Is Skyrim loli illegal?

is Skyrim loli illegal?

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are you FBI?

Why is she dressed like that?

In all actuality, how are loli mods not illegal?

Something like that...

I don't think so. Post more so that I can laugh at triggered fags that can't distinguish media from reality.

only in sharia canada/uk

Depends on where you live, I guess.

I'd assume it's because they (usually) aren't based on actual people, and aren't actual minors themselves.

I'm strictly talking about most of Burgerland, of course. Canadians and Brits are more than eager to prosecute victimless thoughtcrimes.

Where can I get this armor mod?

>courting little girls illegal
Think you got that backwards Muhamed

my little skyrim

Clothes constrict her powers. During training they remove more and more clothing to unleash their full power. A witch with no clothes are basically at full power and trained.

In America? no.
In London? 30 years jail.

I keked because I didn't play that game but the scene where the jewish guy saves the MC is hilarious. Do you have the webm?

Play the fucking game, fag.

Little girls belong to other little girls/boys. OLD FAT MEN STAY AWAY

I'll be honest lad, not only am I not into that kind of loli stuff (mostly because the mc is a older guy), but the mere thought of having that game in my possession makes me nervous. And loli is legal in my country.

Post some must-have loli mods before the thread gets deleted.

how good is skyrim sex mods?

Fuck off.

>Little girls belong to other little girls/boys.
Disgusting, absolutely worst taste imaginable.

Are there any good tutorials to help out with this kind of modding? Im a total dumbass when it comes to this sort of shit.

>t. Old fat weeb
Leave those kids alone.

Good thing we're not discussing little girls, we're discussing a collection of polygons that just happen to look like little girls. Honestly 3d kids a fucking gross.

Pedos stay the fuck away from 2d little girls you pieces of shit

This is some pure degeneracy here.

>I'll be honest lad, not only am I not into that kind of loli stuff
It's a Sup Forums must play you faggot. go download it right now.

>but the mere thought of having that game in my possession makes me nervous.
I'm a fucking bong and I've still got it, no excuses.

in burgerland they charge some guy with CP for simpson hentai becas the kids are underage. I think he even tried using the defense that theyve been 8 for 20 years lol

No, just a concerned citizen

Nice try FBI, nobody's not falling for that though.

allthefallen has a guide you sick fuck


gonna need those specific mods, senpai




>there are people on Sup Forums that are too new to have played or refuse to play unteralterbach
Absolute cancer.

I'm calling the police

Nonces to the gallows.

Come on dude, the game is grate!

Isn’t there legal precedent to get fucked over for that one in particular?

I played it but I think you need to be german to really appreciate the humour

No, there hasn't been a single case or you would've heard about it here.


>download the game
>go in jail
>jamal and his friends tear me a new one because I got accused of pedophilia
>also because they're raging faggots
Sounds like a shit mate

There was some German bro's in the threads that answered questions or pointed stuff out that non Germans might've missed.

A bit too young I think.

No, I'm CIA

CIA desu.


>download the game
>don't go to jail
>experience Sup Forums kino
Why is Sup Forums so fucking pussy nowadays. You can even fuck the old hags if you swing that way.

fucking finally

>dog stealing food

Stuff like this and op really makes me want to try modding Skyrim.

thread is over your all going to jail

What are the essential lewd mods for this game? I might play it on PC.

Stop the dog from stealing the steak!

I miss Oblivion modding threads.

wtf i love skyrim now

>there are people on Sup Forums that think they are playing a game when they read a picture book
Absolute retards.

i live in n korea bitch

Yes, that's why you must take and and all Skyrim loli material and give it to me so that I may take legal action into my own hands.

this doesn't even look loli stop posting

The artstyle is too ugly for me.

you mean britbongs go to jail

Why does the dog still look like anus? No one developed fur tech yet?

Doubt that, probably had real CP or a previous real CP charge that made possessing loli a parole violation or something.

all of the animal tech went into horse vagina


But the little girl in my game gets fucked by older women.

every time





Yes, even with Argonian and Kahjit ones. Of which none exist as mods.

I'm always paranoid going there if I don't use the onion.

Tell me which mods I need to do this OP, got a RX470 last year and it needs use.

let me know when they get bondage mods to work with argonian tails

Post the link fucker.

Actually, it wasn't a Jewish guy.
In short, he got a job watching child porn to "investigate" and that guy is his coworker. The game is full of image board and German culture references.

That's weird.

They do.

>Thinking the onion will keep you safe in 2018
lmoaing at ur life
The CIA already knows everything they want to know about your sheltered life, kiddo. They don't give a shit about your loli porn fetish.

Everyone's favorite ninja site.

I played it, and the humor/references is pretty damn great. On the bad side; the art is bad and the "absolutely lolicious" line is cringe as fuck.

>use the onion.
You're just attracting attention to yourself no matter what you do. It's better to hide the tree in the forest nowadays.

as long as you aren't a left-wing activist or non-white the cia/fbi don't give a fuck about you

Just warning, if I EVER catch one of you broken-brain diseased sick pedophiles in real life I WILL NOT hesitate to murder you.

Actually murder you, and just pled in court that you were a pedophile.

You are all sick and diseased in the head. It's a mental disorder and I will cleanse the world of you before you can act on your disgusting fantasy.

Can someone make a mod of this?

I don't follow.


Loverslab is where you find all the mods except for loli.

If it's your first time modding it's going to be bitch to learn, fair warning. Bur if you insist then I strongly suggest using Mod Organiser, it will make your life a whole lot easier.



How about you show up to the Oscars with a gun? I'm sure more than half of the crowd are actual pedos.

why do people pretend to give a shit about yotsuba now that sachiko replaced her

I would kill the people in this thread too, but only if I got diagnosed with a terminal disease, so I would try to improve the world with no fucks given.