A new age of Video Games is starting in 2 days, for better or worse. I hope you're all ready for this.
President Trump to Meet with Game Industry Folks
It's ok when Trump says retarded shit. He's based anyways.
DADDYDRUMPF!!!!!!! *frogposts
polshitter comment below me
i gurantee it
>blaming videogames for school shootings instead of, you know, just not letting children buy assault rifles
Conservatives are so fucking retarded
how many fucking threads of this are you going to make
As a Brit, the idea of people being able to go to their local supermarket and casually buy a gun is fucking terrifying to me.
Trump's not a conservative you double nigger
>referring to them as folks
I guarantee these people have nothing to do with video games
I hope they put lootcrate info on game boxes now. Shit's getting ridiculous. I can't even enjoy modern fps anymore without the entire meta being centered around weapons that have a 0.5% drop rate. Went back to Quake 3 Arena. Fuck this modern gambling game bullshit.
then what is he?
Your brainwashing isn't going to work Sup Forums. Move to another target.
>didn't even try to be on topic
wwwaaaahhhh nooooo everyone even people with long histories of mental illnesss should be alloow e d to buy guns!!!!!!!!’nnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!! trump 2020 babay
>video games dont make you a murderer
>but a gun does
Ah so it's videogames that are making children shoot people, not the fact that there's nothing in place to stop them getting their hands on deadly weapons.
At this stage "pro-gun" people are just being fucking dumb. At the very least it's time to implement some common sense rules like "Don't sell guns to criminals or children".
Thank god I'm a EU fag.
A capitalist
Children should not be able to go out and buy an automatic weapon, why is this a controversial opinion?
>Industry folks
>over Parkland
Move alone, nothing to see.
>Not letting children buy assault rifles
How else are they supposed to protect themselves?
It's sad that I can't tell if you're sarcasting or not...
the kids parents died when he was young and his foster parents both died too plus being fucked with at school
i really think those things have a bigger influence on his poor mental state than video games
>criminals follow the law
Why would you have to use gun on a person?
Conservatives on here: Why do you think your right to own a gun is worth more than the lives of children trying to get an education?
Not really. Nothing will come from this. The tariff fiasco going on right now is about one million times more important for everyone.
Why don’t we just arm the teachers with guns, so in the event of a mass shooting they can protect the classroom?
Daily reminder, Robert trump owns Bethesda, in which they make exclusively violent video games. Nothings Gonna happen
What if the USA gets Germany-tier censorship thus ruining gaming content for the rest of the continent?
because >muh second amendment
It's time to call pro-gun people what they really are: pro-child murder. Countless parents are losing their children while these pieces of shit refuse to implement any kind of reasonable gun policies.
Because it validates a hero fantasy most of them have which provides them the ability to fill the void of validation they feel in life because they can't come to grips that the world would run without them.
This is some bot false flag shit. You have no life. Fuck off.
if only your board didn't leak its bowels every 5 seconds
>Something happens
>Trump says he's going to do something in response without thinking
>Retarded fags from both sides freak out
>Doesn't actually do anything
I for one am enjoying the great american meltdown
Leftpol slide thread.
I'm gonna come out and say something very controversial here: people with a history of violent crime should not be allowed to buy firearms.
I know, very unpopular opinion nowadays, but that's what I believe should happen.
who /centrie/ here?
>Sup Forums shitposts on Sup Forums for the 56,245,480th time
As a Brit
>Gets stabbed with knife
the idea of people being able to go to their local supermarket
>Has acid thrown n face
and casually buy a gun
>gets hit by truck of peace
is fucking terrifying to me
We all are but its gets a bit tiring when its all every facet of the internet and media talk about non stop.
Leftpol fags outed themselves in the last few threads.
Just report and move on.
Gotta burn it down before you can build it back up. Same reason we need a game crash.
bulgarian here and both sides are terrifying to me
>implying they won't find an underhanded way to protect Zenimax and harm its competition
>trump being the first president to actually listen to vidya developers side before making a knee-jerk judgement on them
This is unironically pretty based of him. Still hope hes impeached tho
same here
unironically allow recreational nuclear weapons
There's two sides when it comes to gun control: those who want to protect children from guns and those who want to kill them with them.
As a person who doesn't believe children should be murdered while in maths class, I fall into the former category.
why do you think some other kids lives are more worth than my right to protect my family's and friends' lives
also, criminals don't follow laws
gun control doesn't work in countries like US where guns are spread everywhere and rooted into the country for centuries
that and nig nogs
Gun ownership is a constitutional right.
If you want to do something about school shooters then do something about broken families and the ease of which psych-altering meds are handed out to kids.
>g-going against big pharma and single mothers?
>n-no it's people who legally own guns who are at fault, they don't vote democrat anyway
I dont know how i never saw it from this angle...
This is actually pretty cool of him
Guns don't protect anything though. They're life takers, not savers.
The article uses the term "industry folk", it does not necessarily mean game devs at all.
>the game industry folks
Who are the official game industry representatives? Has there been a vote?
Or does he have the time go go and visit every single publisher?
>Guns don't protect anything though.
t. someone who's never had to live around rabid nignogs.
>The tariff fiasco going on right now is about one million times more important for everyone.
He's kind of been talking about that for the last 10+ years. You would think people would take him at his word by now.
>Trump says he's going to do thing
>left says he's an idiot & won't do thing he said
>Trump does thing
>Trump in media for next 48 hours non stop
>Rinse repeat
>police are evil pigs
>but only police should have guns and you should trust them to be able to magically protect you when someone assails you in a dark alley
your brain on leftypol
It's less that and more he's the first president to have said anything about the videogame industry at all. All others didn't need to resort to this level of petty scape goating.
All right Sup Forums, you work for the president of the USA and he asked you to gather 5 video game industry members to discuss the future of vidya.
Who are they?
>gun control doesn't work in countries like US where guns are spread everywhere and rooted into the country for centuries
Pretty much this, gun control only works if the country doesn't need guns in the first place like post-WWII Japan.If you try to take guns in the redneck states you're going to piss people off and provoke an insurrection.
>the constitution can’t be changed
Someone post a brainlet wojack for me
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you racist piece of shit.
Just because you have some racist fantasy of blacks being criminals and you needing to shoot them for "justice" doesn't make it reality.
Here's an idea: your property is not worth more than someone's life.
If someone breaks into your house to steal your stuff, let them and then phone the authorities once they have left. That way they can face ACTUAL justice and you will get your items back, without anyone having to die.
Trump has hated video games for years. He made these “vidya makes you violent” claims back in 2012
Same way guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns also don't protect people, people protect people.
Checkmate conservatards.
>thinking this won't affect the entire world
Face it, peasant, what happens in the US echoes throughout the whole civilized world. Hell, the US IS the civilized world. When will you americum addicted peons understand that?
4 Todd Howards and Tim Buckley
Is this advanced bait?
I remember Obama, Bush, Bill and even Hillary going on about vidya and meeting with ratings agencies and shit.
Hell even a quick google: digitaltrends.com
Fake tweet tho
Not saying who I am for obvious reasons but word is that Gabe Newell is one of the people interested in meeting with President Trump.
As an American, the idea of being constantly watched by a horde of fat "police officers" in CCTV control stations getting dorito dust all over the controls and able rain down a police squad at you on a whim is fucking terrifying to me.
I for one am glad we live in a country with such freedoms. Looking back he's being very fair. Let's not forget how this use to go down back in the 90's.
It's already illegal to buy or sell an automatic weapon.
>your property is not worth more than someone's life.
But thats wrong.
Here's an idea: Dont be a criminal.
You dont think that could be due to the fact that Video-games market has exploded since 08, the last time we had a republican president who didnt want to scape-goat the NRA?
Only reason obongo never mentioned them was he wanted to take the guns.
You have to understand violent videogames really only recently became super mainstream
>racist fantasy of blacks being criminals
The "racist fantasy" of living near them?
Or the "racist fantasy" of knowing about crime stats?
It's pretty funny how butthurt you leftpol faggots get about niggers, I gues that's why you had so many whining about skin colour and inferiority complex threads when you started.
>it's not about muh guns, it's about mental illness
>so you want to support mental health institutions? let's do this
>pfft no way fag
Where do you think these rights came from? A lot more than a few children died for them. Why do you piss on their graves?
Don't fucking lie. We can all see the countless mass shootings happening in your country, don't try and pretend they didn't happen.
be sure to bin that knife and pay your tv license and don't display any incorrect opinions on twitter.
Here's an idea: your ass is not worth more than your life
If someone rapes you, let them and phone authorities once they have left. That way they can face ACTUAL justice and you can get your ass back, without anyone having to die.
game crash is the only interesting idea in this whole thread
>Here's an idea: your property is not worth more than someone's life.
Here's an idea:
Not that it matters to niggers either you sheltered little suburban fuck. They will kill you, in the amusing words of Richard Pryor, "cuz dey wuz home".
Considering Trumf is a lame duck el presidente then nothing will come of this other than a photo-op. if they were called before congress again then it might be a different matter. Last time that happened we got the ESRB.
Kek. Googling "el presidente" for a pic brings-up Trumf as the result.
My perspective on this entire matter has been changed.
Trump is being unusually fair
Actually one of Trump's proposals is to include a "mental health tax" on violent videogames which will be used to fund better mental health treatment for disturbed individuals.
He's not lying, there have been 2 (TWO) recorded instances of gun violence with an automatic weapon in the US, and one was a cop.
Israeli's bitch
Do you actually know what "automatic" means?