God Bless Motherfucking Nintendo

Doing their part to shove the sword impaling physical console games even deeper into the wound, twisting the blade triumphantly and drawing thick spurts of blood and salty tears from the hearts of physcucks around the world. I for one can't help but shed a tear of joy at the sight of Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve all joining their hands in unison upon the hilt as they join spirits, minds and bodies to kill physical console games completely. Soon, only the Digital Master Race will remain!

Thanks to the gold points system, Digital Master Race will earn 5x as many discount points from digitally purchased games on the Nintendo eShop compared to the pathetic mortals who choose instead to buy physical cartridges. These when registered, earn a paltry sum of 60 points (in the United States) from physical purchases, whereas digital purchases of full priced games will earn 300, saving you $3 on the next digital game purchase. These points can even be combined with the various sales and discounts that now happen fairly freqently on the Switch eShop. Thus buy both saving money and earning points, there is plenty more incentive for consumers to completely abandon physical games outright.

Like any sane person, I've already bought a 200GB sd card and earned around 390 points from the various games I've bought on my Switch including Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, ARMS, Bayonetta 2, Pokken Tournament, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Sonic Mania, Picross S and others. And this was before March 5th when the new gold point system was implemented, the rates of point earning were much, much lower at this time.

Personally, despite having 12 games (8 of them full price) on my Switch, none of them are physical. And I intend to buy Tropical Freeze, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Smash, Metroid Prime, Bayonetta 3 and other games ALL digitally!

Thank you Kimishima, Fil-Aimes and all the rest of Nintendo staff.

>btw not a marketer ;)

This is such cancer.

So what, this isn’t club Nintendo, the coins they give you is shit

This is bullshit I reedemed the points of my game cards though the OS and I have no stars at all.

nintendo really hates retailers huh?

>Claim two game cards
>+28 points
That's some incredible rate, I'm stunned

>Doing their part to shove the sword impaling physical console games

But I don't even want digital games unless they're piracy, so I don't give a shit about Nintendo's rewards points

>spend 80 dollars on Nintendo store
>get 4 dollars back for later

>Or, immediately save 16 bucks on an 80 dollar purchase via BestBuy GCU or Amazon Prime, AND get a resellable physical copy you can move between systems without migrating your whole goddamn NNID

The $15/year entry fee for GCU is negligible. This system isn't to punish you for buying physical - it's to try and compete with existing discounts. For a while they weren't even giving points for phsyical purchases iirc. Everything after MyNintendo sucks anyway

I'm unironically not a marketer or cancer. I'm simply an extremely satisfied customer promising to make even more purchases and celebrating Nintendo's consumer rewards program openly on the internet.

My only regret is that my copies of Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 are linked to an account that some guy sold me for $20: given that you HAVE to unlink an account directly through the Switch it's linked to (something I'll never do), this assures that I'll never have a problem playing these games as long as I never delete the guys account from my Switch. Even without logging in, I've still always retained access to BotW and MK8, it's too bad I can't earn gold points for my account from these games!

Should have bought your games digitally, physcuck. Anyways, I'm gonna purchase Doom right now so I can save even more money on Tropical Dong.

Retailers hate you. All they do is thrive off of the used games market and selling people broken consoles. These stores are dying and closing for a reason.

Microsoft's digital Games with Gold program, Sony's PSNow and PSN discounts, Steams long standing bundles and digital sales, and now the Nintendo Gold Points system. ALL of the gaming giants are UNITED in thwarting these brick and mortar retailers completely, because all of them have horrible business practices. They're an unnecessary middle man in today's modern digital utopia! Why can't you blind physcucks SEE the glory of digital games? Do you think I have EVER had to change a game cart any time I use my Switch ANYWHERE! I don't even remember what a disc looks like, I have 25 full priced PS4 games ALL purchased on PSN. None of you will EVER reach my digital power level.


Yeah but where’s the Club Nintendo-tier physical rewards tho

>selling games
>wanting to support Best Buy
>not wanting as many games as possible on a single NNID

god fucking dammit, you pathetic physcucks reek so much of filth and poverty you make bile build up in my throat. I can't possibly relate to being so povertacious and short sighted!

Despite everything I've rambled about, I'd like to state for the record that I can understand buying collectors editions physically through Amazon Prime or something like that.

A positive Nintendo thread on Sup Forums? Is this the Rapture?


Why would I want to buy a game and an expensive ass SD card instead of just the game?

I got a few of the rewards like the NES remix shirt and the Smash soundtrack, but honestly I'd rather just get more games or get more discounts on games.

Sure it might take 20 full priced digital games to get one free one, but you have to expect them to actually keep thriving when the cost of an actual full priced game's budget is so much. When you consider that you can use these points on whichever games you want and use them at your own discretion either to buy a game like bayonetta that's a lowered price digitally, I think it's a very good system.

Really the point of this thread was to just shove it in physcucks faces how much more this system favours digital purchases. I'll take any damn opportunity I can get.

Sup Forums has always loved Nintendo. it's the Nintendo hate threads that are just made Sonybros or PC mustard race. If you're a digital idort then you know the true feeling of success.

physcuck tears.. nothing tastes more delicious!

>and an expensive ass SD
lol? a 128GB fast SD costs like $35

>Bhabwhabahabw he fell for the account exploit
Enjoy your whole console banned when the seller ask for a charge bank and ninty ban your nnid and your console faggot

Can't wait for Piracy in Spring. Cost me 0 Gold Coins to buy every game on the eshop.

>I'm unironically not a marketer or cancer. I'm simply an extremely satisfied customer promising to make even more purchases and celebrating Nintendo's consumer rewards program openly on the internet.

Reminder that Switchlets are deluded fucks and never trust them on this site, ever.

you best be trollin, nigger

>Really the point of this thread was to just shove it in physcucks faces how much more this system favours digital purchases
It's clear you like digital more, but I don't understand why you would OP. There's actually nothing wrong with physical, it saves space on the console, plus you actually own it, whereas I guess they a tiny bit slower in terms of loading times and there's less convenience in switching cards, but it's also more expensive and not worth it in my opinion
Being so autistic to laugh at people who like a format that you don't like to write this many long as hell posts is pretty strange is all

$35 I wouldn't have to pay otherwise. Seems like a pretty easy choice to me

that's right I forgot that the physical versions of games for the switch cost $35 more than digital copies how foolish of me

>just a game

typical physcuck short sightedness. with a 200GB or higher sd card, you'll essentially never run out of memory. with games only getting bigger and bigger, even the 32GB or more expensive (physcuck tax) 64gb cart won't be enough in time to store the game itself as well as all the inevitable DLC content. Games like Doom and LA Noire might require 14GB of download space even with the physical cart. And also on top of everything, sd card games load MUCH faster than physical games (just try it with xenoblade and zelda, you'll lose literal seconds at every loading screen) and you never have to switch them. Honestly, even if I ran out of space, I'd literally just buy a bigger sd card and just redownload literally everything and put the 200GB in my phone or something.

These are all options you'll never understand, because you're a retard.

>"asks for a charge bank"
use English you illiterate, what does this even mean?

It was a $20 account and I got two full priced Switch games. Not once has the game ever stopped working or something like this. If you're implying this guy will report the Switch stolen, how the fuck would he even do that? I changed his passwords myself for the NNID and the email account and he has no access to it. The account is fully linked to me. And in the end, do you really think some retard who also sold me a broken pair of joy-cons for another $20 (which I easily shipped to Nintendo to get fully repaired/upgraded and now work perfectly) would go through all that trouble or even attempt to get their account back?

>implying anyone just has a Switch

I have a pc running a Titan that I literally use to watch Dragon Ball Super in smooth player at 120fps on my 4ktv. I don't even enjoy pc gaming at all. I have a PS4 too but again, this has a 2TB with like 25 full priced games on it. I'll probably buy an Xbone once muh fatass tax return rolls in.

I can't believe they made something worse than Club Nintendo.

All those games I've bought and they're barely worth shit.

I would have less of a problem with nintendo downloads if their consoles had harddrives that could fit more than one game

>literally $3600 worth of physical games to get one game

I'm starting to wonder if you guys actually enjoy playing games

This is a poorfag mentality

sounds like you are mad as fuck that you made so many digital purchases before the update and you feel screwed over as a result, yet you are being passive aggressive about it. And shitting on physical fags because why not, they aren't the one getting fucked over because they buy new games anyways

tl;dr you are so fucking mad right now.
I was slightly upset when I forgot about the update and lost $30 worth of points. And on top of that you sound like a early adopter/first yearfag.
You have lost way more.

Do you get coins from eShop only games too or just retail?

"Your personal preferences are WRONG."

there, shortened up your rant for ya user

I don't think you
I can't

see folks, this is why you wait until actual games come out before you buy your dedicated port machine

Ooh boy, 5%.

You know amazon has 20% off new games and they will actually have resale value.

The rate going forward will be much better. The rate for physcucks well, basically doesn't exist anymore.

>"Hard drives"

Oh please, just look at how many damn games I've bought.

Honestly, I could do the nice thing and concede that really it's just a matter of preference. That really, digital purchases simply suit my lifestyle and I can just as easily see how someone could comfortably enjoy their Switch and other consoles primarily using physical media.

And yet, I won't. Because it's not true. Because the truth is, Digital only media IS the future. And I thank the industry gods hovering above us for sharing my foresight and knowing that in time, ALL physical video games will crumble into dust, and digital linked gaming accounts floating into the clouds of cyberspace will be the new medium. Truly it will be Death and Rebirth, physical games dying the death we all knew in our hearts was coming, and ascending to a higher plain of digital discounts, digitally accessed games freely downloadable at one's leisure through a subscription service a la Netflix and Games with Gold, digital reward systems. In an era where digital memory only grows greater and greater, why on EARTH would any pathetic mortal be so prehistoric as to rely on physically purchased media.

Don't you see it yet? YOU'RE the ones who autistically refuse to move forward and stagnate progress. A sin of the industry gods who refused to spite you even further by removing disc drives or cartridge slots from their consoles. I celebrate watching your demise!

So we're looking at a buy 20 get 1 free deal.
I suppose a free game is worth it after buying all those micro SD cards.

>Hurr my game format is better than your game format duuurrr
People have way too much time on their hands

What the fuck is it with this board and shitty topics?

Meh, it's a step in the right direction, but the math still says that physical > digital, even ignoring the fact you can resell physical.

I want Club Nintendo back. Selling those cheap trinkets on ebay was absurdly profitable

Wanting physical media means I want black men to have sex with my wife in front of me. Kek kek kek kek kek!

Can we stop with this meme already?

Nintendo is prime shitposting material here.

Damn, I wanted to buy 500 copies of Fifa 2018 in 2023 and get free games




>I've already bought a 200GB sd card

Hope you don't plan on playing many third party games digital. 200GB is about 4 games at worst. About 7-10 at best. 1TB is basically the new standard with 2TB preferred.

Did your parents get decapitated by a flying DVD or something?

>Doing their part to shove the sword impaling physical console games even deeper into the wound, twisting the blade triumphantly and drawing thick spurts of blood and salty tears from the hearts of physcucks around the world. I for one can't help but shed a tear of joy at the sight of Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Valve all joining their hands in unison upon the hilt as they join spirits...

Jesus Christ, gotta get my fedora, you deserve some tipping.

>For a videogame

Nintendo needs to die

>Canada needs to die
Their standard price for games is $80

No. Nowadays, everyone speaks ironically, to the point where Poe's Law can apply to almost anyone saying almost anything. Unless someone ends their post with a ;^) you cannot be 100% sure they aren't joking.

Saying "unironically" is a good way of letting people know you're serious, and your following post is to be taken seriously. It's merely an annoying sideffect of cancerous internet culture.

I don't get this and I don't care. I don't buy games to get free points to spend on more games.

>games suddenly costs 5% more
>introduce a "5% discount for your next purchase"
>watch idiots cheer at their incredible discount
Its like the olderst trick in the jewbook

>"If you don't like this you're poor"
Any of you could get a "new" 3ds, hack it, and get whatever you want from that massive library.

>Really the point of this thread was to just shove it in physcucks faces how much more this system favours digital purchases. I'll take any damn opportunity I can get.

Soytendrones truly are the worst.

>$4.00 toward your next eligible purchase

Yeah, or I can buy used games for MUCH cheaper.

>500 platinum coins expiring this month
>literally shit nothing to spend them on
Fuck this, I miss when I could get dumb nick nacks for my purchase.

yeah, it's gonna influence some but the benefits of the program are so underwhelming and borderline useless that most will ignore it and buy like they usually do. Make no mistake though, physical games are on their way out the door even if it does take like a decade or two for them to fully disappear

Good god, this is some of the most blatant shilling I have ever seen.

Why not just use "sincerely?" It has about the same meaning.
The word "unironically" sounds fucking stupid.

Imagine being either this autistic or being this bad and blatant about your shilling

I save more using amazon, and I actually have a game and not a file. Fuck off underage faggot.

People who are this excited for some shit deal and who celebrate a corporations decision this much are either: a marketer or plain retarded.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a marketer and not clinically retarded.

>cut out the middle man
>no production costs
>no distribution costs
>no rent costs
>no staff costs
>somehow still more expensive than retail
Can someone explain the digital meme to me?

Retards with too much disposable income.
The only 2 objective advantages that digital have over physical are quicker load times and the convenience of having your library in the form of a microSD card.

Fuck your points nigger i pirate all your games and resell immediately the ones i can't pirate after blazing through it like the king i am

I'd still rather have the physical cartridge instead since Nintendo is a bunch of faggots who link purchases to systems and not accounts.

It's the oldest trick but you still got it wrong.
The games themselves don't increase in price because they're trying to get people to buy more games in and of themselves because they think they're saving money. Increasing the cost is counter-intuitive because people are going to buy LESS.

why are so many people falling for this bait?

>200 coins from my entire library
>could've been 1000 which amounts to $17
>probably could even get some indie crap after one more game
Or I can sell them and get half my money back. Get rekt digitalfags


Even if you're fishing for angry replies there's a line you should never, ever cross.

How much did your marketing agency pay hiro for a marketing pass to not be banned?


Also you've been avatarfagging, stop before you wreck yourself my nigga.


There's no meme aside corporate greed.

Unfortunately he's doing it for free. Not for the sake of marketing but purely to shitpost.
Also anyone else know if Sony's trophy point thing has left America yet?

We really need Hiro to bring back the "report advertising" button Moot took away years ago.

Yeah, using daycare language in a +18 site is a good way to get discussio going instead of a shit flinging royal rumble. That surely wasnt your intent.

>I don't care
Nobody asked if you cared or not, and yet you felt the need to tell everyone in this thread that you didn't care. I'd say you actually care. Quite a lot actually.

le nintendo switch

The Nintendo cycle just can't help itself Jesus Christ

anything resembling an opinion was getting reported as advertising by asshurt people with opposing opinions
there's a damn good reason that option is gone

Remember when some mod fucking stickied an Ass Creed advertisement thread? What the fuck was that?

If hiro starts removing shillposts though, how is he going to make any money?

I always assumed it was fair to consider any thread with an external link in the OP as an advertisement. Be it a youtube link or a news article or anything else diverting traffic from 4chins.

i'm not disputing that, i'm saying the option is gone because people abused it

>If you pay 80.00 for a game
Who does this?

That's their standard price for games.

My friends, what you're seeing here is without a doubt, singles. You haven't seen it all though! Just wait until I show you this!

>Digital gets more than physical

Dumbass move.

>pay 80, get 4
So it's a buy 20 games get 1 for free kind of reward system huh. Never change Ninty


Not really?
Because unlike digital games you can buy physical used.

I lied. Here's my dubs!

Shut up nerd

Heh, you actually believed me that time? These are actually my dubs. I'm serious this time.

wow, 4 whole dollars!