Game limits the amount of saves you can make and penalizes you the more you make

>Game limits the amount of saves you can make and penalizes you the more you make

Why the fuck is this a thing? What's with the stigma behind saving progress? Why the FUCK should I NOT be allowed to save as many times as I like, as often as I like, wherever I like?

Its bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

because youre a gay casual bitch

how does it penalize you for making more than a certain amount of saves?

I have no idea how this game does it or if it's any good, but I've really grown to loathe quicksaving. It trivializes every single game. I applaud any game that actually puts thought into its save system.

Yes you can just not use it, but I prefer when you don't have to deliberately cripple yourself to get something resembling a balanced difficulty.

>but I've really grown to loathe quicksaving. It trivializes every single game
Then don't do it. That's like complaining about fast travel existing. If you don't like it, you're welcome to play the game how you want to.

Wow it's like you didn't read the rest of my post. Having to intentionally ignore a game mechanic to not make the game baby-easy is shit game design.

Makes you permanently drunk as fuck or some shit, I dunno.

I don't even know where to get more Savior Schnapps.

it's not a game mechanic, it's designed so you don't lose your progress if you have to stop playing. abusing it is meta-gaming, the same as reading a walkthrough and then complaining that the game is too easy

It's the easiest fucking recipe you can make via alchemy. Just try to use your head for once in a while and don't let the game guide you like a kid.

How does it penalize you? This is objectively wrong.

>Caring about how people play a game especially one that is a fucking singleplayer game

Oh grow the fuck up you complete manchild. Completing a fucking video game in a certain way is no real world achievement.

>it's not a game mechanic

u wot, it's part of the game, it's a game mechanic. "meta-gaming" would be looking up a walkthrough or something

For the record you're 100% wrong about quicksaves, they're designed to give the player a safety blanket. Quicksaving is completely different from save & quit.

Are you mentally deficient? That's exactly the point I'm making, while you're complaining that the option needs to be removed to stop people playing how they want.

Where the fuck do I even find alchemy? I'd be fine otherwise but it takes for fucking ever to get anywhere/do anything in this game. Its waaaay too fucking slow.

Saying saving is a game mechanic is like saying the pause button is part of the movie.

While I appreciate the idea behind not being able to save scum, it does take some of the fun out of just messing around in the world and testing the mechanics because you are afraid of crippling your character and being stuck replaying certain segments over and over, add to that the fact that many in game mechanics are poorly explained or even worse, just plain broken, I.e lock picking on consoles, and the inability to save anytime can become pretty frustrating. I will say that I’ve never been screwed yet though just playing the game normally and doing quests. It auto saves quite regularly.

>while you're complaining that the option needs to be removed to stop people playing how they want

Noo... I'm the one who made this thread..

This thread is as bad as this game itself. It's really just tryhardery. Nothing more.

the game saves when you sleep

Wrong. The ability to pause a game is programmed into the game itself, whereas it is a function of say, a DVD player to pause a movie.

Its not the same fucking thing.

Because it's a shit game and you paid for an incomplete product. Now go fund their next kickstarter you retard.

You're still in Skalitz, aren't you?

Can't you save infinitely by sleeping?

>I wonder what are the consequences of my actions
>if it goes south, I'll just quick load :^)

saving is the same as pausing, just allows you to turn off the game. they serve the same purpose.

Town square in Rattay has an apothecary shop. From the right side of the building there is a room with alchemy table. I believe you can figure out the rest. And if you can't find belladona(or whatever it is called) just buy it from traders etc.


>OP plays game for first 2 hours
>only saves by drinking all saviour schnapps potions within a half hour
>wonders why he is drunk
>wonders why he finds the game difficult
>is literally retarded and does not realize that you can save by sleeping at an inn, sleeping in a multitude of beds around the map, going to a bathhouse, beginning new quests
>doesn't realize that you can save scum by fast travelling to your bed and sleeping for 1 hour

You just can't win with faggots like you

>If a game goes bad you should have to start all over from the beginning :^)

Oh boy, you would sure love GTA 2

>what is Ironman

No, GTA games are boring shit whose only saving grace is running around killing people/blowing shit up, which gets old fast.

GTA is a shit edgy tryhard franchise. Fuck you.

Also once you've taken out one bandit camp you can sold their stuff for enpugh money to pretty much break the game. Buying a high number of Schnapps, getting good armor early on and becoming almost invincible.

I don't know, you tell me.

What I HATE about the game is
>lack of animals in forest
>combat grabs my mouse when I dont want it
>unfinished story

The forests are so fucking good and scary at night, some predatory animals would have made wonders

Also shit like nobody recognizing you in the monastery when you join even tho you been there many times

Small things like this is what makes KCD only Good instead of Great

Wasted potential, lets hope DLCs and patches or the next game will solve these errors

>Why the FUCK should I NOT be allowed to save as many times as I like, as often as I like, wherever I like?
because you are playing Kingdom Come

Download the nexus mod that enabled infinite saving

Yeah, if you could carry all their shit without literally crawling and if the lockpicking wasn't utter shit and you could actually get into their fucking chests.

Seriously, lockpicking is such shit I don't even bother with trying to do it anymore.

I was referring to the fact that in GTA 2 you had to pay 50 000 dollars to save your game.

Why would I want to play a shitty fucking top-down car game? Fuck off with your garbage video games.

How to easily git gud at lockpicking: cheat_no_lockpicking

Lockpicking is easy as shit once you get to skill level 3. I literally have not broken a lockpick since I got the perk for higher durability.

This, I love the game but lockpicking is broken on console, patch when?

Can't get to skill level 3 if you can't ever successfully pick a fucking lock in the first place.


The saving system is really fucking annoying until you get to doing alchemy. You're limited to the mill bed and money is a tad hard to come by because you don't know how to MAKE money.

Things get a lot easier upon understanding the systems

Lockpicking is stupidly easy on PC.

Damn you are dense as fuck

I don't play on PC, I'd have to spend thousands of dollars just to even have a computer that could reliably run this piece of shit game.

Pick very easy locks. I play on ps4 and have had no issues other than my first few locks to get to level 2 and then it was significantly easier.

Use your horse to carry the stuff.
Lockpicking is pretty easy, just look for points to concentrate on, for example if the circle gets yellow at the edge of the outer circle then just always hold your mouse there.
Lockpicking is very boring once you got it.

>I don't play on PC
Sucks for you

Never have or can find lockpicks. I also never have any fucking money for anything.

The absolute state of casual shitters used to modern triple-A self-explanatory game systems and excessive handholding.

Its not bullshit, its design decision to add some gravity to your actions and make it a proper role playing experience, instead of your usual savescumming fest aimed at min-maxers... Can you even fathom a concept where inability to do something properly would actually result in failure?

That being said the game really needs to push out the big bugfix patch, i failed 2 quests due to obvious bugs and performance was not great with $1.2k rig.

The mill bed is not the only bed you can use. The camp outside lower Rattay allows you to save, the South eastern room with the bed inside rattay near where hans is also lets you save, and you can save at the inn for 2 groschen or the bathhouse outside of Rattay.

>its design decision to add some gravity to your actions

I don't care about that, that's fine. What I'm not okay with is having to hoof it for two day and night cycles back to a bandit camp every time a group of bandits fucking kills me.

>hard to make money
What? Just pick herbs and sell them at the beginning.
>only mill bed?
Wrong, you can sleep in the camp outside lower Rattay gates.
>saving is only fine once you learn alchemy
I have about 30 saviour schnapps potions and have crafted them as well. But I have only ever used them twice. There are so many different ways to save the game that i'd much rather go to my bed or go to an inn than use a saviour potion if I don't have to.

Christ, you're just fucking inept. When you are this bad at games you shouldn't even play them.

Shut up faggot.

this desu

The game is fucking easy as shit, I never had to use the savior thing and didn't die even once the entire game. I never did Bernards training either, all you need is a good suit of armor and a good weapon and you're unkillable.

IT'S LE HARDCORE PAY 60 DOLLARS FOR GAME AND NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SAVE. Oh what something came up and you're playing your 60 dollar Eurojank? Well you better prepare to have your progress lost or idle in the game for hours.
>n-n-no ur just casual bitch who wants to save scum
LOL nope they could implement anti save scum system pretty good in actually good games like dark souls.

>Actually good games
>Dark Souls

AHAHAHAHAHAHA, Goddamn it I hate this Sup Forums hivemind that collectively sucks off this Souls trash.

Faggots just cannot cope with this. You're right and I'm on your side but casuals and people new to video games just do not understand. They are so used to hand holding that they do not remember a time when video games used to shit down your throat if you fucked up or weren't good enough. Now they want their little achievements like a child's gold star and a pat on the back for clearing every little objective along with an autosaves so they can do no wrong. It's pathetic.

Definitely need that patch though, I've ran into a lot of bugs that have broken questioned and have spent at least 10 hours during my 60 hours of play finding work arounds.

>muh feelings are hurt because he spoke the truth about how i am a casual shitter

I can cope with the saving, but the game is genuinely a buggy piece of shit. I got stuck in a fucking doorway.


Same here man, still haven't died in combat and I'm 60 hours in.

>predatory animals in 15th century Bohemia

Just sleep dingus, you don't have 2 groschen?


>wolves dont exist

>No predatory animals in 15th century Bohemia

People used to complain about wolves all the fucking time.

Oh! Henry has come to see us!

only an issue in pirated copies.

Wolves and bears were still a thing in Europe at that time.

>Ah time to play a roleplaying game
>but i want to be a god who can never die and who can always say the correct thing and i will be prepared for every single scenario the world will throw at me thanks to my time travel skills

>unfinished story
This one bugs me aswell. The setting for a sequrl with you doing shit with Hans is very interesting actually. But one thing I really like about KCD is how Henry starts out as a wimp that no oke takes seriously and ends as a strong and educated knight who is well respected. I can't imagine that a sequel, which most likely will start in a similiar situation from where KCD ended, having such a character developement.

you fucking retarded faggot

I never said or implied any of that.

>Bandits shouldn't be heavily armored ever so that selling their shit doesn't break the games economy
>Groschen should actually be rare like the game makes it seem it will be at first
>Hunting needs to not be nearly as lucrative either

I like this game but seriously, wtf. The early few hours I thought I'd be truly struggling as an actual illiterate, peasant retard with a heart of gold. But then I shot a deer, cooked it, and been living the high life ever since.

And the free pots that exist for no reason, that isn't stealing for some reason, completely trivialize the need to ever buy or even hunt for your own food. And it would have been balanced good for that.

Im 100% sure you have no idea what or where bohemia is and just parroti g it because "lol muh pol game"

you are so fucking retarded that you dont know that bears, wolves, foxes exist

So what perfectly legitimate reason do you want quicksave timetravel powers for in the 15th century, user?

>And the free pots that exist for no reason

This, its like in Oblivion when bandits are in fluss glass armor, in KCD they are wearing milanese and nurenberg platearmor

Because I work for a living and I don't have all day to do the same shit over in a game.

Why do you want english speakers in csehorszag in the 15th century? Why do you want scars to disappear after sleeping 8 hours? Its a game and not real life you retarded faggot


Thats cool. But have it give like, five nourishment, instead of filling Henry up for half a day before he needs to find the next pot.

>Game limits the amount of saves you can make and penalizes you the more you make

10/10 fucking genius best game ever

>the game should change, not me
Not saying you have to like every single type of game, but if YOU dont have time to play thats literally your perogative

woah wtf where are my goalposts at i swore i left them right here

If you think that saving is unrealistic in a game but healing in 8 hours is not? you are retarded

It saves every time you rest in a bad, you fucking casual piece of shit. The save potions are only meant for emergencies.

If you can't be fucked travelling back to a bed or fast travelling to a town and walking to one then you're a lazy faggot.
KC:D has a myriad of problems but you managed to pick the one thing about it that highlights that you're useless.

He's talking about how you can literally walk into anybody's house or camo or wherever and eat their stew and nobody cares.

If some assholes trespassed into my house and ate my stew I'd be pissed. I love the mechanic though personally.

>unfinished story

I don't understand what the hell they're planning to do with the story.

>let's form a grand coalition to stop Sigismund, yeah! There will be even greater things in the sequel!
>meanwhile Wenceslaus will die in a few years of heart attack and Sigismund will be crowned king of Bohemia for a lack of better options

The whole Wenceslaus-Sigismund conflict is anticlimatic as fuck, they should've ended Henry's story here and let us play as an older Henry or someone else 15 or so years later in the sequel if they plan on telling the entire story of the Hussite Wars.

>it's designed so you don't lose your progress if you have to stop playing.
That's a suspend save, and that's something all games should have even if they're save point based.

>i cannot read please help me

nothing about what i have said in this thread is definding MUH REALISM or anything to this effect

as a mechanic, saving can either be balanced to consider the gameplay or it can just be a function to allow someone to save their progress. In roleplaying games, the latter provides every single player a road to sidestep the entire game. Its literally not complicated in any fashion, see a doctor please sir

>So what perfectly legitimate reason do you want quicksave timetravel powers for in the 15th century, user?

you are so retarded that you dont even know what you said 4 minutes ago

Saving isn't that bad. I see what they were trying to do with it.

But Savior's Schnapps is easy as hell to make. Belladonna is somewhat rare but only really because it doesn't look like a pickable herb.

Look up the instructions if you don't want to wait to learn to read in-game first. Then its a non-issue.

Are you honestly this retarded?
>So what perfectly legitimate reason do you want quicksave timetravel powers for in the 15th century, user?

Is exactly the same sentence as:

>In roleplaying games, the latter provides every single player a road to sidestep the entire game.

For the second time: Please see a doctor sir

r e t a r d e d


You're either a none-native english speaker or incredibly autistic, pick your poison