is video games the gateway to normal media?
Is video games the gateway to normal media?
I'm really enjoying Pewdiepie's redemption arc
what you mean actually being funny arc?
I feel like Pewdiepie is secretly Sam Hyde levels of woke
>Being a cynical methhead is redemption
On his video about amy schumer he called sweden "saudi arabia"
Me too. He's surprisingly ok.
this, he's going as slow as possible towards red pilling people to make it impossible to tell, like boiling frogs, he's turning the heat up so slowly you can't even tell when he started doing it, and he's already said "hitler did nothing wrong", "nigger", he has a shirt that says "60 million, ZERO DEATHS", it's insane what he's gotten away with.
His post ironic jadedness is so much better than pewdiepie of years past
Me too. Although I hate his lwiay r*ddit videos
Hes clearly redpilled to some degree but lets not act like hes a typical Sup Forums right wing retard
well he is a Sup Forumsster, believe it or not.
he's proved it several times, but almost nobody screencapped.
I was really surprise with the whole t shirt thing too.
I think he's in it for the long game, most Sup Forumslack would just shove infographics down your throat.
what about meme review?
its a nice way to keep up with what normies are memeing nowadays, its ok i guess
If you get a job, yes. 12 hour sessions don't happen any more, then movies become preferable, and music over portables.
This but unironically.
I actually subscribed to him.
He literally ripped off a Sup Forums thread for money a week ago.
"It's not okay when Reddit does it but it's okay when BASED pewds does it"
That better be bait you shiteating faggot.
being a literal nazi arc?
if you cannot monetize something, you deserve to be poor and unimportant.
>Catering to an even lower common denominator.
boo fucking hoo kiddo
>This thread unironically
>on Sup Forums
its just too absurd for me to get mad about.
But god damn its still not fucking video games
Everyone is nazi
>Sup Forums likes this faggot now that he's racist.
I swear, some illiterate homeless man who shits his pants constantly and tries to molest kids would be called a genius by the Sup Forums audience because he yelled "Gas the Kikes!" in his muddled up english.
Pewdiepie literally made a video about how he was going to stop being fake for youtube and just do whatever he wants and it worked. He continues to gain subs, nothing can kill him, he literally said "fucking nigger" on stream and still has a lucrative youtube career.
>I want to discus video games
go to Sup Forums then
You should be ashamed for using an image from a quality anime in your pathetic crybaby post.
I would vote for him for mayor, fight me.
>has 60 million subscribers
>zero deaths is a local meme on his streams that repeats ad nauseum every time he dies
>woke redpill hail hitler!!
Really? Come on now
>e-celeb shit
Not video games
seconding this weebs opinion
yes, it's just like how shitposting on Sup Forums is a gateway to shitposting on Sup Forums or Sup Forums. If you're still here it means you might still be able to be saved.
>single handedly makes millions of speedrunners kill themselves
>shits on Amy Schumer
>clearly browses Sup Forums
>is not a Sup Forumstard or a retarded liberal
>shits on Star Wars
>likes to read actual literature
>likes good japanese games
He is literally /ourguy/.
>two boards nobody cares are better than this board.
you are a fucking loser who no one likes hearing
>he literally said "fucking nigger"
I'm still baffled at how this was a problem in the first place, it was just a way to release the anger, but then again everyone nowadays is thin skinned.
Infamous crossboarders getting triggered once again.
Its not really, no one fucking cares, much to the disdain of lefties.
>it was just a way to release the anger
But why that word in particular? He would have to say it often for it to come to his mind when he's frustrated.
>it's only okay, when my favorite youtuber does it :^)
>could have said any number of words to express his anger such as fuck and shit
>goes with a blatant racist remark because LOL internet isn't real life lmao nigger nigger nigger
>"huh, i don't get why people would think that my racist remark is racist durrr"
im fine with this, i makes me smile.
>talks about absolute madman meme 5 years after it was created
>normies all using it now like it was brand new
>same with Giant Isopod
>screaming REEEEEE over a year after it went out of fashion, normies using REEEEE now
he's the ultimate cancer, I legit hope some black guy ko's him and he hits his head on the ground, killing him
Pewd's uses nigger as an exclamation in his day to day life.
>b-but he shares my political opinions now! he's edgy like me, I can talk about him without looking like a child!
no, it's a skillet necessary to survive. If your autismo makes you unable to do it, fine. But it's a common skill necessary for everyday living.