Game Critic Literally Wants Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come Deliverance

>But there's also a big problem. There are no people of colour in the game beyond people from the Cuman tribe, a Turkic people from the Eurasian Steppe. The question is, should there be? The game's makers say they've done years of research and found no conclusive proof there should be, but a historian I spoke to, who specialises in the area, disagrees.

>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."


Other urls found in this thread: Critic Literally Wants Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come Deliverance/ Critic Literally Wants Cu-ck Shit in Kingdom Come Deliverance/
Kill yourself, OP

This has been posted several times already you double nigger

Don't reply to this thread. Just report and ignore.
We need to clean the board up


i do what i want

oh no no no no

>"What if a pack of black niggers came through and gangraped at an inn and someone got pregnant?

Whoa wtf dude


OP, just stop.

>Hamilton is racist and fuck because they only hire black actors
>everyone loves it

>Kingdom Come doesn't have black people since they didnt exist in that time period
>"progressives" go apeshit


He can't. OP's insatiable need for attention and (You's) is too great for his will to not shit post on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum.

>representation of history does not include things for which there is zero historical evidence
>"mmm clear bias really, despite the lack of evidence there's no way to know these things didn't happen"

Ten billion reddit golds say this faggot "historian" has been unemployed since he graduated

They literally are shaking now.

White people cannot have any sort of culture anymore. People that say otherwise are blind or complicit in the destruction of Western Civilization

There is no historian called Sean Miller, the only papers searching Sean Miller turns up on JSTOR and are papers about helping American schools to recycle.

>no people of colour in game
>admit there are in the sentence immediately after
>but they're not black so they don't count

Back to Resetera with you, soy sausage.

Besides the game does have a black person in it

>what if
>what if
>what if

In other words no proof but please put black people in it. Also Muslim moor nobility in Spain were literally descended from visigothic nobles that converted to Islam. In fact most of the Visigoths during the time period converted and became the majority moorish Aristoracy.

Goddamn liberals...

His name is Sean mark miller. He has no published papers and really only translates historical works in czech


>the middle ages were a horrible time of ignorance and racism and whites contributed nothing worthwhile to the world during this time

>the middle ages were a multicultural paradise; Europe does not belong to the white man, it belongs to all

Jesus, it's in matters like these that they show their true feelings

When is the next patch, waiting on that for purchase.

Sjws and anti sjws are both cancer.

Kingdom Come Deliverance: The African Kangdoms expansion

He's not a historian, he doesn't have a PHD.



you know the game mentions jews and even says the jews are the people in all yellow.

never stop being retarded

is that MLK?

>but a historian I spoke to disagrees.

Don't blame him for his stupidity, he's probably originally from Sup Forums so he doesn't realize that posting the same thread a dozen times is bad form. Don't worry OP, you'll learn someday! I believe in you!

Centrists, truly the pro players of cowards chess.

SJWs are most racist people on earth. Who knew?

Jesus who let tumblr in?

>thinking african traders would linger in bumfuck bohemia

Sometimes it's better to keep safe distance from crazed zealots.

lol, I would have replied to him, there might have been a very few black people in czech during this time, but if we wanna stay historical correct, they would have been called nigger and ape, or whatever else

>In other words no proof but please put black people in it. Also Muslim moor nobility in Spain were literally descended from visigothic nobles that converted to Islam. In fact most of the Visigoths during the time period converted and became the majority moorish Aristoracy.
Im spainish, most people dont realize that only Berber moors (old vandal and goth tribes who went to africa) took over, and most didnt stay. The only non-whites in moor spain were the caliphate armies and they were never permanent residents. Besides almost all modern Spainish leniage comes from the white in Asturis who kicked out the moors.


>People who hold serious convictions or beliefs are FUCKING LOSERS
>there are people so desperately incapable of defending their inability to craft their own set of ideals that this is the logic they resort to in order to avoid the fact that they need a system of morality plotted out for them by someone else in order to live

can anyone explain to me why everything is "political" to americucks? i still have to see a review in my country who talk about the amount of black people in a videogame


oh my the infamous double N eye gee how will can he ever hope to recover?

but there's no evidence because all white historians are racist and didn't preserve them, obvs!

The soy flows in this one

Racist SJWs just using blacks for their own interests and greed.


I blame shitty parenthood for this.


>If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come


Kingdom come takes place in the wartorn countryside far removed from major routes. For an international trader to take a diversion into such dangerous and unrewarding territory would have been ridiculously improbable.

Further, who is the "historian" this "journalist" talked to? And how does this person know more than all the actual PhDs listed in pic related? He doesn't. This "Sean Miller" isn't a PhD and has never had a paper published in a journal. He isn't even a professor. He isn't even a fucking historian. This dude is a Czech English translator.

Eurogamer is a hot fucking mess and is being intentionally dishonest and malevolent for the sake of their shitty ideology. Though this is nothing new. They were one of the biggest proponents of the "skullgirls is sexist" meme way back when.

>There hasn't been a medieval world this real and substantial since The Witcher 3
I understand what he's trying to say but it almost sounds like a jab. I don't think the Witcher is very realistic.

>"You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
Seriously, what the fuck kind of fake historian is this guy?

Welcome to Sup Forums! Where every board is shit and the posts don't matter.

>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

This is so fucking preposterous it's hard to believe. In a time people would let babies die, when your purity was your worth as a future bride, when getting pregnant was literally risking death.. some random inn girl would be up for getting BLACKED by a moor?

Oh and incidentally this is the age liberals complain about hopeless white racism too of course so it makes complete sense.

You don't have to be a centrist to hate both SJW and Sup Forums.

It's called being a communist. Both groups are morons who are deflecting blame from the Bourgeoisie onto their preferred boogieman (whites, men, jews, feminists, latinos, muslims, ect), when their enemies are being marginalized by the same powers they are.