Hey Spyro, check out this cool cave I found.
Let's play a little game. Every so often, a piece
of this crystal popcorn pops out of the ground.
The first one to collect 10 of them wins!
Hey Spyro, check out this cool cave I found
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Why don’t more games copy the speedway-format levels?
Hey Spyro, iI have been trying to tame my new pet manta ray but he just won't obey
Anyone else charge jump and steal the crystal popcorn just as he's about to grab it?
Because they fucking suck and I dread doing them every time I replay them.
"That''ll be 2000 gems, plus tip"
Would you escort me past these Earthshapers?
*Wastes 10+ of your lives*
This time I better not catch you sneaking behind me.
You have 2 minutes to score 5 goals in the red goal.
*walks the most retarded, illogical route possible*
That was fun though
It's been 18 years, but my rage is eternal.
That's the only fucking level I don't like.
this was worse than trouble with the trolley, eh? desu
All easy.
Actually challenging.
"Let's play a joke on Billy!"
OK, this one was actually annoying.
That one's not so bad except for chasing down and flaming those annoying fools.
fuck this guy
Why do one of his arms look weird?
Why doesn't Hunter just give you the damn orbs? Why does he make you play his shitty game?
Yeah, there wasn't a lot of high execution stuff in Spyro 1, just tons of obtuse shit like Tree Tops and Haunted Towers
This one isn't so much difficult, just kind of long and tedious waiting for the alarm to go off and flame all of the Gear Grinders.
Everyone mentions the trolley, but as annoying as that was, it didn't get me stressed like this did recetnly. I only beat it because I got lucky and Hunter somehow went about half a minute without catching any crystals right at the end.
I remember trying to steal the ones he was going for and beating the minigame easily but he somehow always catched up to me even if I got 3 or 4 ahead of him.
The monkey's have escaped from the Avalar Zoo, and I've been sent here to catch 'em...
But they keep throwing coconuts at me, and it hurts! Can you help me out?
I tried that as well but had very little success.
This is the only minigame I didn't like. It's easy and cute, but it doesn't have anything to do with the game.
Never thought the trolley mini game was hard. Just treat it like a maze and take one route at a time.
This. It's a bit fast, but it's not hard at all.
Ripto's Rage is such kino
>yeti boxing 2
>That weird satisfying sound when you pick up the bones in Badlands.
>Do the Hunter missions two tries max
>Trolley only took until I memorized the whole track
>FUCKING EARTHSHAPERS took at most an hour and some change because I kept forgetting his absolutely stupid path
>Killing the dinosaurs and protecting the caveman village to me three years to man up and beat it.
Seriously, fuck those stupid dinosaurs and that stupid orb
user, that takes two tries max. I'm glad to hear you did it, though. As for taking an hour on the Earthshapers...glad to hear you did it. Snarkyness aside, that part is actually a pain.
And the Skeleton dance!
These games legitimately DON'T need remasters. They hold up amazingly
Thread making me realize Spyro 2 was surprisingly hard for a kids game and it's probably why I'm pretty good at vidya compared to most dumbfuck children today
Most aesthetically pleasing collectibles in video games.
I agree with this so much. They're some of the rare 5th-gen platformers that were actually good. That said, I'd argue Star Fox 64, OoT/MM, and Crash Bandicoot 2&3 didn't need redos, but, y'know.
>That orb at the end of the cave overlooking summer forest.
Such kino world building.
The top of that castle...
>People who actually get it.
What was everyone's favorite enemy?
I think that's supposed to be a bracelet.
>then has a part two you can't do unless you've gotten the final ability
>if you have to leave and come back for it you have to escort him again
Wait, really?
I fucking beat the trolley on my first try when I was a kid got spyro 2 on release cause I loved 1 so much Crystal popcorn was a fucking mess though.
fuck you speedways are amazing and generally have some fantastic tracks, which is a lot cause I can't think of a single bad spyro track
I always liked the bucket enemies in breeze harbor.
The bush monsters in fracture hill were fun to burn.
You literally just follow the thief at the start and he walks you through all the charging chains.
fucking Sup Forums got casual as fuck lately
>Yeah, there wasn't a lot of high execution stuff in Spyro 1, just tons of obtuse shit like Tree Tops and Haunted Towers
The soundtracks are so fucking amazing, the original especially.
My brother has the OSTs downloaded and listens to them all the time, but I don't want to because I don't want the magic to disappear.
I save it for my annual replays.
Literally the only decent part of the games, along with the skateboard stuff.
And the award for the creepiest enemy goes to...
>That sound Crush's electricity stomp makes
>That sound those honeycombs make at the honeycombe speedway in 3 when you fly through them
Fucking loved some of the sound design in these games.
poorly coded emulator
Seriously, start using mednafen people
Thank you for being such gentlemanly scholars.
Not a single game has replicated that feeling, not even Spyro 3.
That's not an emulation issue, the texture looks like that on a genuine PS1 too.
>I save it for my annual replays.
Same, I have that whole .flac rip that some user got from his disks a few years back. It also included some unreleased tracks.
You're right though, as amazing as the music is it needs the level atmospheres to really feel right
I remember that being an epsxe issue
I don't have the games downloaded on my school laptop, care to take a screenshot with mednafen? Hunter's right in the opening cutscene so it wont take long
This is the best boss fight in any platforming game ever.
>my school laptop
Thanks for confirming you didn't actually play this on a PS1 when it came out
One of the best final ones, no doubt. Brought everything to a perfect conclusion.
What about the giant metal spiders and attack frogs?
I'm such an autist that I can recall those just by reading this.
Evening Lake is pretty kino.
I liked them, too. The bitchslap birds are also great.
I bought all three from Kmart before it closed RIP, 2 and 3 on release.
Played them on my big brick PS1, and then on a PSOne that I got from a cousin, used to play spyro, crash and ridge racer in bed, maximum comfy. I was never able to actually beat a race in RR until I got much older though.
At one point in my life I had the location of every single gem memorized across the three games, and I can still look at a stage title/screenshot and hear the music. I still own everything too.
Mednafen has about 99% accuracy for PS1 at this point, and at native res you literally could not tell the difference between the two.
Fuck off.
I don't have it right now but I clearly remember wondering what the fuck that thing on his arm was since I played it on a PS1 a kid. It's probably just a bracelet
These dudes are fucking hilarious.
well that's using some texture plugins, so the purple probably isn't as noticeable at native res. I remember the two bands being there though.
Imagine trying to figure this out without having thieves to follow.
These games had so much dumb bullshit that I’m hesitant to want to see them again
t. got cucked by hunter
How dare you.
There's no fucking way they're bringing back copeland if the remake rumors are true
If they don't just reuse the exact tracks the games will be unplayable imo
Agreed. I need my fix, man.
Spyro 1 > 3 > 2
Prove me wrong.
They don't even need to remake the soundtrack. Spyro's OST's really hold up quite well today, they didn't age badly at all. If anything you may just need to clean up the quality but that's it.
If you played all three you need to reevaluate your life
But really all three are fantastic and are must plays
They didn't really need to re-do Crash's OST either, but they did because it's impossible to have nice things.
Also oval hitboxes made sense to them on a game where positional platforming is a key mechanic.
kys for reminding me
I played all three and grew up to be a ducktor, what's your point?
How'd I never see this? Huh.
My man
How are NST's tracks worse?
You mean "Best Part"!
2 > 1 > 3
No game I've ever played in my lifetime has managed to match Spyro 2's feeling of adventure and magic. The home worlds that transitioned from a bright and daring summer adventure into a strange new world, into a mellow and quiet autumn as Spyro grows and meets new friends, a subdued and melancholic winter as he reaches the end of his journey and inevitably has to go back home. The feeling of satisfaction when you beat Ripto but know Spyro will leave these wonderful places he got to see behind, and the people in it too.
Spyro 3 tried to follow the same formula too much with time themed worlds like the seasons in 2 but the infinite minigames as not-Spyro and the claustophobic worlds designs made it the worst of the trilogy.
If there is a remaster I'll buy it day 1 and play 2 first.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, but you should really stop abusing spoiler tags.
I always imagined what a spring world would look like in two
Also I wish elora was more prominent in 3 other than just being a vague love interest for spyro at the end.
she was my first vidya fap
>this music
>the sound of spyro's footsteps slowly gliding along the grass
>the sound of a bouncing orb in the distance
>the sound of the wind at the top of the castle
you will never experience these memories for the first time again. feels bad man.
we're slowly getting into the "early 3D" realm of "easy artstyle to copy for nostalgia bait" and If I could make it a fucking law of the universe that you have to finish at least 2 of the first 3 spyro games before you can try to do early 3D style I fucking would, because those games haven't visually aged a day, especially the skybox, and thats a weird thing to appreciate but the skyboxes are fucking good.
Hopefully the remakes are good at capturing the atmosphere. Watching my friend go through Crash for the first time was kino; I want to see the same happen with Spyro.
I can't re-live it, but I can pass it on!
It's the color theory and the engine that emulates how human eyesight treats distances
This. Pass that fucking law. Forget the other big games and collect-a-thons, just focus on these.