Decide to try out pic related

>Decide to try out pic related
>Start game, very nice atmosphere
>Get a stick, time to fight shit
>Combat is kind of trash, but enemies are retarded so w/e
>Get to a house with some dude in it
>Find a sword
>Decide to test it out on a nearby boar
>Get my shit kicked in 10+ times by a fuckin pig
What the FUCK is going on with this game's combat?

One minute enemies are retarded and take 3 hits from a stick to kill, the next there's an asshole pig that does not give a fuck about my SWORD and just pushes my shield away like its nothing.

git gud

>Decide to try out pic related
>Start game, very nice atmosphere
>Get a stick, time to fight shit
>Combat is kind of trash, but enemies are retarded so w/e
>Get to a house with some dude in it
>Find a sword
>Decide to test it out on a nearby boar
>Get my shit kicked in 10+ times by a fuckin pig

risen 1 combat is great

>See that pig is about to attack
>Put up shield
>Pig knocks shield away, staggering me
>Pig hits me twice in the time it takes me to recover from stagger, taking off 2/3rds of my HP
How is that good combat?

I could understand if I were fighting a warrior several levels higher or something. But its a fucking pig.

the combat is great. like legitimately amazing. what you're complaining about is difficulty. tl'dr get good (and by get good I mean get a few levels and train)

Please explain how the combat is 'amazing'. Because so far it seems like total ass.

How naive are you?

are you a fucking witcher 3 fan? just play the fucking game soylent. risen 1 is defacto gothic 3 and the series is known for annoyingly hard starts

you suck ass and the combat seems clumsy because your character is untrainted. as you train you unlock different movesets that make combat viable. fuck me

How much training do you need to kill a pig with a sword?

probably not as much as gothic 2 notr where you need to be level 20 to consistently kill boars unless you get good yourself

I played risen 1 on release and forgot most of it, but you should go to that rebel camp or w/e and try to do as much as you can, farm enemies you can kill, get up your stats. then find a way to get into the city on your terms, unless you want to be a mage type character, albeit I think that works either way

Sword&board is slow as fuck, as it should be.
Especially early on you're weak and have to pick your fights until you get better armor, get better at the combat.

actually I think I'm wrong and the only way to become an actual mage is to NOT get captured and do the quests in harbour town instead

Risen combat is fucking amazing, you fucking retard. The trajectory based dodging that has precisely 0 i-frames already puts it above shit like Dark Souls.

also you shouldn't join a camp until you've done as many quests as possible before joining for both the don and the inquisition, that way you maximize exp and wont cry when the lizard people come

why do you think boars were hunted with a special boar hunting spear?

Piranha Bytes games don't do any kind of level scaling. Later story chapters may repopulate the world with harder enemies, but in general the world has a set distribution of tougher and weaker enemies. Nobody in the world is giving a shit if you are ready to fight them or not. If you can't take something on, just don't aggro it or run away. Level up for a while until you're ready, then come back, kick its ass and explore whatever it was guarding.

FACT: Risen 1 is almost as good as Gothic 2 and only drops the ball in the end just like Gothic 2
FACT: The sleeper temple in Gothic 1 is the only good ending part of the (relevant) games in the series and Gothic 1 is the most consistent game

Every enemy in Gothic/Risen has very basic attack patterns. The only difficulty is being patient and fighting more than two enemies at once which can and will stunlock you to death.

>Every enemy in Gothic/Risen has very basic attack patterns.
which you never really learn until you're far enough into the game to consistently out level those enemies anyway.

it's masterful really. except trolls I guess which are randomly easy to figure out

risen and risen 2 suck dog dicks... what was that other one arcania or something, also sucks dog dick

You can learn their pattern by fighting against like 3-4 enemies.

say that to dragon snappers

Love me some Gothic 1&2 but il never understand the faggery around risen, the game is shit.

risen 1 is great tho

Go with magic and shoot stuff outta your hands

Stop with the hyperbole.
It's an adequate game.

FACT: Risen 1 is almost as good as Gothic 2 and only drops the ball in the end just like Gothic 2

That's not a FACT.
It's an OPINION.

my opinions are so good they become facts

>What the FUCK is going on with this game's combat?
It was designed for intelligent human beings

>mfw noone in this thread can form a coherent argument for why the game's combat is good.
Its shit, and here's why.

>Inconsistent collision range on both player and enemy attacks
>Awful animations make it needlessly difficult to predict enemy attacks (someone explain to this animator what wind-up is ffs)
>Enemies dont follow any specific pattern, can attack once or thrice in a row with no warning
>No satisfsction in killing anything

Its trash, really. And this is coming from someone who enjoyed TW1's retarded rythm combat.

So don't attack another boar until you're more powerful

was that so hard?

You need to level up your sword skill until you get the backward dodge. The game get very easy after that.

you're wrong

TW1 rythm combat was amazing BTW

Who let you idiots breed.

Give Jew milkies

>hurr lemme just attack a fucking boar with a sword what could go wrong
don't fuck with boars if you're not prepared for it

You're just too dumb, really. Gothic games are meant to be hard in the beginning. Enemy patterns are predictable, combat has variety and everything else you posted is either an opinion or outright false.

all i had to do in Risen is circle strafe around the enemy until you find yourself in a comfortable position to attack as suppose to just jump in a swing your sword like a madman

>Inconsistent collision range on both player and enemy attacks
you mean when the enemy dodges your attack? never had this problem so i don't know what you are experiencing
>Awful animations make it needlessly difficult to predict enemy attacks (someone explain to this animator what wind-up is ffs)
yeah, the animations are not pretty, but they are exaggerated enough that you can predict them.
>Enemies don't follow any specific pattern, can attack once or thrice in a row with no warning
You mean like a zelda boss? why should they do this? enemies act and react according to the players actions
>No satisfaction in killing anything
subjective. But I had pretty fun when annihilating enemies with fire balls

Its not hard, though. Its inconsistent.

The boar by the house was raw bullshit, but then theres a bigass worm in the swamp thats retardedly easy to kill.

if you really can't deal with the boar with the sword climb down the giant rock near the house (on the path to the farm) and you'll find yourself a bow

Im already at the swamp camp place, I ended up killing the boar by luring it out and having the dude in the house help me.

I want to like this game, but this combat just isnt doing it for me.

m8 I don't want to call you names any more but you're pushing it. how hard is it to understand that as an untrained character you're just doing jerky attack movements that aren't supposed to be efficient or good. your character is a literal retard that grabbed a sword untrainted

if you can't grasp this concept then might as well just drop it and go back to witcher 3 or other non game story adventures

albeit you're offering your uniformed opinion like a veteran of the game so I will insult you after all, you stupid retard

you'll get used to it, also if you double click left, right etc. you can perform a quick dodge/strafe and that's always useful

>muh untrained character
Literally the 'it gets good after X hours' defense.

Its a fuckin pig, man. Why was I able to kill wolves with no effort, then a pig wrecks my shit? Its inconsistent and dumb.

only dumb one here is you you stupid shit. you didnt even experience the combat yet and you offer your opinion like you did. like I said, once, you, train, at least, 1 level, in, the, weapon, of, choice, you will unlock new movesets and combat will become feasible

now do you annoy me on purpose, or are you a literal brain dead witcher 3 lover?

you should stick to weaker enemies until you are at an sufficient level.
If you don't like that enemies can annihilate you in an rpg go play oblivion

You mean I have to slog through more of this unfun shit before I can form an opinion?

Why not just make the combat enjoyable from the start?

I dont mind getting rekt if I feel the game is being reasonable about it. But its not.

Fuckin hell, I had more fun fighting Plesioth in MHFU, and that was a pain.


>You mean I have to slog through more of this unfun shit before I can form an opinion?
yes. drop the game if you don't like it
>Why not just make the combat enjoyable from the start?
so people like you don't get to experience this amazing game

If you are getting rect it usually means you should stay out of that general area. Go to town and finish some quests instead.

The combat is awful don't let anyone tell you otherwise, it gets even worse in Risen 2 because of how unfair rifles are. The entire system is designed to fuck you over so good luck with the game.


>amazing game
Bruh dont even get me started on how generic everything is.

The only thing this game has going is atmosphere.

bad taste lad

This really, the atmosphere in Risen is great and the dungeons are wonderful but the gameplay and story are terrible. Literally the worst ending in gaming history too, so bad it sours the entire game.

Tell me more, I started it and I do'n't like the combat, what I am missing.