Bias Against Game and Developer

>There’s significant interest and engagement from the community, with the Steam Charts showing that the game peaked at 95,863 users playing consecutively and now averages around 25,000 players a day since its release.

>This is quite bizarre given that even during the very busy late summer, early fall rush of AAA games, Giant Bomb had time to review Volition Software’s uninspired Agents of Mayhem on August 22nd, 2017.

>What’s the significance of this? Well,The game also only ever peaked at 3,665 players even during its launch, according to Steam Charts.

>Agents of Mayhem sold so poorly that Volition was forced to layoff staff.

>The game also launched in a month that saw the release of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Pillars of Eternity and Sonic Mania just to name a few.

>Giant Bomb prioritized an absolute sales dud during a month with major releases back in August of 2017, but had no interest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance even though the only notable new games to come out in February has been Dynasty Warriors 9, EA Sports UFC 3, Shadow of the Colossus Remake and Metal Gear Survive. Most of everything else is either an indie game, a mid-budget title, or a re-release.

Hottest game out there gets ignored. Thoughts Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: Against Game and Developer/type/op/

>giant bomb

that shit is still up?

About this thread, you're a drama eating shit sniffer that likes to stir the pot.

About the topic of discussion, they're a bunch of sopping vaginas, and anyone who seriously adds or subtracts points from a creation based on the color of the skin of the people within it are disingenuous fucknobs.


>Giant Bomb
how aptly named

Your first thought would be that this is the work of a bot but some people really are this autistic.

Kill yourself

I'm just glad this finally killed Sup Forums's hard-on for Giant Bomb.
This game is successful despite everyone going against it and that makes me happy. Even if all the hit pieces dropped the score unjustly.

Did that autistic shitposter actually get his ramblings published on a website?

>I'm just glad this finally killed Sup Forums's hard-on for Giant Bomb.
Hahahaha, you wish.
See you at E3 for the E3 Giant Bomb threads, buddy.

how much damge did gg did to these people?

i don't know, last year's stream was pretty depressing Against Game and Developer/type/op/
Kill yourself, OP

Is it hard to believe that Kingdom Come is selling for much of the same reasons that Hatred did? People saw the press about the game, except this time instead of it being some random twin-stick shooter, it's the Skyrim 2.
The game is not that good, and I'm not surprised Giant Bomb guys are not interested in it.

Hatred did not sell nearly this well.
Get a grip, you delusional suck-up.

>people saw the press about the game
The vast majority of people had no idea what was happening, you need to stop thinking Sup Forums and resetera are like the rest of the internet/the gaming community
The Steam discussion threads didn't have any mentionings of the """controversy""" until after release and that's because of all the hit pieces.

It still sold decently

>comparing to Lawbreakers
Well gee now any game sold well!

Indie vs triple A publisher Nexon

It broke 100K copies fairly quickly after Steam release.
But yes, it did not sell as well, because first-person medieval games have way more interest in them than twin-stick shooters do.

No, people did not care about controversy. They simply saw the game mentioned on Twitter and maybe on websites. This is the same thing that caused Senran Kagura and Dragon's Crown to sell, they were brought into potential buyers who wouldn't have known about them othervise.

># in a headline

No. Just fucking no.

>Implying anyone gives a shit about the """"press"""
Go drink your soy milk

Jesus Christ, I'm not saying that people care about press. If they did, the game wouldn't have sold at all and would have bunch of troll reviews on Steam from bandwagoning people.
What is happening is that coverage that the game is getting is working as advertising. People don't care about what the articles say, they see screenshots and think "Oh wow, this looks cool!"

There's why.

They're morbidly obese, have no moral fiber, and eat nothing that contains fiber. Asside from being shaped like blobs, and the dullness of their unwashed skin which you can almost smell with your eyes, their only distinguishing characteristics are self drawn, by carefully cutting and shaving the pubic hair on their faces in to an illusion of bone structure that can make itself visible through such thick padding of blubber. They're such spiritually empty people who have bodies that are large and spreading indiscriminantly in every direction, reaching that which is just out of reach with their stench, in a pathetic, desperate, misguided attempt to gain lost ground in their already lost battle to find any kind of meaning in their lives. They can convince themselves well enough, along with the inherent sedation of it, that to eat pies and doritos and to take massive morning shits gives value to their existence, but to convince others they, being as mentally fat and worthless, reach from their lethargy for the low laying box of donuts that is a virtually effortless appeal to all those who identify only as victims, as they do. A blob doing what a blob does to join with other blobs in their attempt to become an even larger blob. Forever expanding in their shapeless, and amorphous, malignancy, hoping to one day, if only by accident, devour anything of transcendant value, while doing everything they can do to avoid such a fate.

Giant bomb doesn't cover a lot of games. There are a lot of games and they have limited staff. Hell, they cover old games more than they cover new releases at this point.

American opinions are worthless anyway. They have proven that much.

>this website that WE DONT CARE AT ALL does not cover THING WE HAVE TO CARE ABOUT

>Hottest game out there gets ignored
*Citation needed

quoting whomst?


I haven't showered since Sunday.

>Hottest game out there gets ignored. Thoughts Sup Forums?

I find it hilarious that Lawbreakers is considered an AAA game and sold so poorly. I wonder what the budget was.

It's been fucking years since anything "Gamer Gate" related actually happened and yet these fucking SJWs and faggots all over still quake in their boots and pretend like it exists and act like it's the boogeyman

M-MUH GERPLE GRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound like my brother's fat, feminist wife.

Or Brianna "John Flynt" Wu.

if by damage you mean "financial gain" then they received a lot.

Jesus christ when will these threads go away?

Read this in Yahtzees voice

when ryan flopped, so did giantbomb.

>this cuck actually posts on Sup Forums while also browsing his Reddit and posting about #itwasherturn on Twitter

This manchild is mad a different website chooses what to cover?

>on Sup Forums
>doesnt enjoy drama
Just link me your resetera account at this point

When people stop being mad that someone doesn't really want to cover a game they like.


Those fucking [censored] were dead to me the day they cried about MUH WHITE SUPREMACY because the Palmer Luckey wanted to fund online memes in support of Trump. They're all far left trash who deserve the [censored.]

That's pretty much the point is it's watching a Trainwreck. I can't seriously believe that anyone takes anything seriously with Abby on staff

these spam threads are the only reason I knew there was bad press. I heard about it from digital foundry posting a video about its terrible console performance. stop assuming shit

That's great and all but where's the patch Danny boy?

I wish there are meme drawings of Giant Bomb.

The dev is kind of an asshole but the game is good and he's not the only one who worked on it. GB and their constant progressive puritan act has gotten pretty stale.

why does it look so stupid when you censor your own posts

Its like when Cliffy B says BADD*SS

>talking bad about Chaddy B

I don't give a fuck, I play games not read ""journalists""" opinions about them

Gamergate was an embarrassment for "gamers". It's best we ignore it

oh no no no no

Except it's only revealed journalists as the pathetic weasals they are


Oh look gaming "journalists" are biased assholes with 0 integrity. Who knew.

hey maybe don’t be a piece of shit and people will treat you and your work fairly

Maybe journalists don't be pieces of shit and I won't make threads about you

It was only Abby that said this.
GB isn't one person.

They don't cover a bunch of popular games. Can't blame everything on GG.

Journalists in general are lying subhumans.

Back to Youtube with you.