Looks like that we are already getting a new expansion. Grim Dawn thread

Looks like that we are already getting a new expansion. Grim Dawn thread.

I'm looking forward to it. Haven't played in some time.

I've been waiting for this. Won't purchase until complete edition so I can just mindlessly playthrough. Unsure if a 3rd expansion is being planned.

Is it possible that they add random generate and rogue like dungeon?

I hate the ARPG normal/hard/hardest mentality, having to do the same thing again and again isn't fun, especially when you are making a new character.
The rest of the base game is fun tho

No. The engine doesn't support procedurally generated levels.

Wow, that was fucking fast.

Source on that?

>playing with 2 or more cabalists
>frames drop to

PS4 release when? Haven’t played it since the beta and my PC is toast

>game runs fine, like should since it's an 2006 modified engine
>buy exp because necros are the shit
>game runs like shit

Idk what you people are doing. I'm running gladiator 150+ runs which have arguably more shit going on on the screen and I'm absolutely fine.

Eh, not gonna dig through the forums, but basically they said that it would be too much work for too little gain. It's a modified version of the Titan Quest engine. You can see that they tried to make the levels more random by generating rocks and shit blocking your path.


Anything else runs just fine, but with 3+ people all proccing like 5 different kinds of effects when they charge in and start spamming their skills makes the game chug for me.

Ah fuck, i was thinking about playing again since i didn't play the last expansion yet, guess it's better to just wait this one. No release date yet?

this game is shit, why is it getting more expansions?

nah that looks like a proper north african man so not WE.

>yfw fantasy game depict Egypt with a more accurate skin tone than """"historical"""" games.

because your subjective opinion doesnt matter when the game sells over a million copys

>Release Date
End of the year.

Hopefully this doesn't sucker me in to playing this game that I know I do not like like the last expansion did.

Well, fuck me then.

>people like shit

yeah, I know that.

I wish I could enjoy this game.

Love the atmosphere and setting, but goddamn I just cant stomach the combat in these games. Its painfully braindead.

Does the base game have much content? Not gonna have net for a while and need a new arpg to sink time in

30 - 50 hours, essentially 2 new game+ modes, with the third being "end game"