Friend thats been offline for a few years finally logs back on today

>friend thats been offline for a few years finally logs back on today
>we get to catch up and he's been living the normie life with his new normie gf but is getting bored of it
>says we're gonna be playing vidya again more often
>resubs his wow and we do some heroics on his boost
>its actually fun

good thread op keep it up

My friend killed himself and I haven't been able to delete him from my friends list.

nice blog op keep it up

Video games and normie gf are not compatible. He will have to chose at some point.

its gonna be soon at this rate


Looks like he has accomplished a lot in these last few years.

How about you, op?

It's compatible if you have a gf(male)

Why would you delete a dead friend? He'll never be able to readd you.

im the only person in my friends group that still plays games more than 3 hours a day

At some point you'll have to move on.

>posting an edit

>everyone is working and living their lives
>I'm jobless playing video games 9 hours per day

>used to talk with this guy I met on the Gametrailers forum
>we were both sick of this gay earth
>talk about going to Tibet and live a monk lifestyle together all the time
>he moved to Jew York and is now a successful doctor
>I'm still a smelly NEET 5 years later

>I'm jobless playing video games 9 hours per day
You're unironically living the dream.

holy shit this image

Have you contacted steam support about it?

>living a monk lifestyle
it seems cool living in a mountain, but wouldn't you get bored

Are you at least good at games? There are a LOT of neets who play games all fucking day and still manage to suck at them somehow.

im doing the same but my grandparents are gonna die within 10 years so i gotta do somethin

>this guy I met on the Gametrailers forum
Tell me what your username was. That place was my first real vidya forum. Heard it was shut down though.

Enlightened people don't bet bored.

A friend of mine literally spent 4 years living as a literal monk in the Tibet. I shit you not.

He is kind of split between if it was a good experience or just wasted time. He says that life was good but it was also hard work every day, and, in the end, he didn't accomplish anything at all.

I personally think it was probably good but he is not mature enough to see it.

More like nightmare, video games no longer bring me joy.


>normie friend gets dumped

How do enlight?
What the fuck.
>didn't accomplish anything
But dont they learn meditation and other buddhist magic?

>Tell me what your username was

I doubt you'd recognize me though, I was more active in the private sub forums.
I know it's a stupid name, but it has an 11 year long history and I'll be damned to change it now.

>Heard it was shut down though.

It was...
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

>Didn't accomplish anything at all

Did it not occur to him that the whole point of ascetic living is to get rid of the Ego that is extremely goal oriented?

I got over my depression, finally made a friend in this shithole and got a weekend job.
I got kicked out of college two times though.

I'd say it's not that bad. Life slowly moves forward and so do I.

This is what hell is.

> he didn't accomplish anything at all.

Pretty sure that's what enlightenment is all about, realizing you were enlightened all along.
Pretty sure enlightenment can't be forced, but meditation helps. Also fasting.

Your friend lived an experience not many people will ever have, even if it wasn't that special for him in the end he should still be glad.

I wish all of my old friends would come back to play video games

I only ever posted in the General Discussion sub-forum. The actual game focused places were pretty awful, unless you got in a private faction.
Honestly loved GameTrailers. It had a good amount of nice video content to consume and the forums were surprisingly decent for its time.
Also, I think I recognise that username, but I'm not sure.

The problem is that, at some point, you have to go back. And then you have to live a western's society life and wasting working/studying years will set you back a lot.

they will user i promise

This feels bad only if you don't think about what their life really is, beyond the exterior of "married with kids". Juggling between responsibilities at work and home, having many more expenditures than someone living alone, having obligations to people other than yourself etc.

The more you "succeed", the more life demands of you.

Do you, though? If you have a place in Tibet that you can call home, who is forcing you to return to the ways of old?

>have to go back
Why? If i enjoyed living there more, i would stay

Literally me except my 7-year-old Toshiba is starting to die and I may need to get a job to afford something better. My parents also relentless hound me to get a job, and they tell me with all the time I spend on the computer I should be making thousands of dollars designing web-pages or something or something else that involves computers even though I keep telling them it's not as easy as it sounds.

this but to a point, if you hit jackpot with a million dollar idea or company or whatever youre suddenly back to no responsibilities again

>normie friend gets dumped
>crys about it for a day or two
>gets right back into another relationship
>repeat ad nauseum
When I say cry I mean cry. I've never cried that much about something in my life, not even my dead grandmother.

>wasting working/studying years will set you back a lot
Can confirm, my gf works at HR and you guys are absolutely fucked if you idle for too long


Pro-tip: you can't just literally immigrate to Tibet illegally forever.

They are right. Stop playing and learn something useful in the compoter

Yeah I stayed away from actual vidya discussion on GT lol.

Also most people I talked to on GT got banned by some fag moderator for being ''a detriment to the community'' and we moved to another forum which died a year or two later.

>reconnect with friend i haven't talked to in 2 years
>ex who i considered an ideal partner has moved into his house and will probably stay with him forever
>he himself is also my ex

But it's so much easier to do nothing.

What a bitch. You need to find a new friend.


Yes, why?

you ever just join a group for a couple years and just up and leave one day? I cant seem to stop myself from abandoning everyone i come into contact with but at the same time i know im not wanted.

>some fag moderator
All of them were pretty much fags as far as I remember. Save for like one guy who didn't give a single fuck about his mod duty and just fucked about. Can't even remember his name.

>girl adds me after doing some dungeons in wow
>never talk again
>few months later her status gets changed to saying she passed away to cancer, and never logs in again

True, but most millionaires develop what is called "wealth paranoia", which means that they will view anyone taking an interest in them to be due to their wealth, and not a personal interest. This results in them usually being alone or taking trophy wives/husbands that they just show off in public. Not a very fulfilling life, either.

>into girl
>says she'll give me a chance when she breaks up with her current boyfriend who she hates
>says she loves me
>immediately starts fucking someone else within a week of her breakup

They are right. Get a job in something you know. It'll be easier to learn and you will have a baseline of knowledge

thats why you gotta make it big WITH your partner
read: you will never be happy and live carefree

Literally cucked. Im sorry for you

>another orbiter BTFO
You got what you deserved.

Then why not do it legally? It's hard, but not impossible.

Audibly chuckled

I swear that child saying ''I like video gamese!'' always cracks me up.

dumb rudeposter

used goods...
to the trash it goes


99% of forum moderators are giant faggots.
I would pity them if it weren't for their immeasurable faggotry.

What was your username btw?

please leave

There is a way, but it requires both you and your partner to be content with little. Living a simple life where both or one of you is doing a simple 9 to 5 job in some low-responsibility, low stress position. A self-sufficient lifestyle where you live from hand to mouth on a plot of land you own and work would be even more ideal, but that's just not something most people will be able to obtain.

Sorry, normalFAG, excuse me.

So....ummmm.. did he came back muscular and hot or something?

You first

When I've been in this situation it has gone like this.

me: hey man it's nice to see you
normalfag: whoa it's been years it's been nice to see you! Remember those games we used to play? What have you been playing lately? I've been addicted to...
me (internally): uhhh i haven't been playing many games because i'm really depressed and stressed out and I spend all my time shitposting on Sup Forums
me (out loud): *blowing air out of mouth* well the last game I played was Dark Souls III....
normalfag: oh, is that good? I've been playing [insert casiual trash] I can't fucking stop bro. oh btw here's my bitch of a wife and annoying-ass kids whom I hate

tits or gtfo

You are speaking to a queer my man.

And don't fall for the nerd GF meme. I've been dumped by 2 girls that "loved video games xD" because after 2 years of couple they were complaining that I spend too much time on vidya...

These bitch will fake liking video game just to get your approval, but don't be fooled, all girls share the same core behaviour.

Use them for sex and don't contact them again/fake "forgetting" to answer their messages.


Soon I'm going to be the friend who stopped logging in on steam.

I've accomplished nothing with my life and the only person I still cared about (my dad) has died recently. When I finally get my gun permit and buy a gun, I'll be able to end it all.

>tfw most of your friends became normalfags because of work
>they argue that they have no energy and time for games for PCs anymore and continue playing Fifa on their consoleshit day in and out

there's no worse feeling

Yea and then anything like a drought or disease hits. Fuck living hand to mouth, self sufficiency requires storing goods and access to amenities like medicine.

That is literally depression and projection. They probably do care about you to some extent and you are projecting your feeling of self worth(Or lack thereof) onto the situation. You wouldn't want to spend time with yourself so you believe others do either.

this but fortnite


good for you

*don't, I should get some rest.

>Sacrificing your individuality and time in order to provide for a pussy with legs and a small shitty brat that will leach from you for the next 20 years.

When will the familly meme die ?

>implying the normie is happier than you

>Many years ago back in my teens meet a girl just talk about games and whatnot, she disappears occasionally for months at a time.
>Remove her from skype because figured she just got busy with life and really only have skype to keep in contact with close friends.
>Meets me again same way, because of other friends lists asks if she can has skype again.
>Talk like usual nothing like romantic but always kinda liked her personality. But I don't do distance.
>Asks me to not remove her again just incase. Because she gets really busy with the irl.
>Learn that she has had several rebound cancer chemos, but the doctors think now the third time was the charm and she was okay.
>Months go by and she says she puked blood in a bathroom randomly. Didn't hear from her since then.
>A few months later see her online and try to say something, but no responses and it was only for a bit.
>Months turn into years. . .
>Years into a decade now...
>Skype reminds me of her birthday each year.

Having a kid is the objective meaning of life.

did he expect to get all doctor strange or something?

Maybe get to know the girl before becoming a couple?
My GF spends half her free fucking time on vidya, even more than me

>Got to be the guy on the right
>Except my wife and I play vidya together and the guy on the left was a wageslave dropout
It wasnt as good a feel as I thought it would be

>Biological imperative = meaning of life

My meaning of life is eating a lot and taking really big shits.

Falling straight into that Universe 25 Behavioral Sink


I used to get depressed by that comic, then I saw 3 of my friends having kids and they all look miserable... one of them got dumped by his GF even though they have a 2yo son, because she "felt like im imprisonned by our couple, I want to live more, meet more people and enjoy my youth"...

Bitches are dumb as fuck and can't accept that choices in life are to be maid with sacrifices in mind, they will splurt a child out and still want to be the popular teenage girl at 30yo +

Don't bother, enjoy your video games, you are not here for long anyway.

>spend a ton of time on the computer so my parents think I could get a job related to it
>all I do is games and imageboards and I don't know shit even after decades of use