Is hollow knight a good game?

Is hollow knight a good game?

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No, that's why it got such bad reviews.

It’s the most shilled pile of shit on this site, completely unironically you fucking lunatic

This is a samefag general where the same aspies post the same posts, thread after thread

don't worry, it's a trait of autism, to be obsessed with routines


Lol no

play it and find out, you piece of shit

Hollow Knight is 48/100 on the list of games most shilled

Oh really? So you'd say it's shilled more than a bethesda game? A Ps4 exclusive? Or anything by Nintendo?

yes unironically

If you feel it is too shilled just pirate it
Seriously, you fucing SHILL fags

it's not even worth pirating

It's got a cool art style which is really all you can ask for from a metroidvania.

Prove it.

>hollow knight thread is made
>the shill autist is already sperging out within 5 posts

Like clockwork :)

Good metroidvania with a pretty chill/somber theme of a fallen bug kingdom

Pretty easy to pirate too

>background blends in with foreground
>two color low saturation low contrast palette
>muh darkness
>newground flash animation tier animations
I've been shilling it at least daily nonstop for a year.

I hope that falseflag fake shill is proud of the impact he's had on the board.
The fact that people can make posters hate a game just by spamming threads of it with the intent of seeming like a shill just shows how autistic the board is

A shill would never admit that he's a shill, so you've just destroyed your own argument.

it's no falseflagger it's an actual shill


No it isn't, dumbfuck, you probably weren't even around here when this game came out nor do you actually know the definition of a shill
It was uncovered last year that a dedicated falseflagger was trying to get people to hate the game and he succeeded because this board is pure autism.

Probably my favorite game in the genre in a while. Strong identity, some polarizing design choices (I personally love what they did with the map, some people positively hate it), definitely worth a check in my opinion.

Don’t fucking pirate it you piece of shit.

I'm the one behind ALL of these threads it pays well

so is it metroidvania metroidvania or "pseudo" metroidvania where it isn't but people think it is because "it feels like one", like how people said Outcast or Cave Story were

It has upgrades that let you go to new places, bosses, and a relatively open exploration world so it's pretty metroidvania

it's an incredibly bland metroidvania. you can't get more vanilla if you try to, so yeah it's a backtracking filled typical metroidvania

I don't remember ever having to backtrack in HK other than the optional sidequests

name one (1) way this is different from your typical autist general on /vg/

backtracking as in you go back and forth the same paths, not as in you actually have to think about where to go, it's just a way of extending the content, having you go through the same pointless areas again and again

It's ok

>shortcut system with the spider
>most of the areas you only need to go through once for the main content

you don't magically know if you're supposed to go left or right so you end up going back and forth the same areas again and again, stay in denial


You sound like an Arin Hansen where you get hopelessly lost and confused if a game gives you more than one direction to go

I love you man keep doing gods work.

I don't know these ecelebs or whatever fuck off underage I just explained that you inevitably end up going the same places over and over again, you resort to referring to some random people

>grug have two direction
>grug get confuse
>grug sperg out on imageboard

no you go one direction, it turns out to be a direction you should take later, therefore you go back and in the end you go through that path at least three times because of that, it's fucking obvious but you're in denial

Even with a map system you were retarded enough to get so lost
Typical brainlet projecting to make himself feel better

this still isn't about getting lost, get your head out of your ass you're in endless denial, realize that the only turn you can take from here is moving goalposts

At first I didn't know why Terraria was on this list, but then I found out that you can find a baby metroid in-game, and I stopped doubting.


Pretty great

Second favorite game from last year for me.

/our guy/ jonathan blow aka the genius behind the masterpiece of a video game called The Witness tore this ''game'' a new asshole

Did he hate it because it actually had gameplay unlike his walking simulator?

he hates it for the pile of shit it is

You're one to talk Jonathan

>hollow knight
>not a walking simulator
I laugh

Stop posting this shit, faggot. Some of these games aren't even metroidvania games

i like it a lot, a bit too padded with fedex quests and too much track back but story wise / ambient is excellent

when the fuck is it coming to switch?
