WTF? I love Far Cry 5 now!
WTF? I love Far Cry 5 now!
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There's a natsoc campaign? Count me in!
>it aint me starts playing
welp I wont be touching this with a 10m stick
Still waiting for reviews, but hopefully this means they aren't taking it too seriously.
I think i'll just wait so I can buy the dlc and maybe the Arcade mode standalone. FC5 looks good but honestly seems like the most boring part of the package.
>map editor has assets from multiple Ubisoft games
>But not fucking Blood Dragon
Jesus Christ, the one important thing and they fuck it up.
Name one site you trust with reviews and why
Looks pretty cool, might actually be worth a pirate.
Sup Forums
if you guys hate a game, it's good
Not him, but ACG is alright. He's got a habit of focusing on performance and audio, but he's worth considering.
Definitely looks to be worth a pirate.
Sup Forums and steam user reviews.
Generally I can get an rough idea what to expect from the above.
Wish the season pass and the map editor were a separate game.
Game isn't even out, yet DLCs are scheduled for years ahead...
Now we have to wait for those 5 layers of DRM to be cracked so the game is actually playable without killing your CPU.
>still no Blood Dragon sequel
trash devs
Will everything be full co-op? Only way to play it.
At this point in time why are you even slightly surprised?
wow, i can't believe ubisoft learnt what DLCs are for, i honestly can pay for this kind of dlc with no regrets
You're a fucking idiot
>steam user reviews.
they really need a number system on top of the recommended feature because i really want to be able to filter out the "lol i did a thing and this thing happened 10/10 goty" and "0/10 because i don't like the company"
theses DLCs are obviously in the same goofy style of BD.
Wouldn't surprise me if there's some flight of the valkyries shit with the 'nam helicopters
You've never heard of Blood Dragon I take it?
>i only pay for lootboxes and cut content
you're the only retard here
unless they sell the DLC as a stand alone game, i wont be touching FarCry 4.5
is at the start of the trailer? Blood Dragon was fucking ages ago and it was a standalone, not the season pass for Farcry 3
>FarCry 4.5
You mean 3.2
I watched GameSpot's FC5 video the other day. I was not impressed. Not by the game. The game looks as fun as any entry in the series. The thing that failed to impress me was how the GameSpot employees spent a large portion of the video going on about how they were confused and frightened because there was a politically conservative character who they weren't supposed to shoot and who was a quest-giver, and how it made them uncomfortable to be around him because he invaded their triggersphere and was existentially dominating them.
Apparently GameSpot thought the game was a liberals VS conservative thing instead of an Americans VS cult thing. And they equate a cult to conservatives despite the one real instance of a violent cult in US history being The Peoples Temple, who were communists.
who was the quest giver? was it the dude with the plane?
It's Hurk's dad. He calls someone an "Obama-loving libtard" and it triggered the shit out of them.
got a link to the vid in question?
>Apparently GameSpot thought the game was a liberals VS conservative thing instead of an Americans VS cult thing. And they equate a cult to conservatives
To be fair, conservatives under the current president have been exposed to have zero principles or morals, where they will immediately flip-flop on core beliefs in a minute, so they might as well be considered a cult.
>uwahhhh muh blood dragon!
Honestly they never should have made that game, it's all virgins cry about now.
He actually called his son Hurk that, then when you talk to Hurk he talks about how he doesn't want to assume your gender or anything and he calls everyone bro.
>he talks about how he doesn't want to assume your gender
Well in his defense you do make a created character for the game
What a gay
shill thread
soy post
So how do libtards/white conservative haters/Trump triggered fairies come to terms with playing games that are essentially mass murder simulators? Even in that video, it shows them using a flame thrower to burn seemingly innocent civilians. Then they go onto to say how they are uncomfortable with a bit of conservative ideology in their mass murder simulator games. This shit is ridiculous.
Murder is fine. Having a different opinion is not. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
BD a literal meme game for reddit. Worst Far Cry easily.
I don't know how I feel about this game's tone, I liked 3 and 4's serious tone more.
the DLC is more interesting than the game
Ubi fucked it up
I mean like the series and I'll get it eventually...but £50? Get fucked
Jesus what. You weren't even exaggerating. It's like none of them have been to a country town
I don't know how anyone can play an Ubi soft game. They're always generic as fuck and have always online bullshit plus uplay that always fucking crashes. Blood dragon is the only decent game I can remember them making in the last 10 years
That NPC is clearly supposed to be a caricature. Not sure why they think it's weird that such characters would exist considering the setting and premise. Having NPCs with a wide variety of opinions and outlooks is a good thing.
At least I can still hope for Soviet-Afghan war Far Cry
>Not sure why they think it's weird that such characters would exist considering the setting and premise.
Because they think the game is Far Cry: Civil War: The Fight Against Trump.
Looks pretty good. Might buy it.
Even if that was literally the premise it would still make sense for such characters to exist and be non-hostile.
Just like Battleborn, No Man's Sky, Andromeda and Wolfenstein 2?
>Ghost Recon Wildlands was a great game
>Assassin's Creed Origins was a great game
>This will also be a great game
Ubisoft has considerally upped their quality controll since last year
No Man's Sky isn't a bad game. Just a very boring one.
Of course they haven't
What's wrong with Wolfenstein 2? drop the politics and it's an awesome shooter
>It's an awesome shooter
its shitty and shallow and as deep as CoD.
Wolfenstein TNO and TOB were better, but not by much.
>he's upset a finished product has plans for support
Unlike shit like Battlefield games, these are those own contained DLC that have their own campaigns. This means FarCry5 is entirely finished, so there's no reason to be upset.
Calm down and get upset at actual things to be upset about.
>a quest giver calls his son an Obama-loving libtard
I'm gonna love this game.
>vietnamfags RUINING yet another game whilst peretuating the most faggy meme
if they're all blood dragon levels of quality it could make up for how shitty the game is
Get out of here nazi frog.
How the fuck did these retards even became "journalists"?
Of course there's going to be people like that in bumfuck town and of course they're going to be your allies, you aren't there to change everyone's political thinking and make them vote blue come 2020, you're there to stop a cult from taking over a county and will need all the help you can get.
ok that alien dlc got me get some Starship Trooper vibes from this
Tbh I may buy this game, especially with the season pass looking to be just more blood dragon style stuff, along with a map editor and lots of free events.
Plus, I haven't played a Far Cry since 3, so I'm sure it should have plenty of new features and weapons.
>boring isnt bad
>doggo companion
>bear bro
Now all we need is couple of cougars. One of them must be feline .
>anti drumpf game
cant wait to buy it
For 90$ the gold edition of the game with season pass looks like pricey but decent deal. I bet I could get 300 hours worth of fun with it.
I don't know if I could go for $90, I may wait and buy the season pass down the road when all the content is out.
>It's that hard for them to comprehend someone not being a hardcore Kool-Aid chugger being an ally and not some mustache twirling, cartoon villain.
How do these people even survive in the real world with this black and white world-view?
>triggered by the words, "Obama-loving libtard."
why is this game so like hated and considered political?
cant people cast aside real life and have some suspension of disbelief that a cult might take over a small area? why do people then have to bring RL politics into it?
Bravo! Very original and creative, Ubisoft!
>tfw still no Dinosaur game
3.4 at this point
Leftists have to jam politics into everything. Just look at the furor over KC:D.
It’s not the leftist making this political
Main villain happens to be religions and trumpets see this as a personal attack
Liberals are so used to being pandered to exclusively than even the middle-ground upsets them.
Can it steal GOTY from RDR2?
all the good guys who want to stop the cult are also religious tho
Blood Dragon had dinosaurs and they were boring as fuck to fight. There's a reason no one makes dinosaurs FPS style games that much, and the ones that have like Turok didn't use giant dinosaurs. They'd be big health sponges for modern weapons. Like it or not, despite being unoriginal, aliens, vietcong, and zombies, all react better to being shot than a t-rex would.
>It’s not the leftist making this political
The lack of self-awareness.
I can't get over the fact the villain looks like a hipster, but is the leader of an overzealous cult.
Everyone is making it political. It's not, and it has nothing to do with religion because you're fighting with a Catholic priest.
The cult is like every other cult, where it's one person using his influence to trick people. That's it, people being tricked, they just put it under a disguise of religion to try and make it more presentable that they're trying to create their own monarchy.
>Assassin's creed with more rpg lite shit and Open World Sandbox: The Game
They were mediocre at best, just like this will be.
It's short, there aren't nearly enough enemy types, the enemy kills you almost instantly on higher difficulties, not necessarily making it hard, but turning it instead into a cover shooter when it claims to be 'old skool'. The Cut scenes are far, far too plentiful, taking up a good portion of its already meagre run time. The attachments and upgrades do nothing interesting. There's no final boss, leaving the game with a pitifully underwhelming ending. It's priced at $60 despite there being so little content. The main villain isn't nearly as charismatic as the first game's. Adolf Hitler is a joke character when he should've been the game's final bossfight. The stealth is barebones.
It is a bad product, and the people who made it should feel bad for producing it.
I'm okay with political shit being in games so long as they shit on all sides. Just insulting one group and praising anotheris fucking dumb and distracting. And blatent pandering of course.
>DLCs look more interesting than the base game
why they do this
This. Real “diversity” includes viewpoints that some people won’t agree with.
>It's getting shilled on Sup Forums
That's a shame, I was actually thinking about buying this rehash for a second.