Do you feel bad about it?
Have you ever given up on a game halfway through for no discernible reason?
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uncountable times
That's the fate of almost every game I play, even though I have great fun with them.
I could have finished Shadow Tactics. Excellent game. But didn't, so back into the backlog it goes.
probably 50% of my steam library
>do you feel bad about it
why should i, they were obviously crap. just because i cant put my finger on it doesnt change the fact.
LA Noire
I can't finish this fucking game
No, dropped games halfway through lots of times, but all of them for very fucking discernible reasons.
Persona 3
this desu senpai
you didnt miss out, its just more of the same
you did miss out big time, the ending is the best part
started up 3 playthroughs, i give up after summer each time
OP here, obviously there's loads of shit games that aren't worth finishing, but I've dropped ones that I was really enjoying, like Pathologic for instance. Though in that case, I guess it's like reading a big novel, it requires so much attention that if you leave it for a bit, it's hard to get back in to.
bloodrayne - end boss level (although the reason was quite obvious)
Given up on Witcher 3 after reaching the viking-based zone with tons of islands. I had 100+ hours played by that point, did all the sidequests and stuff
I really really want to finish it and play the DLC but I lost my save and can't be arsed to waste 100h again
The Void. Had to restart twice and got past a few brothers the third time, but ran into problems and couldn't continue. The game is so cool, but I couldn't handle replaying it again. I'll probably try again in a year or two.
I do it all the time. Most recent ones have been Persona 5, Horizon, and Yakuza 0.
I still don't get what's going on In that game or what that big fuck off building is about.
Is there a coherent explanation somewhere explaining the games world?
Why not download a save file half way through? That's what I did after I lost mine when the GOTY version came out
I gave up on King's Bounty because the game seemed to think that a never-ending grind of increasing difficulty even as you near the end of the game was a good idea.
I was at the very last area with the maze and shit fighting green or black dragons I don't remember and the difficulty spike was more than I could handle. Every fight incurred losses such that I had to revisit all the previous areas just to replenish my army, I got tired. Some fights became legit impossible as a Paladin.
In the end I used some cheat to get invincible units or something and cheesed the rest of it.
THI4F I got tired after Chapter 5 from playing it legitimately after it became apparent stealing all loot was impossible if you wanted to play pure stealth or ghost, so I downloaded a trainer that made me a real ghost (no noise/perma invis) and pretty much ran through the rest of the game, which turned out to be more fun than playing it legitimately. And I STILL got opportunist points docked from Chapter 6, which shows how broken the game is.
MGS V, just after killing the "small village" man.
The game was really good, but i just felt like i finished it, don't know why.
Stardew Valley, it didn't feel as comfy as FoMT, it's probably the artstyle and the colors, it makes my eyes feel really tired after playing for a while.
Pathologic is pretty boring to play
That is pretty much the end of the game. Act 2 is basically post-game
Can't seem to get into most games anymore. Feelsbadman.
I didn't even get ten minutes in because the first one is dog shit compared to the sequel.
Use the magnification function to zoom out of you haven't already.
No, my reasons were absolutely logical. Assasins creed brotherhoods combat is beyond garbage and unbearable considering how its at least 1/3 of the gameplay.
I keep getting like 1/2 way or 2/3rds the way through Borderlands 1 and 2.
Sometimes. It's worse when it's a super popular game and it just doesn't grab me like everyone else. Makes me feel left out.
99% of open world games. I end up losing track of the main plot and thus any interest to see where the story goes.
It took me well over a decade to beat Morrowind and six years to beat Skyrim.
I've played a LOT of Morrowind and Skyrim.
When you do replay it, just make a save backup for every cycle so that when you realize you've irrevocably fucked your world you can go back a couple instead of starting over entirely. Also the first time you complete it don't worry and restart if you're going to get the shitty consolation ending, all the endings are shit anyway, it's a "the journey is your reward" type thing
Did you like the books? My favorite one was about the axe boi (wont spoil the rest) and the khajit one that gives you bonus to your jump stat (acrobatics i think)
Let me polish your spear...
>axe boi
That one, the vampire with the lockpicks and the "golem" with the heavy armor.
Also read all the Vivec books and none of them ever made any sense, read a shitload of threads explaining them and they still didn't make sense.
I felt like it should have finished but it kept on going. It's good but I've got other shit to play
The gist of what happens is this:
Extradimensional entities are fucking with the town which is built on top of a bull god, some drugged out architect and his magician friends decide to build a tower that pierces the god's brain and it ruins literally everything because it's declining health means that everything built on it starts to become diseased and decay
Around this time some retard in a bull mask decides he wants to be in charge so he kills his boss and proceeds to lock the doors saying you can't arrest him if you can't see him and he dindunuffin, also some fatass just can't stop making wrong decisions which delays everything causing the disease to spread because a little plague girl accidental reproduces asexually and shits and farts all over town; while a shit-talking doctor and a psychotic butcher accomplish absolutely nothing
Also the entire thing is a play and you are the extradimensional entities.
You'll get to explore everything and gather a better understanding of how the town works.
It's worth playing for that reason.
How is it considerably worse than that of the previous two games?
I feel like knowing all this will ruin my enjoyment of the game now
I got bored of it. Only finished two great beasts and had no drive to do more since it didn't feel like it was going to get better.
The metaplot has little to do with enjoying the game, it's about the journey through the shitstorm; one of the bigger themes of the game is simultaneous contradicting truths as well, so the town is as real as it is also a sandbox as it is also the setting for a play.
Also don't ask to get spoiled on 13 year old games senpai desu baka
>and they still didn't make sense
absolutely the best part about morrowind for me. If the book isnt a short story or somewhat connected to some quest my iq drops but 50 points leaving only 6 to breathe. Ill be giving them both a shot.
I should definately look into some busty argonians mod
Thanks man, I'll definitely play it anyway
all the time, more often than not really. Even if I'm enjoying the game I will do it
It doesn't cus the translation is so bad you wouldn't understand any of the deep shit without looking it up. Also all that breaking the fourth wall stuff is thrown at you at the end of the game and ultimately doesn't matter much in respects to the story of the town itself. Just play it as a diseased town
I've never played the game and somehow feel that after reading your explanation, I know even less about it.
i felt like this game was trying to make me give up on it.
so being an obvnoxious, hard headed faggot, i carried on and beat it.
I gave up on Fallout New Vegas at the very end. I had too many endings open to me and I couldn't decide so I put it down and little did I know that was going to be the last time.
Persona 5
>Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen
>Alpha Protocol
>Deus Ex
>EYE: Divine Cybermancy
>Arx Fatalis
And many, many more.
I got like 4 hours in, just wasn't into it
I can't get the sequel to run on my PC no matter what I try.
Witcher 3. Not sure how much longer it was but I fiught off the Wild Hunt at the fort and when I found out that wasn't the end, I lost all motivation and quit. That's literally the onlu game I've ever given up on in 20 years.
I dont know. i liked the first one because i remember liking the unique climbing mechanics i think and the beautiful world. I think im very spoiled right now in terms of gameplay especially combat and while i absolutely find the world gorgeous and the story somewhat intriguing i just cant bare with the combat. Doesnt really make the game bad if you dont care but i had really hard time playing it. I played the first ac when it realeased so around what, 8-10 years ago? Things have changed i suppose
Oh that reminds me, I gave up on Dragon Age Origins like 50 hours in, at first I thought I was loving it, but the gameplay wore me down until I just could not be bothered and it seemed to be going on and on and on
Constantly and no.
If I'm not compelled to finish it its the games fault
Pillars of Eternity
Huge fan of isometric rpg's, but I can never finish PoE. For some reason I always end up just not caring at all about the story and the characters and it becomes massively boring.
Aw man, you shouldn't have asked!
Still it's a pretty cool reveal if you know nothing.
But yeah yeah it's all about the journey
They fixed the translation, hd version is quite understandable
The plot reveals itself very slowly, you get all the puzzle pieces in bite sizes, but yeah, it's also a confusing game at times.
Weird, did you get the GOG version? I think it may have issues with Windows 10 but I can't remember.
>it requires so much attention that if you leave it for a bit, it's hard to get back in to.
Pretty much my problem with every RPG or otherwise story-heavy game I've dropped. Leave it for a bit, then feel lost when I get back into it, or feel I need to restart at the beginning to avoid missing stuff and just end up redropping it and repeating that.
for your own sake, I hope the pic is unrelated
I always quit Baldur's Gate when I get to Baldur's Gate. I get intimidated by the how large the city is and then stop playing then when I go back some time later I don't know what's happening anymore or what my character is doing so I uninstall
Makes sense but Brotherhood makes a distinct effort to improve.
2's combat is 1's with extra weapons and the hidden blade usable. Brotherhood's combat 2's with chain kills slapped on top and enemies being harder in general. Revelation's combat is Brotherhood's with the hookblade and bombs. It's iterative and improves with each instalment.
This but the early access build because I couldn't figure shit out
I always stop playing a game if it's boring and I don't feel like beating it or advancing because I already "get the gist", but idk why I stopped playing Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Maybe the combat was too easy, but I'm sure it gets more challenging down the road. I like that it reminds me a lot of Fable and I'll probably reinstall it once I finish Nier Automata and Xenoblade Chronicles.
I would call the chainkills an improvement exactly. All it does is making me a sitting duck and waiting for spiderman sense flash kicking it so i can parry the shit out of 10 dudes. Is the new ac at least decent? People have been secretly praising it
I gave up Tyranny, Planescape: Torment and Arcanum for this reason and really regret it, I was enjoying them
I gave up pathologic because the first version is incomprehensible because of the translation and the hd version because of the pretentiousness of it all.
sucks because its literally the greatest walking simulator ever.
Yes. Same game as you.
if not being able to beat a mgs torture scene, yes
there's no way around it if you cant push the buttons fast enough
What? You just have to counter hits that would interrupt your chain. You might be referring to III-and-onwards combat, the last one I played is Revelations.
Lost Odyssey. Thinking about it now it was just another JRPG. I probably didn't miss out on anything.
Why would the HD one be more pretentious than the original? Genuinely curious, I don't speak Russian, so obviously I have to rely on translations. Always assumed it was the fanbase that was pretentious, like the ones claiming you need to read Camus' 'The Plague' before playing
Brother in arms hell's highway
Literally because it was non stop going from garden to garden at the start of the game and just got bored of it.
act 4 is such a fucking slog
70% any text is just pure nonsense attempting to look deep or even know what they are talking about themselves.
its literal artificial difficulty.
Nope, got both games on Steam sale few years back. Didn't know it was on GoG, gonna look into that.
All the time, but I think that's partly with how a lot of new games are open world or just have so much side quest stuff to do. After 30 or 40 hours I always move on from Assassin Creeds, Bethesda RPGs, etc. because you've kind of seen it all by that point.
I can play strategy games or roguelikes way longer because they're designed that way.
I usually finish shorter more linear games like Wolfenstein or whatever.
I tried to go back to Prey recently after giving up on it a few months back. I got a bit further but I just don't find the combat very enjoyable.
I gave up on both Mad Max and Prey and I'm contemplating why. For the former, it's difficult. I'm always looking for the "perfect open world game", something you can turn on, tune out and just fuck about in, listen to an audiobook or podcast. I think the closest thing I have is Ghost Recon: Wildlands, solo.
Prey I think I stopped for similar reasons to you, dull enemies and combat despite an interesting premise, and me really liking the System Shock games.
You are a goddamn brainlet. Git a brain.
I was really enjoying the environment in Prey but every time I encountered some Typhons I would just cheese my way through them, which is kind of what the systems are geared for. I think the final straw was having to backtrack to the lobby. I saw it was full of enemies and I just couldn't be bothered.
Mad Max is so goddamn boring, you play 10% of the game and you've played it all
Same for Ghost Recon: Wildlands desu, but at least that has a Crackdown-esque structure, and each region is visually different enough to keep things somewhat interesting
Mad Max looks nice too, but it gets old after a while being that it's all post-apocalyptic desert. Ghost Recon does have more variety in the world and it is frigging huge but the driving is awful so getting around sucks unless you use a helicopter. And there's like 5 mission types which are repeated endlessly in both games which becomes a problem pretty fast. At least Recon has multiplayer so it makes it all a little more bearable.
I'm a poorfag so I torrented it, it's a shame because it just makes me want to play Just Cause 2, and the driving really is awful, I'm even a bit shocked how they made the driving so bad, even the helicopters are shit when you try to aim at something. But the premise is interesting, I've always wanted a Narcos-esque game about drug cartels, and the Tacticool stuff is nice too. Great rain effects though.
There's some cool stuff about it, that narco stuff is cool, the game is almost like a modern Mercenaries but not quite as fun for whatever reason. Although I haven't played Mercenaries in a long time so maybe nostalgia is clouding my judgement.
I only ever bought Mercenaries 2, never played the full game of the 1st, but I had the demo when I was little, and it captivated me, calling carpet bombs on outposts, and then realising you could steal civilian cars and drive around neighbouring villages...might get a PS2 solely to play it. Did buy it once, but it arrived in French, sucks to be me
Every GTA until I finally beat San Andreas. Train mission isn't even hard, the plane shit in San Fierro with Zero literately kept me from beating that game for probably 8 years.
Hell that mission isn't even that hard, it just wasn't fun to restart and I'd always free roam till I got bored and dropped the game at that point. Same with GTA IV and some drug mission at an old run down hospital full of swat team members. Finally went back and didn't rush the mission and realized I could have beaten that game three years prior, I just didn't feel like replaying the mission a third time.
Mercenaries 2 wasn't as good, at least that was how I felt at the time. I don't remember why I thought that though. I have seen people talking about having fun with it so maybe I was just being a picky faggot. But yeah, calling artillery was really fun. And just being able to purchase weapons, vehicles, and things like that on the fly was a good addition to that type of GTA open world game at the time. I also played the shit out of the demo before getting the game when it came out proper. It would be cool if I could have fun like that again.
Alien Isolation
Hollow Knight
L.A Noire
Ori and the Blind forest
Her Story
Rogue Legacy
how the fuck do I enjoy vidya again lads
...what games DO you enjoy and have completed?
Yes, plenty, especially recently for some reason. I just don't feel like playing anymore.
Did this with AC Origins. I did go back and finish it recently though. All the others I dropped for very specific reasons.
The last ones were MP3, Deus Ex, and Oblivion I think.
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Enjoying the shit out of it
>get to first desert mission
>tell myself i'll try again later
>never do
>been sitting in my library for over a year now
i've got a deep backlog and at times i'll be playing 6 or 7 different games at the same time, and i try not to go more than a week without playing one of them or the story and my goals start to fade from memory. sometimes it just gets too crowded and i put one off for too long and it ends up being a year or two before i come back to it.
I feel overwhelmed by the amount of choice in my backlog and end up spending the most time in games that don't really have a story or an ending, like strategy and simulation. Basically I start playing a game for a couple of hours when I get a chance, then I'm forced to stop due to my lack of time, and then I lose interest and start playing another game and the cycle repeats. I also feel overwhelmed by long games like RPGs, because I never feel like I can get sucked into the game when I only have an hour or two to play it at a time.
Literally me
Pretty much always.
Dude just scout rush.
Far Cry 2