There are no bad Star Fox games

There are no bad Star Fox games.

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Command wasn't great and SF2 is barely a game

>He hasn't played the real Star Fox 2 on SNES Mini

that was the only place I've played it.

I love the series, but honestly every game that isn't Star Fox 64 has some really questionable elements.

zero isn't worth the money

Assault is second best

Official Star Fox power ranking.

Zero > 64 > Adventures > SNES > Assault >Command

I dare you to defend the voice acting


Only furfaggots disagree

it sounds on par with 64, no idea what the problem is

Why do furries seem to hate Zero so much?

>he couldn't master the controls

liking ANY starfox game makes you a furfag

Command and Zero are pretty bad, and 2 is a prototype.

gay furfags love it, straight furfags dont

It isn't.

That's just wrong, you furfag.

oh god it's that autist that compulsively defends zero
get a trip so the good peoples of this board can filter you

>t. furfag
Furry opinions are invalid

t. furfaggot trying to reverse the argument
go jack off to sonic colors fucking degenerate

I wish Adult Swim would just fund this guy already. When's that 2nd episode supposed to be done? It's been almost 2 years already, fuck.

Plenty of people like Zero.

It was better than the new DOOM.

Cody, or people linking Zero-defending blogposts? There's multiple autists who do this, sadly.

he streams like
erry day

here is tumblr

here is twitter

Has anyone noticed that Nintendo probably only sees the Star Fox franchise as a tool to show off hardware capabilities? SF1 to show of the Super FX chip. SF2 never got released (not counting the SNES classic). 64 to show off the N64's analog control and rumble pak. Command to show off the practicality of the 2nd screen on the DS. Adventures to give Rare devs something to keep them busy (And possibly show off the graphical prowess of the gamecube). And now Zero to show off the tablet and gyro control gimmicks.
Nobody played Assault so that doesn't count either.

I was thinking the former
But is there really more than one person so devoted to defending the pile of shit that is zero?

>Go back and play Assault yesterday
>Sound effects and music sound fine
>Character starts talking
>Everyone sounds like they're drowning under water in every line
>It's so bad it's almost as if they compressed the audio to shit to try to hide the voice acting
>Actual game is waves of 20 enemies filling the screen at once followed by boring 3 second segments of dead space
>Wave, dead space, wave, dead space, forever

Assault is a bad game.

You can't even enjoy Krystal's cute accent

Thank you, this board seems to like sucking that games dick but it really is a boring miserable affair.

Good music though.

People want to pretend that Zero was some huge disappointment for some reason.

>Hurr we didn't want a 64 rehash!
>We wanted an Assault rehash instead!

Get fucked.

>this again
Terrible controls aside the game is objectively worse than 64.


I wanted a game that played like 64 with new content.

Instead, we got a game that played like shit with 64 content. Literally the worst of both worlds.

Who is Cody?

Why the fuck is there not a Star Fox Command remake on the Switch with 16 player online modes?

I didnt make this image by the way

2 years for a 12 minute episode, jeezuz

Zero was okay, but the gimmicky controls were dumb. That and the non-linear story (or whatever you call SNES and 64’s level design) wasn’t good.
I respect that they tried something new, but it didn’t click with me like the others did. Even Assault felt Star Foxy.
Zeros levels were pretty good and unique. I enjoyed the stealth missions and Star Wolf, but I didn’t like Andross ir most of the bosses

How do I git gud at Zero? I'm with the vast majority of people who say the game controls like ass, but my roommate was able to pick it up and intuitively play it right away

I don't know, play it?

Zero is one of the better Starfox games user.

Why do people hate Assault?

I really loved it, and it was the game that got me into Star Fox. Having both airwing and walking missions felt like a positive trait for me. The story was good and the multiplayer was literally one of the best ways to spend my evenings with my cousins.

So, really, I'm open to hear criticism towards this game because I'm probably looking at it from nostalgia lenses.

Fuck off, Cody.

Yes. There was, anyway. I don't know if they're still around.

Autist who hangs out on a Discord with other brainlets.

literally just the on-foot missions
everything else was fine, and it was a fine sequel to 64/adventures

>not worth the money
Zero is literally 4 dollars at GameStop.

I'd rather buy four copies of Spirit Camera.

leave this board

I liked the game, and the on-foot missions + multiplayer Corneria City. I didn’t like the voice acting, and the flow of the story. I’m a sucker for the overworld map and the path choice.
It was an okay game, but not my fav.
But that doesn’t mean that I hated any of the games. Also, I never played 2

That's just wrong.

Blind Rage isn't an argument.

>>this again
>Terrible controls aside
>brainlet who couldn't master the controls

fuck off balding cuck
go jack off to color splash

I meant Disqus.

Nah he's right, if you're too inept to use the controls when other people can then you should probably either keep trying or accept your opinion won't have much validity.

I can use the controls just fine
they just fucking suck cock and make the game a chore


Also Do the training missions.

>t. Control-let
If you actually knew how to control the game you'd be blowing up baddies like soft butter.