Is Mia Winters a bottom tier
low tier
mid tier
high tier
or top tier RE girl?
Is Mia Winters a bottom tier
Idk resident evil wasnt ever good so low probably
we're talking about the girls here
She's dirt tier.
She's nowhere near the RE girls, I would even so much as say it's an insult to the other girls.
Straight up Ted Cruz
this shit is off-topic. what is the point of you?
from the opening video i really wanted to say she'd be at least likable and act cute but she was actually trash
This, If I wanted to be very mean I'd say she's western character tier.
Mia Winters ok I guess
But even the alternative girl, Zoe isn't much better
Mia is world-class bitch. Her selfishness is infinite. If she really cared about Ethan then should wouldn't have married him to begin with.
more like then she wouldn't have LIED
The delegates, Ethan
true. Either way, she was dragging him into some shit. She should have just left well enough alone.
Ethan had a hard life
I wonder if she married Ethan as a "cover"
poor reading comprehension and taste. lol
>that choice in RE7
Why would Ethan decide to save Zoe over his fucking wife and the reason he came into the mansion to begin with?
How did the baker's house get so much dirt and dry rotted in just two years?
They are american
am I the only one that thinks mia is incredibly ugly?
This also bothered me, like why was that even a choice? Even the DLC acknowledges that picking Zoe is dumb since that just gets her killed anyway.
That little girl is messy
My first playthrough I assumed that Zoe had been infected much longer than Mia had, so it was more important she got the cure first.
> lol american joke
real funny
real original
No user, she's got that kind of face where it looks like she used to be like 500 pounds and lost the weight really fast but you can still see it
I'm not really sure about dust, but living on/near a swamp will rot the shit out of your house
because mia is a terrible character also lol decisions that mean nothing, but seem important at first
Zoe is dumb since that just gets her killed anyway.
t. butthurt goblino
She looks like a fuckin' bird!
oh my god this is so accurate
mia being a shit character doesn't justifiy the decision,of course ethan would choose her over a literal nobody
Not butthurt, just fucking tired of seeing the same jokes over and over. Your joke is shit, get over it.
not cleaning, festering hordes of bugs, keeping rotting meat around, butching and transforming civilians, creating lots of goop that spreads like a crazy fungus.
that might be a few reasons.
She looks like Katie Lowes and that's not a good thing
>I'm not butthurt
Of course you are
She looks absolutely hideous in that first video, but once you're in VR and standing next to her you're going to bury your face in all of her crevices either way.
I see it
I hate it
help her
You know she doesnt look good because there is no fan art
it kinda does.
>their whole relationship is based on a lie
>disappears after lying to him about her job
>he shows up to save her and she's an incoherent mess
>tries to kill him and becomes a insane bitch
just to name a few.
You're right.
t. SEETHING mutt
She tries to kill him because of the infection,which by the time he got to make the decision Ethan knows about it.Besides,if Ethan leaves her to die in the mansion,he will never get the truth behind Mia's lies
bottom fucking tier
this is barely a resident evil game and more of a amnesia-esque horror game
i want to play as leon again, not some soyboy cuck who goes looking for his missing girlfriend
one thing that will never not make me laugh is just after you free her from the cell
>it's been 3 years
>she instantly mentions some guy she refers to only as daddy
goddamn, ethan cucked hard
Bottom feeder tier
Fucking ugly
Is this the most bottom-level joke?
Answer: Yes it is. I'm not even a yank, that's just a childish and retarded attempt at a "joke". kys
How can Mia possibly hope to be one of the greats when she shares the same franchise with Rebecca Chambers and Jill Valentine
t. sneaky muttant
> It's not a RESI game cause Leon isn't in it!
she can't even hold a candle to mid tier RE girls like Helena, who is only mid tier by comparison she'd be top tier anywhere else
except thats not what i said at all lol
>being this vapid
re7 a shit
>You see this
What do you do?
>Wanting to play as a soyboy cuck with yellow fever
The absolute state of actionfags.
It's different, so it's bad? Sorry, bud, but if you're playing RE for the story you're in the wrong place. The whole series was built on atmosphere before they became balls-out action games. It didn't have enough puzzles, sure, but at least RE7 brought the horror back to a series that was famed for it before the action shit-storm.
the action RE games are great
the horror games are great
they're all great
this franchise only has 5 bad games
Umbrella Chronicles
Revelations 2
Umbrella Corps
Code Veronica
>implying im playing it for the story
I never once implied this you turbo-autist
>it's different so its bad
Never said that again, it's different yes - but it's also shit
You keep trying to put words in my mouth, what you fail to realize is that you are so obvious it's like watching a five year old trying to blame his brother for eating the cookies even though his face is smeared in chocolate.
I played RE for both atmosphere and story, and the story is a huge part of RE untill they raped the franchise with RE 5 (and some of the disasters before that).
If you deny that the lore isn't a big part of RE then you are a pretentious underage poser faggot, now scram faggot.
>Code Veronica
nice meme
Look, I don't hate the action. I just love the horror/ puzzle exploration idea. RE7, while not perfect, tried to get back to the roots of the series. By the way, RE5 and RE6 are both god-awful games, so add two more to that list.
Mia is a cute hick!
>Umbrella Chronicles
it was a great fucking light-gun game. fuck out of here, if anything Darkside Chronicles is shittier.
Makes sense the retard can't even read
>She tries to kill him
that would a be a decent reason to choose someone who hasn't tried to kill you instead then.
>not some soyboy cuck who goes looking for his missing girlfriend
Remember this? That's called story, last time I checked. Quit trying to le own everyone and take part in the discussion, mouthbreather.
You haven't seen the DLC have you?
>The action RE games are great
>Rev 2 and CV are shit
This has to be bait, no way some faggot enjoyed 5 and 6 that fucking much.
Did you read my post?
I'd have to see a picture of her armpits and underarms to make a final judgement.
>muh lore
Sure feels good to know REfags are so delusional thinking the story of the series is any close to being decent that if you don't like or consider an important part of the enjoyment of the games you are whatever the fuck you tried to said. No wonder you classicfags are obnoxious when you been eating shit your entire life.
Is revelations any good?
RE3 is miles better than CV
Rev 2 is pandry garbage, you fags only like it because "muh horror" it plays horribly and took raid mode and made it fucking boring garbage
That's what I'm saying! The story is actual dogshit and it's not why anyone plays the games.
Rev1 it's dumbed down handheld garbage.
Rev2 it's actually a pretty good game.
Finally, someone else who thinks this. For some reason everyone seems to think DC is better than UC and I have no idea why.
I actually only like it because of my waifu Moira.
Basically this but I enjoyed Rev 1's raid mode more than 2's.
Only Rebecca is top-tier. Every other RE girl is mid-tier at best compared to her.
>Almost 40
>Still a kissless virgin
She'll be reaching Claire levels of JUST soon.
moira ain't a bad choice
um wesker tore that pussy up my guy
Honestly she's not a bad character, though not an entirely lovable waifubait one like Rebecca and Sherry so most would hate her.
However she doesn't look good. No one in RE7 looks good.
But that can't be, Rebecca is my wife.
yeah this is a fine point
Decent character but too dorky-faced to be a good waifu.
Hey what a coincidence, she is my wife too.
Can't unsee Ted Cruz.
Rebecca is everyone's wife, the innocent look is just a front and her plan on world domination through smile-activated mind control is in testing phase.
low, wasn't very memorable in my book
i'd say mid, not that she's bad or anything; but there literally are no low or bottom tier RE girls
That game is so fucking stupid and horribly written I dont even consider it a RE game, so she isnt anywhere in the list.
>horribly written
user, RE franchise is known for many things, good quality writing isn't one of them.
I never said the written was great before, just that RE7 is complete putrid monkey shit copied straight from old "so bad its funny" horror movies.
>copied straight from old "so bad its funny" horror movies.
Did you play the other games?
Looks too much like a real woman, what is even the point of vidya anymore ?
>not being a cuck
pick one and only ONE
Mia is more interesting than most RE girls in the moment with exception of Jill post saturation.
A villain that screw up and have three years of mind raping from the B.O.W. she helped create and got saved by the only thing she really loves(dont even start with muh cuck/muh lies,the game shows over and over that she legit loves Ethan and its surprising how many people didnt get it)is way better than ´´hi i am your generic helper from today``
Of course/vq being a bunch of horny teens dont like her just because she is not a RE beauty standard
i would prefer a redemption arc spin off with Mia and Jill showing her the right way over another Leon episode of hin reaching SSJ Blueballs...again