Is it just me or does anyone else think steam community mods are a bunch of fucking faggots?

I get that some bans are warranted but some of these faggots are clearly just power-hungry retards who were probably hall monitors when they were kids.

I mean imagine spending hours upon hours deleting things you don't like from threads instead of just playing games.

You ever get censored over some stupid shit, Sup Forums?

t. i just got banned for doing something stupid in public that would only be acceptable on Sup Forums or Sup Forums and i'm upset about it
fuck off

Yeah, like disagreeing with someone. Steam mods are a bunch of pussy language police with no lives.

hey OP can you hurry up and post what you got banned for so we can all laugh at you?

Why do you care? Just drop it and move on. Stop giving a shit about things that really don't matter at all.

2nding this

It doesn't work like that, user. You don't get 'banned'. You get banned from a specific forum for X amount of time. I don't think there are global steam bans

>You don't get 'banned'. You get banned

wow user u r smart

What did you get banned for?

What? Steam Moderators are notorious for banning anyone that disagrees with them.

>no lives.
Says the little bitch making a thread about how he got banned from a video game forum

true, but to actually make a thread about it as if it weren't already common knowledge and especially with how OP worded it, it's obvious he only got banned for some Sup Forums-tier retardation


OP here.

I was banned for accusing the starforge developer in the reign of kings forum (their other game) of cheating their customers. This company keeps creating new games and then abandoning them.

It's because they are power-hungry faggots who have no control over anything in their own lives so they try to shut people down on the internet.

Steam forum mods suck and so do steam's inofficial social media managers like Satoru and Start_Running

And? why do you care, just move on.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. The developer is under no obligation to "support" their game.

Damn, user, you're shilling really fucking hard itt.

You might wanna leave a little room on your tongue for dessert.

bet you called them jews, didn't you dumbass?

You're the one seething here. Do you know how many games are on Steam that don't regularly get updates?

You're deflecting. The point isn't whether or not developers should support and complete (and not abandon) their Early Access games (and they fucking should finish them)

The point is why pussy faggot Steam moderators have a problem with every goddamn fucking thing you say

>4th thread in the last hour around apparent "steam censorship"

I guarantee it's the same assblasted Sup Forums bab trying to start a narrative

Get the picture, everyone's laughing at you.

>The point is why pussy faggot Steam moderators have a problem with every goddamn fucking thing you say
If you don't like it maybe don't post?

Every day with this stupid fucking "waaah I got banned on steam" thread.
Just post your profile already OP so we can all laugh at you.


was banned for this

the last person to make this thread was banned for saying nigger in chat a dozen times

Ah so you're underage

So after starforge, you thought it would be prudent to buy another of their games? You're not the smartest huh?

>being so new you're unaware of the age old pass time of laughing at retards for getting banned

Back to plebbit

actually im 11

Not him but you have to acknowledge that was pretty stupid on Valve's part considering they have ecchi games all over the Steam store.

You made two threads about this today and one yesterday. While I don't really like moderators you're clearly fourteen years old and should neck yourself just after leaving this forum.

TF2 is not an ecchi game
What a stupid leap in logic

>You're not allowed to be bothered by the fact that the newfag entry point shamelessly crossboards

>735 games

This why PC players are retards. You don't see a guy with a bunch of console games he bought just because they were on sale and will never play them. Even if they were only 50 cents each that's 350 bucks worth of games.

There are boobs in a bikini. There are plenty of Steam games with the same thing.

>posting porn in a childrens game
>selling an 18+ game in their store


Hah fuck no. I didn't buy that shit. I just posted in the thread letting people know (truthfully) what happened to their last game.

Steam community mod had a problem with that because he sucks cock.

Are those games in TF2? Answer.

Half this thread is a shill samefagging to defend developers and mods. Reminds me of the liberal gamergate faggots back in the day.

>steam sells rated m games so every game is rated m
Are you brain damaged?

How can you even get banned or censored on steam, seriously if they did something to you that means you deserved it.

It doesn't matter because TF2 is rated M too, and online interactions aren't rated by the ESRB.

Holy fuck the delusion.

>I just received a pizza but it's not the one I ordered and looks nothing like the picture,like the cheese has fallen off the base completely
>Oh sorry site, were under no obligation to make sure you don't receive a piece of shit once it leaves our doors. And the picture was a pre development picture of the pizza, we never SAID that was the pizza you were getting

lol this is the second person to assume i'm someone who started a thread yesterday, gg tho. wear that tinfoil hat.

>I just received a pizza
>food analogy
Stopped reading there.

I got banned for posting an ingame screenshot of someone telling me to hang myself.


>Steam mods are a bunch of pussy language police with no lives.
Yeah, kinda like the guy who is making threads about this

This is why gamers get treated like shit. Because the loudest of us usually turn out to be faggots like that user. Mother fucking monkey-brained retard who love it -- just LOVE IT -- when developers ass fuck consumers.

He's probably one of those people that troll the Steam forums whenever someone complains to write

>You're ENTITLED! Blah blah you're fucking ENTITLED CHILD

See this right here is accurate. As a long time Sup Forumsack you don't give newfags an inch.
you're clearly a retard

>I'm a PROUD Sup Forumsack! I am a member of that group!

I hate faggots like you who use boards as an identity.

>not being a proud Sup Forumsro
Lmao get a load of that nerd

You mean you're not the person who created the thread with the exact same autistic intrepretation of events, with the exact same edgelord attitude? While there are loads of retard fedoralords like you don't ding me for assuming that you spergs aren't as persistent as you are

You could switch it for any other product. A painting. A sofa. Literally anything and it would still be the same analogy.

Hopefully that helps your pedantic self user.

I don't even understand what the fuck you're saying. Created what thread? Yes, I made THIS thread (the one we're posting in).

I am proud to be a member of the best board. Why shouldn't I be? You sound like the people who say I should have guilt because I'm white.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>best board

Then start signing a name to your posts, identityfag

just put on a trip so we can filter you already, you self obsessed cuck


Eat shit
Japanese Phil Fish

Careful, user. If you provoke this faggot any more he might start triforcing to prove how "in" he is and how much he "belongs"

i got banned FFXV forums for asking are traps gay. pretty funny desu

t. OWL

Got a temp ban for calling some dude a douchenozzle.

>half the posts quoted don't even mention Sup Forums
you and op are the ones crying

D frag

So what "subtle" nazi symbolism did you have on your profile.

I got a temp ban for necrobumping despite there not being any rules against necrobumping, nor did I just bump the thread.

So I thought that was pretty fucking dumb, but not as dumb as posting this trash on Sup Forums because you got banned for being a faggot on Steam.

How bad are they compared to normal namefag forums?

The kind where you get b& for asking legitimate tech questions or redirected to a decade old thread that redirects to another site that never answers the question.
Or is it like NeoNeofag where the mods are just having a contest to see much dick they can suck?

>using steam community at all.

>I don't think there are global steam bans
You can be banned from using anything community rated, store, trading, market, changing your profile, and probably a few others I don't remember forever.

Source - browse this shithole enough and you'll see em all

You have to be 18 to post here.

that's in steam terms of community use

So what's wrong with nazi shit? I thought this was a free country

gamergate was not back in the day.