Oh. Don't mind me. Just datamining and selling your data and your information but you don't mind since you've been using me for so long Sup Forums
Oh. Don't mind me...
Other urls found in this thread:
Alright dude. Enjoy my gfur and nudes.
>people actually believe the "random memory leaks" that have been happening
why should i care if they sell my data?
Do you actually have proof or is this "I don't like thing thread #494129"?
t. I don't use Discord
I don't use discord feels good.
Hope you're enjoying my ERP sessions, I sure am
Oh. Don't mind me. Just datamining and selling your data and your information but you don't mind since you've been using me for so long
oh no, not my anime porn
Oh. Dont mind me. Just being salty that some people might be using less Sup Forums to see my user baits in favor of a platform I dont like.
Who the fuck isn't selling my data at this point?
>trap joins server
>randomly posts nudes of themselves
The alternative was skype, you don't think they were doing it and more? Retard.
they're not exactly getting any useful information from my discord
If you use the internet, multiple companies already have shadow profiles of you.
Every single fucking thing nowadays spies on your and collects/sells your data. The only way to avoid it is to go completely off the grid. All you can do is control who gets your data.
If you interact with society in any way, multiple companies already have shadow profiles of you.
Pretty much this. You have no privacy anymore.
If you have an internet connection you're being datamined, why do you care?
Just never give out anything that could potentially harm you.
>someone somewhere has to go through my discords ironic fetish porn general
>Someone is going to have to dig through terrabytes of diapered ponies to indian granny porn to find our actual discussions
Go for it nerds lol have fun
I'll give Zuckerberg the links to the beastiality porn I've been watching, I don't give a shit.
Datamine this.
unless you live in the middle of the boonies in north dakota, alaska, or australia, and only use solar power for everything while simultaneously not being connected to any outside media source, then SOMEONE is selling your info RIGHT NOW
>that pic
Now that's a throwback
What app doesn't do this?
I would be amazed if discord doesn't do this since they're the ones providing the servers, everything is archived, and uploading an image gives it a permanent discord url.
you have 10 seconds to explain to me why this affects me negatively.
Fuck off back to your board gentooman
I'm fairly certain they would have to disclose it if they were actually doing something with the info. They could hide it, but there's not much point since no one cares and the consequences would be expensive.
Oh. Don't mind me.
Just shilling in your shitty thread.
can you even ell me what info they are banding about
yeah all theyve learned is that i get cranky in arma.
>inb4 free market
>comes out of nowhere
>is miles ahead compared to the competition
how the fuck
I'm right though. Hell, let's assume for a moment there are no legal repercussions. The PR hit for getting caught would be hundreds of times worse than just making a small announcement and putting it into their User's Agreement. Because, again, the vast majority of people, even online, don't care.
Who cares? Worst thing that happens is I get some ads targeted at me that I'm going to ignore anyways. If you aren't desensitized to the point of not caring when it comes to ads then you're probably a sheeple.
This entire thread is just one big *citation needed
Big investor money to get started. And also people actually do get the premium accounts for the same reason they sub to streamers: those sweet sweet gif emojis. People are really stupid about what they'll pay for.
contracts to sell data signed in advance
I still use teamspeak because my friends use teamspeak. No point in switching
Using shit that values your privacy doesn't do shit. Your ISP still sells all your info anyway and there is nothing you can do about it
>Datamining Discord
>Nintendo now knows I buy Nintendo games
No, this can't be happening! That was supposed to be a secret!
The million dollar question is whether or not they inform the user they are doing so.
Because the FCC was cracking down on this lately, hence all the "This website has cookies, being here equals consent" disclaimers that have popped up lately.
You should read their privacy policy.
>the big corps know I stream the games i play
>easy to use
>takes up less data than skype
>group calls work easily
gee why the fuck do people use it
I have. It says nothing about selling or sharing user info
>this guy
>posts on Sup Forums
>with google captcha
>basically clueless of google scripts being present literally on every other website
>but obviously, discord is the true evil
yeah you're right, i don't mind because i don't put anything in discord that i care about other people knowing, especially since 99% of the time the reason behind the data collection is so they can target ads to me that i block anyway
>he doesn't have GOLD
what are you, poor?
>buying a pass
You got played
Thats funny that you're on Sup Forums and worried about data collection
Wrong thread?
who are you quoting?
>implying GOLD removes google scripts from Sup Forums
>implying it doesn't make tracking your wealthy noble persona known for spending whopping $10 on shitposting
Data We Collect Automatically: When you interact with us through the Services, we receive and store certain information such as an IP address, device ID, and your activities within the Services. We may store such information or such information may be included in databases owned and maintained by affiliates, agents or service providers.
Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, dissolution or similar event, your information may be part of the transferred assets.
Related Companies: We may also share your information with our Related Companies for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy.
>The PR hit for getting caught
Yeah sure mate, that's probably something Volkswagen execs discussed as well when they cheated with the Dieselgate. Every fucking company out there is cheating on things that could potentially lead to a PR disaster and cause them heavy damage if not completely going under. It doesn't prevent them from doing so.
These risks are calculated. Is the risk of leak high? What are the chance for someone to find out? How could we mitigate the damage if someone would know?
At best Discord is using that information just for themselves without selling directly (yet) but still parse it and sit on it for future use. At worse, our data is being sold already (even if anonymized). The amount of metrics they collect interest a lot of Marketing companies.
Thanks man, I figured if I asserted it didn't exist you'd look it up for me
>get locked out your acct for using a VPN with a different IP
>only way to fix is to attach your phone number and get a code
Cunningham's Law strikes again
>be normie
>post personal shit on social media and such
>give likes to the brands i use
>get datamined
>dont give a shit
>be not a normie
>shitpost porn or memes under an alias or in user boards
>get datamined
>outrage about it
also this
Your ISP have you by the balls, no way arround it.
hope they enjoy me and my buds talking about how much we hate each other, gays, poor people, and like to play 100% OJ all the time
Yeah, it's a really useful strategy. There are others that work, too, though. I've started "you should be able to solve this" threads solely to get other people to do my homework for me and it works if the problem is interesting enough
Hi! I'm even WORSE!
like i would be caught dead using an alt-right, russia-funded communications network. kys OP ands discord users
>people caring about their info being sold in 2018
>implying the tos doesn't state they are allowed to do this is in jewspeak
>thinking the company provides the service out of the goodness of their heart
how do you think discord makes it's money.
if their choices are
>provide service and just make money off ads
>provide service and make twice as much money from selling ads and selling data
which do you think they're going to choose
Now this one is pure Sup Forums paranoia. Give me a break, user
>doesn't have a vpn
ok, friend.
>Your ISP have you by the balls, no way arround it.
Sure, like using a VPN is something only the elite can do.
sorry I have been in a rock on these last months, but what the fuck is discord and why everyone on twitch seens to be using it?
They wouldn't benefit from selling my data or anyone elses. They DO benefit from archiving it in case pedos start using it. They also make bank from Nitro users (enough to get people to invest).
If you're fine with other people using your personal data for free, do you mind giving some to us?
>first name
>last name
>location history
>installed apps
>access to your phones camera
>access to your phones webcam
>whatever files are stored on your phone (including the camera roll)
I mean you're already giving all this to Discord anyway so it's not that big of a deal
no, but umatrix and ublock do
Discord has been around for years as the replacement for Skype, Steam Chat, Origin Chat, Teamspeak, Vent, etc. Nothing else comes close. They don't sell your data unless otherwise proven... waiting on that.
It's basically a supercharged IRC client marketed for gaming
Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Skype for normies.
>Nintendo probably
>Activision Blizzard
>Your Internet/phone service provider
>Sup Forums
If you play video games you don't care about your privacy.
>HTML5 can bypass a VPN and geolocation and still find you
>packets still go through your ISP with encription from the late 90's
Linus plz, stop the tunnelbear shilling.
lmfao. You think Discord has all of that. LELEKEK total autism
>implying I put shit like that on my phone
>implying some marketer is interested in my dick pics
>or how infrequently i'm sending them
>implying my isp does not have all this information anyway
>implying a vpn would solve the issue
>implying implications
Lower latency and more features with higher quality = for normies
I still don't give a shit even if it gets leaked
what are they gonna do to your paranoid ass, order you a pizza?
If this were true I would've been arrested already considering the shit that I've been talking there.
You do realize that your anime porn is illegal in most of the civilized world?
Why do you even keep doing these threads.
Nothing is ever discussed.
>>HTML5 can bypass a VPN and geolocation and still find you
What does that even mean? My router connects to the VPN directly.
Literally every company ever sell your information. And we don`t mind. Its the brave new world and we embrace it. Deal with it
Like I give a fuck. The worst information they could get from me is my fapping preferences or copies of all the face sitting posts I've made to blackmail me with, and if that's the case I'll just live with the embarrassment.
they're robots that are only trying to deliver amazon ads to you, dumb pachaposting reddit retard
no getting played would be spending 500 hours of my life describing signs for google
>implying your isp does not know where you are connecting to
>implying your vpn can't have it's outputs traced
>implying your browsing habits wouldn't rat you out
Oh man we have this Texan user connecting to a VPN in Russia. Better check to see which outputs lead back to any Texan based websites/relays. Oop, sniffed in 2 minutes flat.
entering this thread late to identify this as the dumbest post in this thread
if big companies were stealing our information for money they would tell us guys. really.
>Liking OJ
>Hating gays
Nice try faggot
Seriously, how does telemetry and data mining affect me? The service is good, nothing is free, if giving my info in order to have better adds made for my tastes is something bad, I don't see it.
Reminder that the only people who shitpost about discord or "discord drama" are friendless incels who don't have a discord server for their own personal friend group. And no, antiquated garbage like Vent and TS where you have to pay for slots is not an acceptable alternative.
Venture capital, running on an existing software framework.
discord is fucking cancer, i wont use it, ever
because i get extremely anxious in chatrooms
but most discord communities are too in circle or outright degenerates anyways
>having friends
>even one
fucking normalfags i swear