I hate Discord. Every server I've joined is steeped in melodrama and petty politics. Have I been unlucky?
I hate Discord. Every server I've joined is steeped in melodrama and petty politics. Have I been unlucky?
Discord is only good if it’s a small group around 20 people
Stop joining public servers
>joining public servers
found the problem
Discord is effectively skype with a significantly lowered threshold to make an account, and far lower quality cybersex.
Genuinely curious, why do people join a random discord server, if we know folks on the internet are extreme autists and shitheads? Like what can't go wrong
Day after day, thread after thread.
We get it, public servers suck. If you've ever been on IRC then you'd've known that this issue transcends platforms.
Just use it to speak to your online friends and everything'll be in tip-top shape, stop being the annoying faggot complaining about annoying faggots.
Discord is only to be used with your real life friends.
If I want to talk with meme loving fucks teenagers I'll stick to Sup Forums only at least the anonymity make it bearable
Then stop joining public servers. You're dealing with RNG staff and community when you do that. If you have a group of skype friends or people you've played online games with, make one with them and go from there.
I joined public servers to try to make friends, but just ended up disaffected. A lot of that is down to me though.
>Discord is only to be used with your real life friends.
>If I want to talk with meme loving fucks teenagers I'll stick to Sup Forums only at least the anonymity make it bearable
It's the same as any other site or chat service, RNG based. People who generally hate discord just because it's discord are sheep who are only following what everyone else says. When you join a public server, be it discord, skype (through those weird invite sites), chatango or even a forum, you run the risk of running into autists. The simple way to avoid this is to invite your friends, whether it be e-friends or real life friends... if you have any.
>online friends
Alright, where do you find online friends?
When and why did discord become a thing? I had honestly never heard of it until last October and now it seems everyone uses it. Coming from a guy that used to use Xfire, Evolve, and even fucking skype I don't really see the appeal.
What makes this one any different from the likes of Teamspeak, Ventrillo, or any of these other programs? Why are people flocking to it?
I have no idea either. It's probably just advertised on twitch or some let's player's videos.
You don't.
They find you.
You can't blame Discord unless you're joining public servers. It's the people that create that melodrama and petty politics. Discord is just the medium being used. Hate the people or don't be retarded and join public chats.
This is going to be hard to hear, but it involves playing video games.
I think it's because Discord is browser based, like Slack (which mostly companies use because you can intergrate work software). Nothing to install like Skype, Xfire, or Evolve, etc. People like having everything organized together, custom emojis, options for spoken chat, etc. You can probably do all this with software you download, but don't count out how lazy people are
But isn't finding friends in video games just as much as a mixed bag? I'm in my 20's and everyone I knew in school has migrated around the country including me. What's the best way of finding new friends?
A lot of the options seem to be disabled unless you download the client.
Name some that aren't MOBAs or Overwatch. Seriously, I want to find some good multiplayer games.
Looking out for people and not being a cunt online. It involves reaching out towards someone else too, nine times out of ten it starts that way. In fact some people off Sup Forums are pretty cool, but you have to have spent years browsing to know how to separate a cool guy from a drama queen and to avoid the red flags.
I still play Killing Floor and find new people to add and play with every time. Doesn't need to be a new game
>make a discord with a handful of friends
damn, that was really hard!
IRC with bots is the king.
Problem is, I don't even know any old multiplayer games. I mainly stick to singleplayer ones like roguelikes, but I'd love to expand my taste.
I usually have these problems when I'm in any kind of group with nerds
That's why I spent most of my life hiding my powerlevel, as much as I like video games I don't want anything to do with the other faggots playing them
why do you post this here? discord is not a video game you dumb tool
It's got a controller for a logo.
wow you are right never mind then go ahead
Just block people you don't like.
You should avoid certain groups. Any large community centered around Pokemon or Splatoon will inevitably turn into a drama-filled fuckfest.
You must be very unlucky then, I have a server that just has 3 of my best friends in it. None of us use discord unless we’re organizing a meet up or play a multiplayer game.
lol maybe he actually doesnt have any friends
>no friends
how is this even possible lmao
anyone know any good artist servers to join?
>server has 1k people
>only had to ban 2 people - a girl who was slutting around and someone else posting animal porn
>other than that everythings fine
Fuck off shill
It's not Mickey Mouse's shorts?