God of War PS4 Pro bundle

Thoughts? Usually I find PS4 limited editions to look kind of lazy but this one looks good. Controller looks shit though

I feel like I'm bored and I think it looks cool now (if a bit too flashy) and by week 2 I'd wish I got black. I don't know

>look kind of lazy but this one looks good
Fuck off shill, Monster Hunter World is still the best PS4 Pro

Looks lame. MonHun ps4pro looks better

Looks awful.
When I think GoW I see red with some black.

>guys, what should we put on the the gow ps4 edition?
>how about kratos scooping out some troll's eye from its socket?
>intern comes out out of the restroom after taking a shit
>what about some lines?

It's his axe you idiot

that looks like shit

>kratos scooping out some trolls eye
that would look tacky as fuck.

That looks lazy as shit

You're kidding, right? That thing is fucking hideous. I've seen first year design students come up with better. That can't even be real. There's no way they're selling this piece of shit.

No you haven't

I've always liked plain, flat black consoles.

The only acceptable colours for the ps4 and the controllers are black or white,anything else is objectively bad taste

>a game meant to have a "sad and serious story"

this. i love the big black ones

I prefer mine

>Monster doing the soyboy smile


That shit is ugly. What exactly is the PS4's aesthetic at this point? What is wrong with just a logo or just an all black console. This looks rushed af.

>Fucked up looking console
>720p on base hardware using checkerboard to 1080p
Is there a way this game could get any more JUST

that's funny
you're funny

>god of cuck

Aside from the MonHun ps4pro, how does sony always have the fucking worst limited edition designs?

>gamestop exclusive
You are part of the problem

That would imply that they actually made money on it.

Lack of red is disappointing.

Does this support PS Move?

I would not have known that was supposed to be God of War themed.

I want this. Also, dat theme.