Mega Man

Mega Man thread

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Nothing will ever be more JUST than the MN9 animated series trailer

What's your favorite master robot, Sup Forums?

Isn't this supposed to release this year?

i want roll to master me

ROLL A CUTE! Can i have some roll? I dont have sisters and i always wanted one
>hurr durr i make one for u
I dont want to wait god dammit

I almost thought that was vaporware

Splash woman

>master robot
You mean robot master? Mine is this guy.

>You mean robot master?
Yes, fuck.

Oh God why?
>we will never get a cartoon that looks as good as this

Everything about him is great



4 did nothing wrong.

GB's Mega Man V doesn't get enough love

I just didn't like it as much as the rest.

underrated gem

Battle Network is the best spin-off series. Prove me wrong.

You think Bass will show up in 11?

This looks amazing. Why isn't this a thing?

Eat a dick nigger

go fuck yourself

Thanks for the reminder

>Why isn't this a thing?
Blame focus groups.

Zero > BN > Legends > Classic > Starforce > X

I hope 11 will end up great.

But I can't help but wonder if Inafune not being involved will harm it.
Of course, I know he might just be an insignificant fame-grabber, but still.

He should be

Probably won't given its funding and team, but Inafune was insignificant.

Being GB doesn't help either

Why wouldn't he? Also Proto Man.

Proto Man is a given, he's shown up in every game since he first appeared.

Bass was however left out one time since his first appearance. He wasn't in MM9 aside from a cameo.

I like how BS his fight is, one of the few Robot Masters who I think could fuck up Mega Man really bad

He isn't really BS, he's just one of the robot masters you can't just brute force your way into bustering. Once you learn his pattern, he's pretty easy.

What about ZX?

Needleman was worse

You need to go back.

Mega Man 9, X, and Legends are the best ones


Gemini Man

MMBN is the only consistently good MM series.

Will this shit still come to fruition?

>Mega Man 9
Too much like MM2 to be even good.
X4 was better, but X is one of the best.
Legends 2 was better.

X4 is arcadey garbage. X1 & X2 are the only good X games.

>Too much like MM2 to be even good.
It's better than MM2 in every way except soundtrack my dude
>X4 was better, but X is one of the best.
X1 is the best one. X2 and X4 are runners-up. The rest are garbage.
>Legends 2 was better.
Control-wise, sure, but everything else was a step down

Seems pretty accurate to how the IP went over, I don't see the problem.

Is there a chance this gets cancelled to avoid brand confusion?

>X4 is arcadey garbage.
What the fuck does this even mean? It plays the same as the rest of the X games, minute physics and gameplay tweaks per installment aside.

I’m not even going to meme but BN1 and 4 are really mediocre so no

getting nostalgia for a game I never played


is this Leviathan?
is the artist sanagi-semi?

strike man

Reminder that this guy is easier than Chill Penguin and Cut Man.

Inafune was a hack and didn't even actually create Mega Man.
whats everyone's favorite robot master theme

you already posted it

Well, he has a shittier design than both so I'm not surprised. Seriously, who the hell approved Zero/ZX designs? They are terrible, especially in a creepy closet fetishist way.

It's not the best spin-off series.
It's the best series overall.
Also, I found something I thought it would be worth posting here while searching for that theme:

Well he did give us this stupid scene.

You mean the greatest scene to grace any form of media?


Of course it's one of the best scenes ever.
Well I don't mean stupid in a bad way. It's dumb but it's great at the same time.

Even the official DVD release has this scene on the back of the back boy.


How did he bring a piece of cloth to the cyber world

The Chad Megaman X series
The Virgin Megaman original series

nice meme

It's actually his flayed skin that's only staying on because it's still stuck to his throat.


I shouldnt reply, buttfuck it.

>Shitty anime drama with bad voice acting and three good games, fan favorite character dies every installment because he's a sissy bitch
>Minimalist good vs evil story with consistently good gameplay throughout the entire series playing as a sole alpha bot who never dies and destroys more war machines than X and Zero combined

>Mega Man threads are slow and don't last
Really tells you how shit Sup Forums's taste is. More people on this board probably wank about the meme band than play the games.

Dude all it takes to make a good thread is to have original memes, like that buster sword thread someone stole from a 3 year old Sup Forums post



Hey at least it's better than the thread devolving into Rollposting

Tengu Man was the first robot master I've ever fought in a Mega Man game ever. Getting my ass kicked by him and getting ax kicked out of a tornado never got me so hyped.

It only sucks because you saved all the pictures

Someone has to start maylposting but my ancient folder is NSFW only

Sad but true.

this is posted every thread but I don't get it
is it supposed to be like tails on the bench or something

Stand aside.

Legends 3 will never not make me mas


make place for real best girl

Rollposters should be chemically castrated.

Is Legends just a meme game? I've only ever watch Naka play it and while it was charming, it seemed pretty damn janky.

>Its a focus groups ruins everything episode

Can we get them listed as crimes against humanity already?

Post cursed images.

What else would you expect him to look like without his hat? You don't know what a mummy is nigger???

literally who?

>we will never get a ZX anime with Aile and Vent as dual protagonists


post more adorable Pandora