Tfw want to buy a Switch

>tfw want to buy a Switch
>tfw can't afford to buy Switch games because poorfag
>tfw have to wait until games can be pirated
The poorfag life is a hard life.

The switch library is made up of almost nothing but ports. There's nothing worth buying anyway.

Just fucking flip burgers for 5 hours and you can get a new game.

>think about buying a switch
>marked up by $100 in my shitty country
>only game I want to play is xenoblade

fuck that noise I can wait

I'm a neet, have always been, will always be.

My neetbux is simply not enough to buy expensive games.

>29 dollars and 970 cents


>tfw have to wait until games can be pirated

t. someone that never pirated consoles

If you wait too long, the Switch you buy will probably be of a firmware where the leaks are patched.
The same happened and is still happening with 3DS

Seriously, they always make that fucking face.

It already is. The people working on CFW recommends you don't update past 3.0 and its currently on 4.1.

>Tfw it was marked up by $200 over here during the holidays
>They didn't sell shit because people only buy xboners over here
>They cut the price by $100 the next month
Serves you well faggots but I'm still going to wait until they are so desperate it's actually underpriced



>I'm a neet
there's your problem. thing is there isn't really a solution unless you become rich. I used to be a neet but now I work and can buy games whenever I want but never have time to play anymore. Life is cruel, user.

Did shoop fag get banned? I figured hed be here by now since hes the new barneyfag

that entitlement...
>I'm poor i deserve things, pirates are saving the industry enjoy paying for COD lmao

hahahaha idiot i can buy what ever video games i want at the small price of socialising for 4 or 5 days a week. the best part is, because i dont spend all day playing vide games, i can actually have something to look forward to

>doesn't know how to spot a soyboy

Get a Wii U and hack it instead. It has most of the Switch's games and then some that have yet to be ported.

>Be a sperg.
>See a game about to come out.
>Develop a meticulously detailed imagination of how the game will satisfy all of his super-specific desires.
>Game is released, sperg makes a full-price purchase.
>The game doesn't live up to his hyper-intensive expectations due to certain select gripes that most others view as minor.
>He wasted over 5 or 6 hours of labor in order to afford the game because his crippling autism prevents him from being able to be hired at any higher payrate, so he feels that he's a genuine victim of injustice.
>Throws a childish fit and puts on a dismissive attitude towards any one on an anonymous image board who dares to call him or his opinions "entitled."

>work for 2 years
>get promoted to comfy manager position
>only work 4 days a week
>make tons of money
>buy whatever the fuck I want
>have time to play everything I want

You can win at life if you want.

enjoy paying for COD lmao

Don't worry. Once you get money you won't buy games either, I sure as fuck don't.
>Scaping every penny together to buy a brand new 1000cc superbike, selling all my gaming shit in the process.

>get promoted to manager after only two years

That doesn't happen unless you are literally Chad. Chad has better things to do than waste his time on a nurburgring laptimes forum so I'll assume you're lying.

Swear to god, it's like the male version of duck lips.

It was actually two and a half years.

Where do you live?
If it's in the US, get a job, or find a way to get autismbux. It's not that hard.

I make minimum wage and pay all my own living expenses and I STILL manage to get all the vidya I want.

>There are people that get upset at shoops
Soyboy shit gets over spammed. It's like pepe at this point.

Get fucked NEET. That's what you get for making fun of wagies like me


Poorfags shouldn't be allowed to play games by law!

if new pokemon game is confirmed for switch it will be a soyboy feeding frenzy until then theres no point for just zelda and mario



why the fuck is this still a thing? This shit has been debunked months ago.
Well, technically, years ago, but it had to be re-debunked when the internet got hold of it

t. PJW

Nice try, soyboy

get a job you worthless bum

>be a wage slave, goy!

>tfw no kingdom come on switch

Stay poor and unfulfilled then.

its a popular female 'smile' for insta and fb which is where they are getting it from.


aren't you the same nigger that defended ttgo in an earlier thread?

Calling people who work for a living "wage slaves" while whining how poor you are is fucking pathetic.

I seriously don't understand this fucking meme. Can anyone properly explain this to me? I feel like there's just this huge joke that I'm not getting. Are they doing this on purpose? Is there a reason the majority of them are white guys with beards and glasses?

Fun fact: Cultures who use soy as an integral part of it's cuisine, happen to be very patriarchal.
Wanna put the whore in her place, increase soy consumption.

Not him. I am rich, and haven't worked a day in my life.

>not born rich
There is no point in living

Using commas to note decimals in money is one of the stupidest things yuros ever came up with. It's effectively 29,970 cents, if that's the way you want to translate it

It's a thing that most people do to express excitement. Beards and glasses are in fashion right now. It's literally a normie thing.

Muslims must eat a lot of soy, then

Fucking based

go further east

>women can initiate divorce
>women don't adapt the family name
Not as patriarchal as people think. Brutalistic, absolutely though.

>want to buy a switch
>have 297 shackles saved
>still short for a game and the switch
>have to wait by the end of the month to complete my shit
Soon. Sadly I can only afford one game. What game should I get that could last me at least 3 months?

White people REEEEEE

>when you have an open marriage to buy more switch games

Zelda or Xenoblade can last you a long time. Splatoon 2 also if you just want to keep playing online matches

They still haven't properly emulated PS3 yet, what makes you think you can emulate Switch anytime soon?