Anyone else put off by the demo? Im gonna wait until I can get it used cheap, or they patch it.
>6-7 second loads for every door. Leak confirms this is the way the game is built and not just the demo. >30 fps >No online in a co-op heavy game, in 2018 >very bland, nothing to make it stand out from other Kirbys >AI is alright but still has some issues.
Also the rumors of DLC from the leaks.
Julian Reed
Yeah, game looks pretty, but If I'm not gonna be challenged, what's the point.
Tyler Ramirez
>leaks confirmed ahahahahahaha
also no, I think it's very good
Aaron Kelly
The demo was datamined, its pretty hard to refute
Jason Smith
It's okay game. I like the powerups but it's just another Kirby game with floaty controls. No thanks.
Jordan Edwards
>Also the rumors of DLC from the leaks The fuck are you talking about?
Connor Edwards
If the Final Boss' theme is good then the game is redeemed.
Sebastian Perez
Datamined demo confirmed some abilties and recruitable friends were taken out but looks they are partly still there to add in as dlc or updates
Oliver Sanders
When the third or fourth load screen popped up I said aloud, >Is this Sonic 06? There’s no reason visually for the framerate to be as low as it is. Game honestly feels like it was developed by a b team.
Andrew Ross
>No online in a co-op heavy game, in 2018 This seriously bothers me What the fuck is Nintendo's beef with online multi? They only put it in games where you can play in short 2-3 minute matches.