
Was he right to seek further evolution?

Other urls found in this thread:

Vegeta did it too (in anime), so yeah
>Super anime

>Fight a Cell
>”He’s going to do the loop”
>He does it
>Wait until the end of the match
>He almost lands the final blow

Sorry, faggots. You don’t get to win with cheap tricks.

If you use any of these characters, you’re a colossal faggot.


Your a bitch.

Cell is cool as fuck.

Finally, an actually useful install in an arcsys game

except it's only worth the meter when you're solo and have a lot of meter + sparking to dump and it's going to kill


Learn to actually play the game instead of winning because you can spam faggot loops

>Not Black

Which is a very common situation if you put him on anchor.

Your misunderstood toxic fgc player, i dont even play dbzfz because there's no transformations, i just like cell. Imo kid buu is best cell is second best then frieza.

>being able to do a combo allows you to bypass learning the game
Sup Forums stop being shit at fighting games

Is it cheesy to call him "Golden" Frieza?

Black is fine. I play as him, he’s not that good.

No thats the official name.

Still laughing

yeah but other characters can do more damage and can spend more in just 1 combo
characters with better neutral and better assists
frieza's really not that good but he's fun



>4 loops is a combo


Is golden frieza in this game anything but a meme? Everytime I see someone use it, it seems to have 0 effect on the match.

Wasn't a problem when you used PC numbers to shitpost other fighting games for your epic reddit screencaps though was it? Eat shit nigger, your game is dying just as quickly as any and if it doesn't join MvCI it'll be well below SFV in numbers soon, and SFV has crossplay.

the only thing golden frieza gives you besides the damage/speed buff is an extra air dash, which is good for players who know what they're doing but doesn't do much for players who don't

Slightly more damage and a huge speed boost. Dash at people as Golden usually catches them off guard

how much of a child do you have to be to take sides like this

>Sup Forums talks about fighting games.

No fun when suddenly DBFZ is being dragged through the mud? Shitposting is only childish when your side gets BTFO lmao, now that all DBFZ shills and shitposters embarrassed themselves they think brand wars are "childish" , sure

>black player calling others faggots

>see this special going off
>immediately start mashing input for masenko or vanish
>immediately get a free combo and either eliminate him outright or just knock him down and force a switch, then bring him back in when i'm ready for the kill

every time.

piccolo feels like ass to play

yeah because everyone who disagrees with you is the same person
i'm for the growth of fgs in general, i don't care if it's capcom or arcsys
both sides insulting each other because they like a different game in an already very small community are retarded

Is Vegeta the best assist?

>it’s another Sup Forums complains about every single character that isn’t Krillik or Tien episode
literally git gud, xenobabbies

>i'm for the growth of fgs in general, i don't care if it's capcom or arcsys
I was too, until it became apparent that DBFZ players are raging faggots who actively applaud other games being bad and failing and are counter-intuitive to the growth of the FGC. Besides that, they all seem to be scrubs who are more concerned with complaining about characters than getting better at the game. I owned DBFZ and have never touched MvCI mind you but it only took a few threads for me to return DBFZ and not look back. These "people" are not the type of players I want to be playing and conversing about fighting games with, I genuinely hate them and now the cycle perpetuates itself because I love seeing DBFZ rapidly dropping numbers and being left by the larger community to rot.

>not black or hit
and seriously? 16?

the only thing OP about 16 is his self destruct, and even then, you have to be such a massive dribbling retard to get hit by it. It's the perfect tool for instantly neutralizing one of these idiots that just spam chase or the advancing/mixup autocombos. You know as soon as the match starts, they'll throw out a chase or a scythe, and they look like a fool.

Admit it, you only dislike him because you run into his arms as black every time.

these short responses sure do make you type a lot

except those are huge generalizing statements
you're spending too much time on Sup Forums where there's very few actual fighting game players
i mean just look at some of the posts in this thread
you're acting the same exact way the people you hate did, don't have to point out the hypocrisy there

Is it just me or is tien slept on as a top tier? maybe not cell/black/hit levels but still pretty good.

by a sizeable margin yes

Do you guys think a barrier will work?

He seems to be a pretty decent all-rounder but falls slightly behind characters like Cell or Black in this regard, but has some extra gimmicks in his supers.

I feel like I pull put way more matches from the grave with my Tien anchor than I should.

I dislike him because he has a full screen safe on block projectile immune hyperarmored special/dragonrush/assist cancelable, 5k damaging with 1 bar hard knockdown combo starting piece of shit move that can only be countered by doing jump back H and hoping he doesn't just jump and do it to catch you in the air to start the same strong combo.

That move is ridiculous and the risk reward for using it is stupid low given how many properties it has.

Cell Dorado is way stronger anyway

>Literally the first opponent upon reaching 300k+ BP
>Still won 1-2

The tierfagging's only gonna get worse from this point onwards, isn't it?

Be honest,how many times has pic realeted saved your ass?Cause sure has been my clutch.

Blue-fag detected

If they toned down 16's heavy attacks would he be balanced?

i think the best way to nerf them would be to make them not cancellable on block
right now you can just cancel into a special or SD and be safe so there's very little risk involved when pressing it (since it never whiffs) and it's dumb
the startup is quite long and the armor is only during the active frames so there's not much else you can do to nerf it without removing the whole point of the move

>All the auto-combo xenoverse babbies that keep spamming R2 only to fly into 2H's and raw specials are giving up and going back to their baby-box.

I mean we called this shit at launch. This image doesn't make DBFZ look bad, it just literally proves that all the shitters were Xenoverse transplants that couldn't hang in an actual fighting game. Even with all the training wheels the game gives you.

>you don't get to win with cheap tricks
I don't play cell but when someone quits out of a game that's better than the actual win.

Like someone is actually mad enough to quit the game or turn off their consoles instead of learning how to counter something cheap.

It only gets worse.
>Played yesterday
>7 consectuive matches with some variation of Black, Cell, 16, or Gohan

Are we going to have a very tough time fighting him?

I just bought this game and haven't looked up the team-building terminology. Can I play _____, Gotenks, Frieza from first to last? I like those two and want something that builds meter

you should pick a third with a more solid assist imo
and put them anchor or mid, both gotenks and frieza work fine point

If he had trained a little longer and worked out his new form's flaws he would've won.

>we STILL don't fucking know what his race is called

>saying 16 isnt SS tier
Literally braindead moron.

Frieza race


Frost demons or winter race

Sure is zarbon in here

i'm not getting into online yet because i could never figure out a three person team i was comfortable with completely. I'm probably going to get two teams to go back and forth with but right now I'm solid on having Freiza, Nappa, and Ginyu. I really don't want to play as characters everyone else uses, because the game already has too light a roster for 3v3 imo and i'd hate to contribute to the lack of variety.

What were they called before Freezer was born

That is the mother of copouts right there.

Frieza is named after the race
Or Frieza was so popular the race decided to name themselves after him

What are their Universe 6 counterparts called, Frost Race?

Chilled race, duh

maybe the race is too arrogant to even name themselves something. they think they are beyond classification.
tell toriyama, thats the way it is now



>self destruct

Is it really that hard to jump in reaction to almost 3 seconds of startup with a cinematic camera and everything?

You know, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Freeza wiped the rest of them (sans Cold and Cooler if he's canon) out and renamed the race after himself to add insult to injury.

Considering Freeza's tendency to wipe out an entire race and spare the strongest ones, that could be how he started his career as universal conquerer.

Apparently Toriyama stated that Freeza and Cold are mutants that are far stronger than most members of their race at the cost of empathy. Basically, they're Super Sociopaths.

What that means for the rest of his race, I dunno. The ones that join the Time Patrol are pretty friendly and heroic, but they could be the exception.

would a team of yamcha/hit/tien work

hmmm maybe that race has, overtime, altered their DNA so much that whatever their original race was isn't even relevant. Its actually kind of cool not everything is explained like this, speculation is kinda fun

Don't be bad and any team can work.

I know your pain


Would explain how Freezypop was able to create transformations that act as limiters.


>chris g messing with teams that don't include 18

don't bully 18 she's not bad

i like 18 a lot, just really fun to play as. not a fan of that assist though

>love this game a lot
>get anxious in online matches
just training mode is getting boring bros

I both hate and love the noises blugeta makes when he gets comboed

Arksys said they tried to put Shaggy in the game but he was so powerful it would crash not only the game itself, but actually blow a fuse from wherever your machine is plugged in

You'll get over it gradually as you play

maybe try party matches for a while

Get to the point where you can LEARN from being blown the fuck out. "Oh, I should have X'd there." rather than just "Aw fuck, aw jeez, oh god, why?".

why? Who cares about an online record and the game is at it's most fun when you fight someone else whose at your level

not him, but i get it. I get some pressure to have a good match with someone online, it sounds stupid but i don't want to be the reason someone has a bad time, even though i'm sure they're mostly just happy to fight

I’ll never get sick of this

>krillin gets gets combo'd
>that pained "whats going on?"
I'm really mad I had to take him off my team, I just couldn't endure bean assists anymore

>go to check steamcharts
>currently more than 3k people playing FighterZ
You tried.

i still don't know why, i played about 25 ranked games, got placed yellow and then the anxiety got me
when i lose in a fighters i just feel retarded, because i know i have combos and should know what to do but when i play with real people my brain just melts and i can't stop doing retarded shit

>Cheap trick
>Its literally need a 3x loop that only works in the corner and lets him break like 5k

Jesus with 3 meter I get like 6.5K with Hit off virtually anything.

>>when i lose in a fighters i just feel retarded, because i know i have combos and should know what to do but when i play with real people my brain just melts and i can't stop doing retarded shit

When that happens to me I usually try to slow down a little and play a bit more defensively and deliberately. Of course this is easier said than done when you are still in the spaghetti phase. Really the thing that helps most is to just play a little bit each day and then the anxiety should slowly start fading.

>Black is fine
I could say the same about 16. 16 has weak neutral compared to other top tiers and only is the best because of armor/damage/big normal with no speed decrease.

Black and A.Gohan literally have the best normal and neutral game with little thought to it sorry you're a shitty Black.