Install another game

>install another game
>play for 2 hours
>install another game
>play for 2 hours
>install another game
>play for 2 hours
>install another game
>play for 2 hours
>install another game
>play for 2 hours

What is wrong with me

Other urls found in this thread:

Try getting another hobby. Or you know, go out for a walk and clear your head a little.

>install game
>play for 2 hours
>look forward to having time to be able to play it again

maybe you're playing shit games

You may have depression. Ask your doctor. Perhaps get a good walk going someday.

You're not enjoying your games. I'm like that with Pokémon these days. I'll get the latest game and play it for a good 3-5 hours but every time I see something new I have to catch it and train it. It gets really grindy and I eventually stop making any progression. I eventually call it a day my DS goes back on the shelf to gather dust for another year.

You've changed, user. That's just how it is.

>Install game
>check that it works
>Looks good, I'll play it later
>Install another game
>check that it works
>Looks good I'll play it later

>feel like playing ghost recon wildlands again
>60 gb download
>fuck me
>turn on pc early next morning and have the game download while i'm at work
>come back home and see it's downloaded
>oh boy here we go
>get a blue screen
>restart pc
>needs to download game content for 20 minutes
Could have been worse.

How do I get myself to play my backlog?

go back in time and buy better games

This is me. Its why piracy is a bad thing. Having to much accessibility to so many games ultimately kills your interest. There is no investment.

how about we talk about what were playing instead of whining about being burned out. I'm playing No One Lives Forever 2 and its legit

But user I can't even play the games I have bought either

I'm desperately trying to ignore the buggy mess powering arcanum because I think it's a genuinely interesting setting and want to make it past Tarant but holy shit it runs like garbage, friendly NPCs aggro randomly, turn-based combat freezes, and everything kills me whether it's 2 or 40 levels higher than me.

Playing this idle game

Wildlands is a bad Ghost Recon game but I still find myself playing it.

I don't have problems playing games.
I can play games fine, I just have problems playing backlog games.
I can go and play minecraft with 100 mods, flash games or runescape just fine. I just can't get myself to pick stuff I want to complete from my backlog.

U need to kill yourself,thats all

Im playing Kamidori. I've downloaded 15 games since then, and told myself I will play them when I am finished. To bad Kamidori is like 400 hours long to 100%

How do you call this curse? that when you feel lazy as hell about starting a new game but when you do you have the time of your life and you wish you got yourself to beat your fucking backlog? wish there was a term.

Reward overload, dopamine exhaustion.

Its called being a tired gamer.

take a 5h job

All of this has to do with a right state of mind. If you're depressed as fuck Vidya won't make you happy. But with a happier attitude you'll find yourself wanting to get more involved in games. That or just play New Vegas, I'm playing that again with the dlc, no wonder people say it's a amazing game.

Am I really a tired gamer? I can play other games perfectly fine. I just have problems starting new ones.

You're listening to Sup Forums too much.
Go find a game by yourself, do your own research and play something that genuinely interests you, it doesn't have to be form this year, or new either.
If there's nothing getting your attention right now - go back to an old game you love.

>don't enjoy game
>continue playing it

my nigga

It's the realization that you don't have time to play everything you want anymore. Let me repeat, you will never have time to play all the games you want to play. You will die before finishing your backlog.


fuck you

I do have the time, but for me the dread of finishing all the good games and finding out new ones do suck ass, is worse.

Here come the pharma shills, on cue. Take your SSRIs (sugar pills), OP!

Deep Rock Galactic is fun. I play it for the decent procedural generation and exploration, makes replayability actually good.

Don't forget to take your opioids goyim!

The Sup Forums syndrome.

Games are active entertainment, Sup Forums is passive. Mindlessly scrolling the internet is just as good a way of passing time as playing games, but it requires much less effort.