Black female protagonist that fights against the evil government

>black female protagonist that fights against the evil government
>"I-It´s ok because it´s from based Japan!"
Explain yourself Sup Forums

Sup Forums only shits on Sony when it's movie games, but please don't mock my animu-furry games

She's pretty cute


>kat is black now

you people will overlook anything to shit post, wont you

I have zero problems with black people. I just hate it when they're made to be ugly on purpose when they can be made cute. Kat is cute. They should make them like Kat.

that would be ok in any game, fuck off Sup Forums.

op confirmed a retard

That's delicious brown you fucking troglodyte.

kat is french polynesian, you fucking idiot

She also helps save the snobby rich people. She just wants to help everyone. That's what the story of Gravity Rush is about.

Her skin is fucking black, what the fuck are you talking about?

Raven is better.

if you love her so much, why won't you get the full ringsel drawing of her, from his patreon?

she's raced mix, at best

> Black
She's tanned asian.

There's different kind of tanned people in the game, in countries like Thailand tanned people are considered to be from poor families due to working in the sun all day, the white families are considered to be more high class with indoor jobs or less intensive jobs.

Did you just assume her skin colour? Call her a fucking nigger one more time, faggot.

>implying i love fictional characters

i said she was better than kat. no more, no less

>not loving fictional characters
you're weak

>that nose
>that skull shape
>those lips
>skin color
shitposters arent even trying anymore

You also forgot that the game is actually fun to play.


She's dark skinned but there's nothing African about her features. If you'd insist on determining her race according to real world standards you'd probably have to pick from some of the other brown races, not black.

Has nobody tried to scrap throug his Patreon yet?

>Sup Forums hates gyaru now
What a terrible timeline

its just one guy, kinda like that guy who said mhw would fail

well as long as there is no pc port I wont play it


Can someone give the dude some make up?

>the current state of PCbros


anti/pol/fags confirmed for colorblind cocksuckers

Kat is obviously French-Japanese.

Oh shit, I got BTFO, since when is that filter a thing?

stay mad

You can spot the manchild virgins by how closely their align with Sup Forums

>No afro
>No huge nostrils
>Didn't say fuck white people at least 15 times
not black

>get myself a farmer's tan
>suddenly I'm black according to user
What went wrong?

It's not a sassy afro lady talking about how much she hates white men for sjw points.
Pretty simple, really.


>she’s clearly a delicious brown

Haven’t played the game but in general:

>Skin color is either just a colorful add on or fetish bait
>character is a semi well developed character with their own motivations and character arcs
>If race is brought up it is done with a bit of subtlety, not intrusive but enough to warrant sympathy

>Usually race IS the identity, character design shows this (I’ve seen too many character designs for women that look like they were cropped straight oout of a 70’s black exploration flick
>No subtlety, always a half stone away from “ay yo fuck whitey”, no separate motivations or world views
>almost always made via white guilt

Japan tends to at least try to make characters rather than political mouthpieces.

Rave is not skin deep user, otherwise dark elves would be recognized as niggers, which they are clearly not in both Western and Eastern depictions.

oh my god

>based in a child porn actress

japs confirmed for literal pedophiles

>It's a treasure hunt in Lei Elgona episode

Lunar mode is the best way of getting around in any game, but the actual meat of the game was kinda dull.

das rite