It's been 6 years guys, are you still mad?

It's been 6 years guys, are you still mad?

I know I am

Other urls found in this thread:

I will always be mad.




every day until I die brother

What happened with this thing again? It was a vote for the looks of Femshep on the cover right? It's been too long and I forgot.

not really. story already took a dive in mass effect 2. I mean fighting a reaper fetus that looks like an oversized terminator? please.

I already knew the story in 3 would be retarded and had no expectations so I enjoyed the gameplay. don't give a single fuck about the gay characters either. only downside was not having a partner for me and garrus to do space bro-ops, albeit beef mcquack wasn't as bad as I expected

5 is the best

I still have my sealed copy and when I saw the backlash I never touched the game. Why bother wasting hours on it when every choice you make won't matter? I miss old Bioware.

I dropped the series after 2 so I was unaffected.

Frecklebeast shep was the best thing that came out of me3.

Vote for "canon" femshep. As per usual the in game models were not attractive enough for Sup Forums and so they whined like the sexually frustrated losers they are.

desu, i recently replayed ME1-3 and DA 1-3 and none of them were bad or abysmal. Andromeda was. And after seeing the recent games that game out with some exceptions, these games werent bad at all. None of them peaked over their prequels, thats true. They still werent bad at all though.

Blonde Shep won the initial fan vote, insecure land whales complained about stereotypes, they did a revote with fewer options and a redhead Shep that won.

>mad about a shit game in a shit franchise

yeah nah I'm good.

But we're mad because the franchise was turned to shit. Mass Effect 1 might have been clumsy and had it issues, but the next games got rid of everything good about it.

yeah mass effect 3 is fine. people were just bad because they're expectations weren't met in regards to the conclusion of the series after them putting 1000 hours in the series

but like I said mass effect 2 was already stupid story wise so I don't understand why care so much about 3

>it was always shit!
Literally the biggest newfag indicator.

ME3 was such a lore rape galore that I will always not be mad.

Nope. Multiplayer more than made up for the decline in singleplayer.

Because the ending was just that fucking bad. People expected something at least on the level of ME2 and 3, but Bioware managed to completely fuck it up.

>People expected something at least on the level of ME2
and that's exactly what they got? the pick your colour ending is 100% on the same level as shoot the bright spot on this baby reaper

Both ME3 and DA3 were trash.

If memory serves me, blondie won but sjw's complained so they kept the face/model had a second vote on the hair color specifically. The redhead "won".

Ignoring the ME2 ending, that is. They expected gameplay choices to matter, for the decisions made during the trilogy to have a concrete impact. Instead you just get choices A B C that change little more than colour in the ending cinematic.

The human reaper was stupid, but it wasn't the conclusion of the saga. Also no, everything in ME3 looked sterile and lifeless, the dialogue was some seriously stupid shit. Everyone sounded and felt out of character. ME2 delved into shit for brains dudebro shooter territory but ME3 embraced it.

the redhead won iirc and male shep still took the spotlight

albeit I wouldn't be surprised if the same ''fans'' that couldn't save wrex voted for a bl*nde
yeah because going from 1 to 2 your decisions REALLY mattered and what you did in 2 REALLY affected it's story development besides being able to manipulate which characters survive the suicide mission

sarcasm obviously if it wasn't obvious (gotta make sure since it's nu-chan after all)

>fight the reaper threat by solving half the daddy issues in the universe
broh that was some deep shit me2 had

>yeah because going from 1 to 2 your decisions REALLY mattered and what you did in 2 REALLY affected it's story development besides being able to manipulate which characters survive the suicide mission
I'm not saying 2 wasn't shit, but in 2 there was still the background plot on accelerated entropy and the mass effect destroying the galaxy, or even the universe, whatever. They clearly had bigger, better plans for why the Reapers are doing it, even if the game itself was a retarded waist-high shooter with the Reaper being homoerotically obsessed with Shepard.

You're desperate for arguments.

Dudebro moments were great in ME2. It's not like Me1 had great story either. Literally le ancient evil awakens.

>background plot on accelerated entropy and the mass effect destroying the galaxy
a minor mention during your important mission to solve tali's daddy issues?

you and I both know they would have fucked up that thread regardless, and even if they didn't, by some miracle, 90% of fans would still hate it because that's the vidya industry for you
>sarcasm obviously if it wasn't obvious (gotta make sure since it's nu-chan after all)

I fucking CALLED IT. lmao

Yes OP, I'm still mad


>you and I both know they would have fucked up that thread regardless
Absolutely, but ME2 still had those hints of something better in the background that got thrown out entirely in ME3.
Not that anything would've made up for the destruction of the space opera nature of the first game and the degeneration of the gameplay to a GoW clone.

Never played ME. What made 3 so shitty?

Mass Effect 2 was pretty much pointless on the whole grand scheme of things, but I still expected more from the 3rd game, it managed to fuck up nearly everything it tried to do

That webcomic was a great escape valvule the first year afther Bioware shat the bed, did the author ever finished it?

Man, it would've been so easy to fix ME2. Have Shepard rebuilt by the Geth, use that as an excuse to tell all of the Geth story that was shoehorned into 3 while still doing the "save humanity" deal. Boom, done. You have a stable backdrop for your story, you get to actually go on more than two missions with Legion, Legion's loyalty mission actually means something, the Geth/Quarian conflict in 3 feels more important--it's just an overall improvement. It also makes people being freaked out by Shepard's return make a little more sense.

Sarcasm? more like straw man argument. I never claimed ME2 was deep, at all. It was a silly game with decent gameplay and good characters. It furthered the plot of the first, improved the shooting mechanics and introduced well written and interesting characters. ME3 shat the bed violently in the first 30 minutes by introducing a deus ex machina, amounted to character assassination and was a miserable experience from beginning to end.

Why was this a thing? The default female face from the previous games was fine.
Default male Shepard will always be the cutest anyways

Im still mad and sad. Nevar again Mass Effect....

I liked playing as a vanguard/infiltrator/adept. soldier wasn't bad either with that heavy assault rifle you get on the collector ship or whatever
it improved gameplay. garrus bro-op was still good. far as I'm concerned I played these games for the space atmosphere and garrus/wrex, garrus/zaeed and garrus/nothing bro-op. and where me3 failed in atmosphere it at least delivered in gameplay
m8 you literally get killed only to get revived 30 minutes later in me2. there;s nothing wrong with hating 3, but if you're a big 2 fan hating 3 is hypocritical. like a fo3 fanboy hating 4 because ''it's not an rpg'' be real.

most people bash it for its ending. Also the story was kinda all over the place.
Gameplay-wise it's a step-up from it's predecessor imo.
It's not a bad game, just disappointing.


2 was shit as well.
Basically, the game series started out as a unique space opera RPG where you play as a human soldier, taking command of a top-of-the-line spacecraft, recruit some aliens into your crew as you begin work as an interspecies special forces operative and fly off to save the day against a lovecraftian cyborg species of cyclopean aliens, the Reapers, seeking to harvest all life in the galaxy.
Then in ME2 you're stuck solving daddy issues of your crew members and the formerly unfathomable Reapers are all of a sudden obsessed with you and personally talk to you.
ME 3 continues with ME2's style and the ending completely disregards any and all choices you've made in the series.


>obsessed with you and personally talk to you
Fuck, that was awful. Sovereign is infinitely more intimidating.

>Then in ME2 you're stuck solving daddy issues of your crew members and the formerly unfathomable Reapers are all of a sudden obsessed with you and personally talk to you.


ME2 and ME3 are the same shit narrative wise

>He fell for the "reapers are evil" maymay

Disgusting neo-ME plebeian.

>Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.


Everything really.
Lore is raped to shit, due to EA purchase.
Story, dialogues, ending were all shit.

The devs went on how all your choices from the previous games would matter, but they didn't. What seemed like huge choices were reduced to nearly irrelevant changes to sidestories or tiny numerical changes to your warscore.
The story is a mess start to finish, there is one good arc and everything else is absolute garbage. People just shit on the ending because it's easily the worst, laziest part of it. Also, enjoy your zero RP choices in your RPG. Not to mention the usual EA fuckery like on-disc DLC.
The gameplay is the only saving grace of ME3. It's hilarious how the mutliplayer turned out to be the best thing about this dumpsterfire.


in all seriousness they should have kept the reapers as part of the unknown, and made sure the struggle against them was impossible to win. would have pissed off soooooooooooo many more people than pick your colour imho.

>enjoy your zero RP choices in your RPG
yeah mass effect was always known for it's deep RP choices
like abstaining from pressing right click to throw guy out of the window or telling udina to fuck off. so. conflicting.

If you have some time then

If no then see:


>but if you're a big 2 fan hating 3 is hypocritical
Trying to rewrite history, I see. That's hilarious.
I'm also not a ME2 fan, I just happened to play both games. The dialogue in 3 was long winded and idiotic, they completely crippled the citadel, they filled the hubs with mannequins, they turned cerberus into cobra and the illusive man into a saturday morning cartoon villain. Defending ME3 is idiotic, it was a broken game that doesn't fit with the rest of the series.

Can we have some webms up in here, please?

You know which ones I'm talking about.

Do not over explain your monster or reveal them too early. Fucking horror rule 101 that no one on earth remembers any more.

I'm not sure how it's rewriting history. me2 was a space action game that didn't take itself seriously and sure as shit didn't give a fuck about previous game. with ridiculous shit like the intro, the non existent story with reapers on pause, the daddy issues, the stupid ending. repeat with me3, except now all of that is a problem while previously it wasn't???


>saving wrex

also funny how you complain about the citadel when me2 ruined it first. good that you're not an me2 fan that way you should realize how they're both the same shit
it drew too much of a normie audience

>and sure as shit didn't give a fuck about previous game.
Then you didn't play it, it's as simple as that.
Also you seem to be under the delusion that shitting on ME2 will magically make ME3 a good game, that's hilarious.

> and made sure the struggle against them was impossible to win
They changed writers from ME1 to ME2, didn't they?
The Reapers start out decidedly Lovecraftian, as clichéd as that term is. They're powerful and ancient eldritch aliens of immeasurable power that are hidden behind the thin veil of modern society, just waiting, lurking in the abyss to one day wake up and end life as we know it and there is nothing we can do to stop them. Some are aware of them, but they're driven to madness (indoctrination) by the knowledge and the failure of anyone else to acknowledge the truth.
This is how it was clearly meant to play out and how it did in ME1. Shepard learns the truth, but nobody believes him. Those others who know have been driven mad and are only a threat. This is what the series should have built further on. Have all focus on trying to delay and stop the Reapers, but inevitably make the fight against them futile. They should not be something that we are capable of defeating. It took the mightiest armadas of the galaxy to slay one scout and the abyss has thousands of them.

>also funny how you complain about the citadel when me2 ruined it first
It didn't turn it into one room. It's funny how you try to defend ME3 by citing every mistake it made.

Did someone say galactic stability?

I was never mad at me3.
I had let all my anger at me2

10 years later and I still love this woman like crazy

>Then you didn't play it, it's as simple as that.
>removed elevator banter
>removed mako
>normandy now has loading screens
>wrex is pushed to the sidelines because not enough people could save him in 1
>your choice between ashley and the annoying guy amounted to a 5 minute angry cameo
>some mentions of what you did here and there, no actual impacts
far as I'm concerned war assets had more value
I'm not defending it. I'm saying people are wrong to complain when they got exactly what 2 was


better than anything 2 and 3 delivered

Based. Wrex is literally a nigger. Grunt is way better anyway.

>blonde ''people''

>Grunt somehow isn't a nigger despite being BIX NOOD LET'S FIGHT IN THE HOOD: The Character
>Wrex and Eve canonically lead the Krogan into a new era where they integrate peacefully and happily with the galaxy at large

The only Urdnot who deserves death is Wrex's brother

>blonde Femshep wins
>rig a new poll so she can have red hair and ugly her up
Why producers/devs actually listen to the vocal minority I'll never understand.

ME2's biggest overall story issue was that it was a huge set-up for ME3, and then ME3 just kinda threw that away to do more of it's own thing.

That's a fucking dumb copout that was just a means of trying to build them up while saying "yeah we'll come up with something for the Reapers later." That so many of you fags eat it up shows the kind of people who now worship ME1. That being the same kind who defend the Mako because muh scanning, defend the tanky controls because muh cover-based shooting (which ME1 was intended to be to a lesser degree) and the copypasta environments with, well, nothing actually. You just ignore those.

>wrex is the only one that gives a fuck about you during your reunion in 2
can't believe the excuses the philistines who couldn't save him come up with.

>where they integrate peacefully and happily with the galaxy at large

It's almost like explaining the monster makes it less threatening, especially when the explanation is pants on head retarded

Or makes it more interesting. Depends on if the writing pulls it off. They didn't, but just "OH IT'S SPACE CTHULU" is boring as shit. You just praise it now because the explanation was shitty.

It's in the ending if both Wrex and Eve are alive. I understand completely if you don't remember or don't care about the ending

Nice try, faggot, but I not only got his shitty armor AND passed the charm/intimidate check and I still sicced Ashley on him. Wrex is a fucking faggot.
>hurr I don't care about the Krogan they're all idiots so I'll just chimp out across the galaxy for a few credits
>n-no don't blow up the shitty krogan cloning facility shepard


>Mysterious monsters are better than really stupid shitty monsters
whoa alert the fucking presses

No, unfortunately.
Even in death mass effect is capable of disappointment.

>The last words of the Mass Effect trilogy is literally "downloadable content"

redhead shep is best tho, doesnt excuse the shit game tho

>ME2's biggest overall story issue was that it was a huge set-up for ME3
No. The biggest issue was that they destroyed everything about the Reapers in 1 and turned them into obsessive stalkers who control bug people for the sole purpose of killing Shepard.
>That's a fucking dumb copout that was just a means of trying to build them up while saying "yeah we'll come up with something for the Reapers later." That so many of you fags eat it up shows the kind of people who now worship ME1.
Read because that's my opinion on the Reapers. They were very much Lovecraftian in ME1. They are supposed to be mysterious, because that adds to their threatening nature. Sure, they should've expanded on them eventually, but not reduce them to the level of petty humans like the ME2 Reaper was, whatever it's fucking name is again.


>female sheploo
It's like you hate fun

me2 destroyed the mystery of cerberus too
>shadowy organization
>now disney/EA in space

The extended cut changed it.

>really stupid shitty monsters
Thanks for proving my point.

See Also if an ant was responsible for foiling and killing a man, I bet some people would suddenly be interested in that ant.

The endings were tied to multiplayer, so you couldn't get the best endings without grinding it (Not that it mattered though, all the endings were virtually the same)

Is the webcomic still going? Haven't checked in quite a while.

Crashing a car doesn't suddenly mean it was never a cool car. If they'd never explained the Reapers at all they would've been just fine.

>shadowy organization that killed your platoon
>murder the living fuck out of them whenever you find them in ME1
>forced to work with them in ME2 and can't even rage about it
Goddamn I hate Bioware.

So basically you just don't like their Lovecraftian nature in ME1? Is there something else I'm supposed to take from your post, because "OH IT'S SPACE CTHULU" doesn't really amount to much.

>The endings were tied to multiplayer, so you couldn't get the best endings without grinding it
You could, actually. Though it might have been dependent on choices, but I got the best ending before even touching the multiplayer.