sure are upset.

I think it's worth it. I have more PS+ "free" games now than games I actually bought normally. Some of them are pretty good too

he's wrong

>pirating games
>have to pay the electricity bill

>pay for a service
>recieve products as compensation
Why is this so hard for pc to understand?


This month's PS+ games are a parting gift from Kaz Hirai, since he is stepping down as CEO in April

I'm glad more people get to experience the GOTYAY but really, who owns a PS4 and not Bloodborne? It's literally the only worthwhile exclusive on the entire system. So we're gonna get a lot of normalfags and ironic weebs complaining that they can't beat Gascoigne or BSB.

The games are not compensation, they're part of the service, the main part in fact. Also they're not products, they're rentals.


>not ape escape 4
fucking gay, op

If you didn't purchase a physical copy of Bloodborne at launch, what the fuck are you even doing on a video game board? You clearly don't take video games seriously, as Bloodborne would have been one of the few games that garnered a preorder and day 1 purchase.

Sure just give me a free PS4, free PS+, free internet connection and some free food and drinks too.

technically it's free for 2 weeks with a 14 day trial but then you gotta pay up

>stop paying the service
>lose all the "free" games they gave you, even if you renew the subscription at a later date

BB sold like half that of Splatoon so apparently most ps4 owners don't take games seriously.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.

this isn't true though you can still play Demon's Souls from PS+ 5 years ago

>baiting this hard

This. Give me more Yumi.

They probably wanted to play a game, rather than sit on loading screens.