Video games that for one reason or another, such as memes, constant vehement shitposting, political shit, etc, that literally cannot ever be successfully discussed on Sup Forums
Any other examples?
Forbidden Games
Bayonetta and Mass Effect trilogy
Call of duty.
Why can't donkey kong 64 be talked about?
Btw add assassin's creed.
Because then HE comes
Also I forgot an obvious one
I think he's referring to HEposting, but I've never seen a DK64 thread devolve into that. Instead they mostly consist of DK64 being justifiably shat on.
What happens with Bayonetta threads?
Bayofags cannibalize each other, everybody says QTE and then the DMCfags show up. The only way to stop the DMCfags is if Ninja Gaidenfags show up, too.
Super Mario 64
It's possible to have Pokemon XD discussions after the kill urself posts calms down, i've seen it
Life is Strange.
Tomba and Nuclear Throne
Wait why are we not allowed to talk about earthbound?
Night in the Woods
Nier Automata
Came here to post this
Also Ocarina of Time
Nuclear throne threads are fine here. I haven't seen anything wrong happen with them.
Are you implying something about parallel universes?
An a press is an a press, you can't say its half
This but unironically. To press something is to push it down, not push down and then release. Half an A press is a stupid thing to call it.
It's literally impossible to discuss Half Life 2 because of the cinematic mod memes
Now it's evn worse because of HDTF memes
>tendies and Eurojank fans think they are shitposted as hard as subnautica bros.
Didn't that have a good month of solid discussion? I think the discussion just got exhausted, don't really see much shitposting about it
every game ever
Stop using this Neogaf-created term
What's there to discuss?
It's a 4 hour long cutscene filled cinematic experience with the goal to kill drumpf and kill all white people.
Is this because of the communist animation the creator did or just in general?
What about games that can ONLY be enjoyed and discussed through memes?
Any game that is mildly popular
Look at all that quality.
Because the furfag fans can't accept that it's bad.
What you mean? Every Rimworld thread i've been to, although not many, were pretty cool
Mods move them to /vg/ constantly
Literally any fucking exclusive on any console
The mexican space simulator
You know the one
Any Yoshi game. Which is good because they're all shit except Yoshi's Island.
I wish the same would happen to Kirby.
Nier automata threads are all thinly veiled image dump, if you actually want to argue about it, you make a drakengard thread, it will filther most faggots that post in automata threads, becauae goddamn, they are full of faggots
It's not called half an a press because he doesn't depress the button, it's called that because within the context of the entire run, it would be considered 1 a press because he needs to jump to get in to the level, but in the context of just the level it counts as 0 because he didn't press it at all during the level he simply held it down.