Last thread shoah'd; too much fighting
Keep it civil.
Last thread shoah'd; too much fighting
Keep it civil.
Other urls found in this thread:
PSA - regardless of your politics, if you love vidya unite NOW against the inevitable flood of offsite shills.
Politics are not videogames.
Political activists are subhumans who deserve nothing but a bullet in the head.
Mods did good by removing this spam thread.
And no, Trump won't tell shit to videogame developers, no politician has any influence over an industry like this.
>two last threads 404'd
>I know, I'll make another one
Everyone Trump meets with manipulates him into agreeing with them, so there's nothing to worry about.
>"Maybe I'll keep making retarded Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums!"
So, real question about what you guys think:
Do video games do more to either prevent or promote violence?
It won't amount to shit.
Hell, they couldn't even name anyone other than ESA reps, IE the same type of people who went to Hawaii and failed miserably to defend themselves. It'll end up being nothing but a press story for the administration to throw out in hopes of distracting people from more news of their scandals.
yeah, but then the lobbyists show up afterwards to clean up shop
that or they get fox and friends to talk about it the next morning from the 'correct' perspective
see recent talk about guns
>Trump goes around the table & asks the CEO's what their company makes
>Bobby Kotick: Well Blizzard makes Diablo, a game about the devil, i make Call of Duty, very popular shooting up among teenagers
>Trump: All right that's enough, vidya is banned
video games prevent violence.
TV creates violence. CNN especially.
For the most part, they don't do either.
No point in making a fuss right now until we see what happens. If negative shit does go down them we should take it to Sup Forums so we can shit up their board instead of them shitting up here for a change.
They have no influence.
If someone decides to shoot people up because of media, they were fucked in the head in the first place.
"Shitting up" Sup Forums is like shitting up Sup Forums. It's already as bad as it can get, there's no way you could do any worse then the regular users.
they don't really promote violence. but they seem to lower social skills.
They are right about guns. Guns are not the problem.
I've watched a few of Trump's meets with other advocacy groups. I think they generally are fairly productive in discussion and most of the people he invites know what they're doing.
I'm hoping that this meeting can be productive. I'm not for censorship, but the article does raise valid points as to how effective ESRB really is at their job of informing parents what is in the game. I'm not convinced it'll lead to a reduction in violence, but in the absence of parents doing their fucking job and not plopping kids in front of an iPad or computer, I'm hoping that whatever legislative or administrative policies come out of this lead to people taking an increased responsibility in the type of content their kid is exposed to.
In reality, the only people this will affect are high schoolers and parents of young children.
So like 50% of Sup Forums.
We are all pol here.
>Keep it civil.
Fuck off.
wew lad
and just like Sup Forums, it was never good despite what all the retards on that board say
It would still piss off the boomers, which is a plus. And /ptg/ could do with a good scrubdown.
I agree with this guy. Lower social skills among kids that play video games is a pretty big issue that most people seem to gloss over, because either they don't see it as a problem ("That's just how I am!"), or because they don't want to admit it's a problem.
If you're raising a kid, it's imperative to have the kid go and interact with other kids of his or her age. That's like 50% of the reason why public schooling exists. Even online chat/voice chat doesn't really compare - the focus of chatting during a game is to talk about the game or communicate with a team rather than engage in meaningful communication. The lack of seeing each other's face is pretty big too, as it doesn't help the child develop good social intelligence.
Games designed for children shouldn't aim for purely educational stuff. A bigger focus should be made on face-to-face or other forms of social interaction. How to prevent pedos and the like from getting into a game like that, well, that's a big hurdle to overcome for the devs.
The mods will break before autism of the userbase.
I guess it's up to Mueller not just to save the country but video games too.
>no politician has any influence over an industry like this
meanwhile Rhode Island is introducing legislature that will place a tax on video games
>muh xx-D chess
>god emperor
>praise kek
8gag truly is an echo chamber stuck in the past. Sup Forums may be shit but atleast their supply of memes is in steady supply and they're not talking like it's still 2016
>Sup Forums may be shit but atleast their supply of memes is in steady supply and they're not talking like it's still 2016
Sup Forums still uses those terms though.
> reddit meme
The only one I still see them often is the chess one.
I really wasn't expecting thoughtful responses; thank you guys.
Personally, I think there's a hint of truth to both sides, as there are as many reactions to video games as there are people and some people are, undoubtedly, more susceptible to suggestion than others. I think what I'm seeing are people trying to apply their local situation across the nation/planet at large...I'm no expert, but different strokes for different folks is still a real thing...right?
I guess amerifat games are going even further down the drain.
Looks like I'll have to keep buying japanese.
you read that damn quick
You can read that entire image in less than 30 seconds if you're not a retard.
no kidding
>still 2016
>muh current year
was getting exposed part of your plan
Let's hope he told them to stop putting stronk independent afro negress they are not good character.
Got some thoughtful responses earlier...I would enjoy reading more.
>pic related
Some of the kids I work with were ecstatic when I mentioned Undertale and immediately started talking the game's philosophy. They take both sides of the kill or be killed mentality, some think Asgore was too soft, some say Undyne in neutral is like a Trump who got dunked on and wants revenge, wondering how long they'd be able to remain a pacifist, their breaking point, stuff like that. They're hungry for real-world connections through their video game experience and, to be honest, the fact that they are critically thinking about life AS A RESULT of their gaming is beautiful, in my opinion.
So, again, real question about what you guys think:
Do video games do more to either prevent or promote violence?
I think a lot of it is going to come down to good parenting still. You just leave your kids to the electronic babysitter and ignore them then they're gonna get fucked up. You need to actually parent them, take an interest in the things they are interested in. Teach them how to deal with other people as well, both nice and mean. The school shootings are always lashing out from emotional pain. We need to teach kids how to deal with emotions, and at the same time, we need to listen to kids' concerns.