Racing thread? What are you playing lately Sup Forums

Racing thread? What are you playing lately Sup Forums

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Forza Horizon 3: Blizzard Mountain.

I'm really hoping the Fozra Horizon 4 taking place in Japan rumor is real.

Outrun 2006 Coast2Coast.
Can't get tired of this game

Gran Turismo 4, Blur, Project Cars 2, Real Racing 3 and Horizon 3

>HD modded nfsu2
why the FUCK did I never think of that

Also my friends and I have been playing Mashed: Fully Loaded, fun as fuck

Watching some Initial D. Currently on stage 4. Bretty gud.

this is the first time i've seen anyone mention this game on the internet
loved it when i played it back then and it's still really fun (if you turn off the voices)
i remember having some trouble running it on my pc though

Yeah, I can't get it to emulate perfectly. It works fine, but lags for no discernable reason sometimes, especially on backward tracks

there's a pc version you know
it worked fine when it actually opened but sometimes it just wouldn't, was a long time ago though, might try again on this pc

im kinda stuck for racing games atm, gran turismo 4 is decent and so is dirt rally but the problem is im using an usb xbox controler. i got a ps3 and the other gran turismo games but the ps3 controls are ass. The axis on the triggers and surprisingly the analog sticks are quite jumpy so i cant brake or accelerate as smooth as i can with an xbox controler.

When are we getting another Midnight Club

never ever

I'm burnt out on racing games

Wipeout Omega Collection
These A+ challenges are pushing my shit in, man

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5

Any racing games for ps2 I could emulate?

Is there any way to play any of those arcade WMMT on pc?

say no more senpai

Mashed is a god tier couch party game.
I still kept my modded xbox fat arround for that game alone until I realized it was on ps2 and could be emulated

Yeah, you can play Maximum Tune 5 on PC with TeknoParrot, the version that supports it just released in public today.

tfw want to play Horizons 3 but don't want to pay out the ass for the game and the DLC.

i just tried the pc version i mentioned earlier
seems to works perfectly

Holy shit that's some god tier news, thanks user
Fucking that and JSRF emulation, feels damn good

Got back into Dirt Rally after a few months of not touching it
>mfw RWD on loose surface rallies

literally never heard of this but it looks like ridge racer but not autopilot which is something i've wanted for years
i'll see if i can figure out how that arcade game player thing works

Been playing Carbon and considering reinstalling Ashitto Corsa

Is that a rhetorical question?

so does anyone have a download link for the game?

That kinda depends on who's asking. A friend or a junk squad plant?

It better not be some texture mod that replaces the ads with random Google image search results for logos

>buy more shark gas

this my shit right here



What's so good about the outrun games? I see them praised a lot but videos don't seem to do the game much justice.

forza 7 and horizon 3

just buy the base game. Has like 400 cars and tremendous content.

how to pitstop in 1 lap

I'm really tempted to get the Hotwheels stuff for my children and I.
All that aside I have an i5-3470 and 1050, I'm not sure how well it would even run.


There's nothing good to play on ps4 and my notebook can't handle games anymore besides emulation.

Recomend me some stuff fellow anons.

Recently got both formula fusion and redout

Formula fusion is okay, I like the acceleration and speed of the elite class and I like the customization but it still feels like a lot of content is missing and the cornering is slow as shit unless you go for maximum slipperyness. Also the boost takes forever and mostly makes you crash into walls because the few straightaways the game has are narrow as fuck.

I've had a fucking blast with redout, it has a good challenge, more tracks, and the driving is just generally smoother. The powerups are actually useful and the different vehicles are actually useful in different scenarios. The AI can be niggers at times but there's nothing like getting gud and stomping the AI or finally getting that perfect run for a gold medal on a time attack. It's weird getting used to the fact that you will have to bump into walls but I seriously recommend checking it out.

The DLC prices for Redout seem jew-y as fuck, one of the things stopping me from getting it

Should run fine. I have a gtx960, i5-4460 and 8gb of ram and can run it at 60fps with medium settings.

Can't get more arcade-y than them. If you want to just race across a wonderful scenery on a Ferrari Dino, that's the game for you. Guess "comfy" is a good way to put it

I don't even have the DLC for it, I'm going to wait until a sale

I just redeemed two $10 gift codes with Bing points, I think I'ma pick it up.
Looks pretty good.
How different is it to the earlier Motorsports. I've played 1, 3, and Forza Motorsport 4 most recently.

and I'm assuming you have a link for all that?

I've slapped together a Win98 PC to play NFSIII, TocA2 and such

I have another question as well
Can I rice my cars up at all or is it strictly performance mods like the rest of Forza?

Assetto Corsa and Project Cars 2
AC for hotlapping for hours like an autist, PC2 because it's the only decent simulation that has a functional single player component.

i tried fwd but it's just not as fun. rwd is way harder but fighting with the wheel to the finish is just fun as hell

I wouldn't know. Always played GT and iRacing/RBR.

I did play a bit of the demo for FM6 and Horizon feels more arcade-ish. There's still some weight to the cars but you can break impossibly late and make the corner just fine.

You can rice all cars with a front splitter and a wing but some cars will have different bumpers plus side skirts and wide body kits. But there isn't a lot of rice to add to your cars.

It's so funny watching the casual shitters cry about GT Sport. Objectively the best console """sim""", but just because it's focused on competitive online and not muh "beat the AI over and over because it's comfy" it gets shit on.
Don't even have a PS4, but I'd kill to have something similar on PC. iRacing doesn't count because they'll jew you out of hundreds just for a year's worth of gameplay.

Alrighty, thank you for answering my questions.

same but I don't wanna downgrade to W10

>The AI can be niggers at times
Exiting out of the race and restarting it resets the AI's power up loadouts, useful if the designated 1st place guy has EMP and keeps spamming it like a cunt. I THINK the game also has scaling AI, since when I exit the game entirely and then restart the program it tends to be a lot easier. Though this may just be placebo.

How's the Flatout series? Which game should I get? I've heard the newer ones are shit.

The only one really worth a shit is 2 (And Ultimate Carnage since it's just a HD version). 1 is okay too. 4 is bland and 3 is apparently shit but I haven't played it.

1, 2, Ultimate Carnage. Carnage is a HD release of the 2 with worse soundtrack but with slightly more stuff

ridge racer unbounded

Oh shit someone saved my screenshot.
If you get the HD textures make sure you get the 1.0 version by dragozool. The 2.0 one replaces too much with clashing styles.

Y'all better recognize

I'm playing pic related and Forza 2

I thought I was the only one who played that

Leon best racer

good taste

>EA decidede to remaster Burnout Paradise aka the game that killed the series instead of this
I miss Midnight Club 2's soundtrack.

>literally cannot play forza horizon 3 because it crashes

feels horrible man

CMR5? nice.

>dat adrenaline rush of racing fast as shit in the streets and all the traffic is against you
>that music on top of all that
Intense as fuck, and i love it.

I decided to reinstall Wreckfest (formerly known as Next Car Game) and it's still 'meh', not nearly as fun as Flatout 1 and 2. At least the free camera they added is pretty cool to visualize crashes in slow motion.

Was so much hyped for a new DD. Heard the devs just ran with the money or something.

they just bumped up the resolution
Yeah, I recently finished CMR4 and got straight into CMR5, gonna play DiRT after it.

Make sure to bookmark this:

Game has a horrible, horrible menu, in fact I can't think of a worse game in that regard. There are 10 seconds long transitions with shitty """stylish""" animations, this just bypasses it and makes it snappy.

My nigga.

I play this through, all 400 battles, every couple of years.

Perfect touge game tbhonto

I dunno why but I've really gotten back into racing vidya the past year after falling off them hard around 2011.
Started with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the Wipeout Omega collection, next thing I know I'm playing the shit out of Dirt Rally, Forza Horizon 3, Driveclub, and Need for Speed 3+4.

Right now I'm playing Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing Transformed and having a blast. Might be the best kart racer I've ever played.

I might try emulating some PS2 games next.

Nothing at the moment, its one of those genres I've no real knowledge of. Sonic All stars racing transformed is my fucking jam but I've yet to see any options that seem like they would scratch the same itch - Is there a recommendation image for the genre somewhere? I like my stuff arcady and fast, but recently I've been feeling like smashing stuff while doing it.

A remaster of one of them got leaked last year.

They're still 'developing' it, but this shit has been dragged for way too long. Four fucking years and the game is still barely playable.
The races are boring and the A.I is just shit. The arena battles are even worse.
The online is unplayable because of the lag.

In hindsight Paradise is a pretty good game desu.
It's just shitty that it was the last of them.

I would like to invest for my first wheel, pedals, and shifter. It would be for PC
Can anyone give me any reccomendations for a nice decent prized one?

I've actually been looking at this one

But i would appreciate any better priced ones.

Look for g25-g27 used and in good conditions and they will be way cheaper, and its basically the exact same wheel.

I'm 0.3 seconds away from setting a world record on a track in Most Wanted after not playing it for more than a decade.

I play all racing games with Gran Turismo 1's soundtrack.

I never touched racing games other than the Burnout series.
But I have a copy of Gran Turismo 5 I got during my mandatory army service time I never actually touched since I don't play my ps3 that much. Is it good?

Thank you bb

I always start with a panda AE86, use it until it is physically impossible to win races, and pretend I'm Takumi the whole time

I was replaying Carbon recently and enjoyed it more than the first time around, but then my save file got corrupted halfway in and I really don't feel like doing it all again. Feels bad man, I love the atmosphere in the game.

I'm really close to buying Forza horizon 3 lads.

I'm hankering for an arcade racer and it seems to be what I'm looking for.

How is dealing with the microshit store? It's literally the only thing stopping me buying.

Do I need a microsoft account to play? If so then fuck it.

GRID 2 is the ultimate "but muh realism!!!! :((((" pleb filter. If you want to go fast and to power slide around the corners that game is the shit.

Can you help me find something similar to this or Mario Kart or CTR, or even Carmageddon, on PS4? I need something like this, but I cannot find it. The closest thing is that Rocket League mode with powerups, but it's completely different nonetheless, and I want a sort of weapon car racing like pic related... ._.

Wipeout Omega Collection

Stop that.

Wipeout. Though even though it has weapons, you still need to actually get good at the racing itself, which can be buttfuckingly brutal at higher speed classes.

Thanks user!
I played through Kaido Racer 2 and at the end it just highlights how much Genki sucks at making understandable games. If I didn't have a guide I would've never finished it.
Does Kaido Racer also have stupid requirements for duels, such as appearing only in a certain day, with a certain number of medals only during a specific weather?

I miss rice

F-Zero GX, and pic related on PS2

>new Supra is just an automatic transmission hybrid BMW
into the trash it goes