My Hero Academia game

>My Hero Academia game
>it's yet another cookie cutter arena fighter
Why even bother doing a game with this license if you aren't even going to try and make something interesting out of it? Not to mention it's a genre type that doesn't even fit the property all that well.

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Post Ochako.

because people will buy it cuz it has the MHA name slapped over it, same reason there's a gacha of every semi popular anime.
atleast jojo had some decent games.

Because they expect the IP alone to make the sales. It is really sad since there are a lot of shows out there that could make amazing games with some effort

Because it'll sell regardless, licensed games are the perfect time to do a shitty job and still get sales.

The game is being developed by the same folks who made Gunslinger Stratos, and the level of movement FAR exceeds other Arena fighters. That alone changes the game up significantly from arena fighters like the Ninja Storm franchise.

>Ranked 1 in worst Jump heroine poll

It'll still be shit compared to the king

>literally the worst female in the franchise
>canon ship

fuck this gay earth

>caring about My Shitty Academia when this is happening

looks bland as fuck like something you find on the vita. I wouldn't be surprised if these were the same devs that made freedom wars

>Midoriya has his high school crush
>Eventually gets over it when she decides she'd rather put her hero career ahead of the relationship
>Decides it might be time to look for someone who can handle the incredible power of One For All
>Spots her, in the distance
>Mount Lady, the only one with thick enough bones to withstand his finger game

MHA fans are literal children who would buy anything with their parents' credit card(s).

Dropped that shit after three episodes, did I miss anything besides typical battle shonen garbage?

This looks okays. Reminds me of phantom dust which i liked. Its just Black Clover is really fucking shitty and generic.

A pretty sweet police raid, but with superpowers on both sides of the conflict.

generic game for a generic show

I have no idea why anyone had their hopes up. As the first game to cash in on a particular series, it's going to be fucking shit. You always wait for the inevitable followup if you want a decent game.

Why would I care about some shit Naruto clone?

>MHA game
>not an RPG with wacky character and power creation
Trash, the game is just a cash grab.

Not really, the hero finally loses his powers completely and it's kind of downhill from there

the worst part is that it looks like garbage, like a wii game.

>All these soyboy reading O MY BACK PACK LOLI.
>When you should all be reading pic related and get properly educated.

But why? Does she turn into Hitler after where S2 of the anime ended?

It looks like a ps2 game but it looks like a really good ps2 game.

What are you talking about?

The poll was like in 2016 before S2. It's nothing to do with her development, but probably cos her character is so boring and generic.

>no HxH adobencha game
>but yet another Love Live game
>yet another DBZ fightan
>Nanatsu no Taizai arena
>Yakuza North Star
>Little Witch
>MHA arena
>yet another SAO game
>yet another Naruto fightan
>yet another One Piece game

Fuck this shit


Mina Ashido best girl. This series sucks because it doesn't focus on her.

The series doesn't focus on a lot of the better girls, like Baku's mom

My Nigga

Pretty sure that's a genderbent Baku, which is making everything kind of confusing because I don't know if it's gay or not

Nah, he and his mom just have a serious case of sameface. Except she smiles.

There's two genderbent Baku doujins on sadpanda and s/he looks absurdly like his mom so I'm suspicious now

There's a severe draught of material for her though even outside of the manga

>not going for the low effort cash grab

I would have rather had something like DBZF

A 3D fighter (not full on arena) would be better imo. MHA doesn't have enough for a 2D game but they can bullshit plenty for 3D.

I'm happy LWA got something at least even if it's in limbo right now

Isn't it out in japan on ps4 already?


Yeah but there's no word on a US release other than "it's still coming"

What's the best anime based game out there? Anyone ever play Dragonball Advanced Adventure? Was alright.


>all her doujins went to a screeching halt
>all for the crazy bitch

more like Porkchaco

Post your main

>hot doujin gets ruined by wierd egg or external uterus shit

>the one where she goes full "Krogan cock" on a noumu
Fuck nips, why do they have a boner for Yanderes so bad?

I really couldn't disagree more

the story really hasn't advanced enough nor is it suited to any kind of adventure game, really an arena fighter makes sense what with the many, many tournament/exam arcs


shit taste

if you think it's such a good fetish why don't you go and prolapse yourself then

>implying i'm not trying

Nah, thats genderbent Baku.

Notice how first pic hair is all spiked upwards, where Baku's mom's hair spike down and to the right

Literally the only way to make any shounen anime game good it to just take the universe and its rules and make something original with it.

Could just as easily be her when she's his age.

What else did you expect, an ArcSys fighting game?

'scuse me while I post best oppai slug

It's always good to quit early with shounen garbage since it always gets worse the longer the series goes.

Her character isn't boring and generic there's just been nothing done with it for the majority of the series

how anyone could watch more than 10 minutes of this shit show without their ears bleeding from the shitty VA is a mystery to me

And yet she's constantly pushed as the heroine of the series and MC's love interest

That's probably why people don't like her

I hate how so much of fem Bakugo art is just his normal manface on a woman body, they don’t even try to femanize his looks.

would you rather have a fucking harem for the 55872916483th time?

I'd rather have frog girl be the heroine

Considering his mom has manface, thats not that odd actually

I too would have loved to see the setting used in a JRPG which is totally not a Persona clone I swear

I wouldnt mind having romance the frog option. yes

Is Midnight going to be playable? I don't really plan on buying the game either way but it's important to know if the model will be around for SFM use

>It's nothing to do with her development, but probably cos her character is so boring and generic.
So out of the literal thousands of boring and generic "I'll support you MC-kun" girls in manga, this one just happens to be the straw that broke the camel's back or what

It should have literally have just been Dragon Ball Fighterz except MHA. Who even likes arena fighters?

Excuse me sirs best girl coming through

She's gonna be the rebound after the messy break up between Ochako and Midoriya that happened during the eventual time skip

She's lewd as hell. She fucking orgasms when she finds out that Midoriya remembers her full name.
Tsuyu can't compete with that. She's too pure.and restrained.

Dude, this is a blue board

>cookie cutter arena fighter
o yeah because we are clearly drwoning under that genre compared to your precious QTE cover action pseudo shooters with 75% gameplay being cinematic experiences

It should have just been a normal fighting game. Anime arena fighters are always janky and bad.

>every anime game should be a 2D fighting game for FGC autists
no fuck that

Do you think if you fucked her, would you see your dick disappear? or would your dick be visible as it gos in and out?

There's an image on /aco/ you might want to check out.

It's an extremely poor setting for a traditional fighter. They characters powersets aren't balanced at all for it so it would just be a lazy as fuck cashgrab.

Gang or riot

Do you see her food being slowly digested?
The answer is clear as to what would happen.

I see through your puns user

Because a license will sell even if you don't put money or effort into it.

You're a sharp one, I thought it would remain unseen.

>My Asspull Academia gets all the love
>meanwhile kino like Dr Stone is ignored
Two nukes werent enough

Arena fighters are fun though and the BNHA one looks specially good with the whole walking on walls mechanic

So when is he getting a game?

He deserves a better game than this one.

so is this anime never going to venture off the high school setting is it? nothing but tired old tournament after tournament tropes?
Why do people like this shit?

>Video Game based on Anime based on a Video Game.

And people thought O MY RUBBER NEN was the worst thing in recent era

Because it's good. Also I doubt the high school setting will last long. I haven't read the manga because I'm not a loser, but just judging by how quickly it's moving through the normal shounen archetypal story there will most likely be a shift in the story very soon.

Even shitty musou is fine if i can play as pleiades.

As much as I like MHA, I have no interest in fighting games. I'll pass.

Then you're in luck because it's not a fighting game

What are .hack and Sword Art Online?

You don't post about my waif like that.