This is the best game in the series to date. "muh nu-falcom" and "muh solo armordol xD" shitters need not apply

This is the best game in the series to date. "muh nu-falcom" and "muh solo armordol xD" shitters need not apply.

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I liked it.
The gameplay was top notch, the music was awesome and the story wasn't god horrid.

Best game never released.
Thanks NISA.

Do I need to play previous titles to understand the story of this game?

The ending was shitty, but overall it was comfy building the base and exploring the island. Also I enjoyed combat, even though it was kind of shallow. Also I want to FUCK Dana all day and night till the end of time.

I'd give it an 7/10 at best, maybe an 8 but that's pushing it.

No. It has an original story.

ys has never been good though

Triple-dipping on a Switch copy to go with Vita-kun and PS4

Call the cops

It'll help you catch references, and the more you've experienced Adol's adventuring career the more you'll realize what a fucking awesome main character he is, but it's not necessary. Honestly, one thing that's cool about the series is that you can jump around it and still feel like you didn't play in a "wrong" order, because any way you go you'll piece the world together.

Even though you can consider Adol a silent protagonist, he ended up being a really fucking cool character. Would love to be his friend.
Yuki Kaji helped a lot too.

I'm only gonna double dip for the Switch version If it has the Vita version costumes
Mostly silent protagonists with clear character are the best honestly.

Dragon-butt best girl

Laxia was so fucking hot, holy shit

SOON. Just let the guys in charge patch the game. They're working hard on it. Steam version will probably release before the end of the month. Much better than waiting 2 years for a PC port from XSEED.

Not that user, but while I'm pleased with NISA's retranslation their release schedule for the PC version has been an absolute trainwreck. Promising a day 1 PC port and then delaying it not once, but twice is honestly a lot more annoying to me than waiting for a solid PC port that works damn well day 1, like Xseed's Cold Steel ports.

It was good. Probably the best party game so far.


They're patching it, it's better than SE who put broken games on Steam and never patch them.

>muh nu-falcom" and "muh solo armordol xD" shitters need not apply.


All of those games are good.

>oathbabbies shit on games solely because there's more than one playable character
Every time

Nah, it's only second-best after the king

PC release when?

Origin is better than Oath in every department and 1&2 gameplay is god fucking awful.

Unless there's a 3rd delay, it's supposed to be out sometime in April

After switch release.

NISA: Soon

You are just going to pirate it anyway. Fuck off.

You're the one who needs to fuck off if you willing to buy from NISA.

NISA does the same shit. They never did fix Witch and the Hundred Knight PS3 version.

Soon. The guys in charge of patching the game are working hard from what I noticed. Not to mention NISA said they'll have some news soon.
Consolefags are hilarious. NISA is actually patching their steam release. Blame your precious Sony for forcing pubs to pay to patch their games.

>Not to mention NISA said they'll have some news soon.
Yeah, news that its being delayed yet again.

I think I'm honestly less bothered by the party system, and more by the alchemy\material grinding elements that were in the last 3 games.

But most of all, I hated the flash guard system which encouraged you to just tank attacks, instead of avoiding cool attack patterns.
This is what I want them to fix the most.

As for the party system, well - come on. You know Adol is cooler when by himself. Don't deny it.

Fucking PC version, release already. NISA are such dumbasses

Can't you guys try and do some research before you start throwing a fit on your keyboard? You're arguing about information that's already confirmed unless there's another delay.

Why would it be? They're patching the game hardcore. Almost 10 times a week.

Flash Guard on VIII was fucking broken since you can spam it if you are already on Flash Guard.
The game became far more easier when I started Flash Guard instead of Flash Move.

I think it could be balanced by only making some attacks flash guard-able so as to incentivize dodging more. Make it something that creates an opening with a short stun, instead of making you invincible and giving you crits.

waiting for the switch version, day 1 for me

mfw this will come out in the switch before pc.

>flash guard system
They nerf it in every game but it's still pretty OP. 8 just expects you use flash dodge then guard this time around. Since using Guard by itself isn't very effective

Not unless there's a third delay on the pc release.

Another thing they should do is stop having him wear shitty new clothing and just keep him in his armor. 8 at least gave it as free DLC I guess.

Give me your favorite Ys song of VIII.
Rate my taste:

Yeah, I had a similar idea too! Nice, man.
Like, maybe something where "electric" attacks can't be blocked or some shit, and you can tell they are of that kind from sparks or some shit.

It could create a nice dynamic like in Godhand, where you had to use all kinds of defensive tools.

Are oathfags really only concerned with aesthetics? Like, I can get hating hoodie Adol because it looks like dogshit but VIII Adol's clothes look like something I'd go adventuring in.

As someone who's been playing the series since the PS2 Ark came out in English

VIII > Oath > II > Celceta > Origin > Dawn > Seven > Ark > I > V > Mask > Wanderers

They're all awesome though, with the exception of the last 3 in the order

Gotta agree on that.

Aesthetics are important.

When the switch version comes out?

This song feels like Ys has always felt to me, running headlong into an exciting new journey

The VIII outfit was pretty good. I hated the Celceta one.

Already announced for April 2018.

Godly taste, that's the best song in the game

Sunshine is my second favorite. This songs screams:
Here is where your adventure begins.
Dat violin transition is just too fucking good. Falcom knows how to create music.

I somewhat agree, 2 wasn't that bad though, and origin was better made than Felghana but it did not give me the same satisfaction as when I beated Felghana.

Also Napishtim was average tier.

Red Rance is best Adol.

>need to play again in Nightmare to unlock for the Platinum
God dammit, wish I'd knew there was a trophy for Nightmare so I could have selected it instead of Hard.

Made me check, you bldjad.


price a bit high, cs2 is ~700

Sounds about right. Cold Steel pc is 40 USD and Ys 8 is planned for 60 USD on pc launch

>This is the best game in the series to date.
easily. Combat, music, graphics, characters, story, etc. there isn't a single thing any of the previous games do better than this one.

CS2 was ported to PC 3 years later though.

>is planned for 60 USD on pc launch
thank you based japs for no 1999 price tag

I think it would be more interesting if there were specific attacks like that and those are the only ones you could flash guard. Like, you'd have a normal guard that partially mitigates damage from attacks, but strong special attacks are the ones you can flashguard, and only flashguard. You get rewarded with a stunned boss if you succeed, you get fucked if you fail.

Nope, it's good but ys 3 the oath in felghana is the best

Will the Switch version have the new translation? Will NISA somehow unfuck itself?

Yeah the new redone translation will be used for the Switch version.

>Not ever fucking up

I want to rub and kiss that belly. I want to move my fingers across those vagina bones.

user please.

I liked Celceta

>Trusting NISA

I'm currently playing through these games.
God tier music.

I hate how all of these outfits are locked to the fucking Vita version. All the others get are recolors and like two DLC outfits.

if you didn't play it nightmare from the get go then you played an entirely different game.

This game looks pretty good. I might get it for Switch eventually. Never played a Ys game before.

Did you like Night Survivor?
It is really far from what Falcom usually produces.

You should start now so you can get a feel for the series before you jump into it.