I wish that Monster Hunter was back on consoles!

I wish that Monster Hunter was back on consoles!

>spent years wishing for Monster Hunter on PC
>get World

I wish Half Life series came back

Why the monkey's paw? MHW is the best game in the series.

I wish I had a job to afford more vidya



I wish for a Prey sequel!

I wish we got a new mainline console Kirby game!

Why did people want MH on consoles anyway? The reason the game was so good was because if I was waiting on the bus for 10-15 minutes I could just play some MH.

Proper controller and resolution was the oldfag wish. Newfags want better graphics.

That’s why I was so excited for the Switch though.

It controlled fine on the 3ds i acutally prefer it except for bow but i cant bow for shit in XX or 4U

this, monster hunter world is the metroid prime of monster hunter. It will set a precedent for what monster hunter games will be like now.

Unironically this, maybe. I started with 4U and I must say the beginning of World is definitely more rewarding. 4U had too many quests in the beginning that felt like they should be optional but we're mandatory. Then again 4U has more content (yes I know it's an ultimate version).

I'm excited to see what DLC World gets. I hope we get G rank dlc before the end of the year.

>Home console
Its a overcharged portable with an HDMI port to replace the DS family.

>with an HDMI port
Umm, excuse me, but, it's called an USB Type-C port, not HDMI.

Did you unironically want Monster Hunter Frontier? World is much better than that shit was

I wanted 4U or something like it, but even Frontier would have been better.

its the most recent game, and popular. it make people feel like they have incredibly sophisticated taste if they don't like it because there have been some slight changes.

>never played mhfu

MHW makes FU worse by existing. I'm dead fucking serious.

God, i always thought you guys from MH fanbase were pretty chill.

there are chill fanbases and then there are trendy game memesters
for references,see: kingdom come threads

Since it moved from being on a Nintendo platform to being multiplatform for everything but the Switch, it's doomed to be forever associated with consolewar faggotry.

Still is. MonHun isn't going to do a JoJo tier 180 in terms of fandom anytime soon.
It's just console war shitters who want to start shot.

>MonHun isn't going to do a JoJo tier 180 in terms of fandom anytime soon.
it already did

>I wish the Simpsons would never go off the air!

People will still thing FU is actually good no matter what year it is, it's jarring.


Boy, I wish El Shaddai would get a sequel!

I'm still mad about this.