What went right?

What went right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>worst girl
>no gyms
>reskinned old pokemon
Nothing went right

Chicken-chan is beautiful and sexy. Thats basically the only thing. The games are trash.

>long ass cut scenes
>a puddle of new pokemon
>no new megas
>no new cross gen evolutions
>z-crystal faggotry
>no gyms
>poor excuse for a battle frontier, i.e. battle tree
>festival plaza

only thing that went right was new waifu/husbando material.

and the ultra beasts.


drampa is cute

Go "right" in the board list and post on

I put it down after two hours because it had to stop and explain every little thing to me every minute. It was tedious. Why not just include a manual?

Ultra beasts were the best feature of these games

Exactly. Nothing stopped them from making an in-game manual instead of constantly being stopped and handheld throughout the game.

only more legendaries I won't ever use in one of my teams

>not using the best one

Story, that got scrapped out in USUM.

Theyre not legendaries retard. Theyre just pokemon from another dimension.

>Everyone says ultra sun and moon is the perfect reinvention of Pokemon
>'makes you feel like when you first picked up pokemon'
>race down to GameStop
>Local one doesn't have any copies left "fuck it must be THAT good
>Drive 20 minutes to the only other GameStop in the county
>Like 4 left
>Get ultra sun
>Boot that bitch up
>Holy fucking cutscene
>So much fucking talking
>Talking that goes into cutscenes
>Cutscenes that go into talking
Jeeeezus Pokemon, what the fuck happened?

They needed to compete with those damned Iphones.

>Everyone says ultra sun and moon is the perfect reinvention of Pokemon
LITERALLY NO ONE has ever said that. Stop fucking lying.

You Pokemon niggers sure did when it released. Fetishising barakitten

>/vp/ represents the opinions of the entire pokemon fanbase
Kill yourself you inbred fuck. Or at least go back to your containment board.

Ultra Warp Ride
Totem battles
shitloads of sidequests
Festival Plaza doesnt suck as much dick.
Best meta since Gen 4
Rainbow Rocket is pretty fun

USUM are pretty fantastic, not the best pokemon games but a step in the right direction after Gen 6 and SM

Nothing, the worst pokemon game aside from XY.

I will never not be mad about the starters. Gen 4 is when they stopped being good.

>Pokepelago is great Better than super training
>Hm removal
>Champion tittle defense is neat
>SOS battle are a cool
>Best villain team
>Good new Pokemon designs

The rest is more or less the same shit, but the Online was a total downgrade from Gen 6

>Everyone says ultra sun and moon is the perfect reinvention of Pokemon
Literally where ?

>>no gyms

It'd be understandable if you dislike trials but the fact that they tried to move away from their usual conventions is a good thing imo. The general reaction to it show they shouldn't have to be afraid of moving away from their comfort zone.

>SOS battles are cool

Horde battles were superior to that and made EV training a breeze.

>all change is "progress"
Fuck off progressive commy

The totem battles were piss easy. At least gym battles gave a better challenge.

>Tutorial island: the videogame
The new engine is neat I guess, a pity they couldn't make a good game out of it.


Pelago and Festival Plaza facilities make EV training even easier.

Bullshit, the gyms are always just "lol we all use this type" meanwhile totems had actual synergy and strategy behind their pairings. Castform with Lurantis, for example.

What gyms would you say are better challenges?

HM removal gives me hope for the next games. It took far too long to get rid of that garbage.

lillie chan and chicken chan

>Pelago and Festival Plaza facilities make EV training even easier.

Compared to horde battles no they weren't. You could max their stats in a fraction of the time.

I have all the EV training facilities in Plaza and I can tell you that you're completely wrong. I can literally EV train stuff in less than a minute.

All of them except for the ones from gen 2.

You're a shitposter then, good to know.

Yeah and I can inject a fully leveled and EVd pokemon in less than 30 seconds faggot.

Oh man you showed me

I sure did you little bitch.

There were nice girls in it but that's it. Everything else was garbage.

Why do you lie user? That shit is way more tedious and time consuming when you can just sweet scent/OHKO/Repeat while using ev boost weights/poke'rus/exp.share.

Fuck you, Buzzwole is objectively the coolest pokemon they've ever made

>its way more time consuming to go up to a plaza facility and select training options than it is to actually do horde battles
Are you LARPing as a retard or just being a contrarian? What do you have to gain here?

thought about this yesterday.
JRPGs in general should have a manual you can access when you want to or need to
rather than ruin the flow of the game in an already slow starting genre.

Yes as I said the only thing that went right.

>What went right?

Lana's Mom

Your salty tears.

Tears of laughter, true. Its always nice seeing people on Sup Forums have to resort to lying and shitposting when you expose faulty arguments.

I never lied and my arguments were correct. You just feel like an idiot because I exposed your own flaws.

Instantly maxing out EV stats via festival facilities is slower than horde battling, according to you. You're retarded.

>no more goddamn HMs
>battles being somewhat challenging
>Team Skull being a red herring

Careful, you're going to have assblasted people stating that USUM is the easiest pokemon game ever because they use EXP share, switch battle mode pop Z-moves and rotom boosts nonstop.

got bored of Sun and Moon way too quick but the no HM thing was fucking great

Lets see, you need festival coins and specific houses to train your pokemon to max levels and that already sounds limited as opposed to traning your pokemon without any limitations such as coins and using the right houses. Please go kys.

>I have a bad festival plaza setup therefore its slow
LMAO, eat shit you fucking retard. I have 32k FC without even trying, the agency shits out FC. You can get those facilities easy as pie.

All you're doing is telling me you enjoy wasting your time doing things slowly. So go enjoy yourself, retard.

Go eat a dick. That still proves how tedious and unnecessary it is to jump through that many hurdles to get the end result.

Yeah bro its SO TEDIOUS to play a fucking Pokemon game. Why don't you just inject, because its clear you're just that fucking pathetic.

>great designs
>great puzzles
>overworld interaction
>improved gen1 designs
>better online
>story on par with bw
>challenging "gyms"

The one thing that ruined it was the fact that it took control away from the player every other minute with cutscenes up the ass

muh cutscenes every pokemon game have cutscenes why is this a problem.

idk it somehow ended up a more enjoyable experience than USUM

its different wahhh

>>Team Skull being a red herring
How did you not expect this as soon as Team Aether was revealed

I remember when underage were banned not heard.

>Evolving Legendary
>Previous forms can't be used for battle because it doesn't learn anything besides teleport
Why did they do this?

It was ok, but the difficulty felt too easy, I beat it in like 7 hours of messing around.


>great puzzles

because this one has more, and they're longer.

Introducing a cute little fuckdoll for a kid's first waifu. Aside from that, Gen7 is shit.

Pokemon is a series that doesn't need story. This new addition was chock full of the shit.

not much in all honesty

>SuMo upgrades the field of view for trainers to spot you in
>Run behind lady swimmer doing stretches
>She bends forward to stretch her legs
>Spots me running behind her, looking through her legs

I don't know why but I was really impressed by that little detail.